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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. This. I recently heard an interview with Claire Dederer, author of Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma, a book about how fans respond to news that their idol has done something terrible. She suggests that there is a new kind of "fandom" today, involving an intense identification between the person who loves the work and the artist themselves. I wonder if something similar can happen with software and online services. Evernote is not unique in this respect--I've seen it elsewhere too. People get very involved with a service, and then when something significant changes in what seems a negative way, they kind of melt down, and in public. Sigh. Which may be perceived as trying to silence criticism of Evernote. Not a bit. Express yourself fully. But, in a friendly way, might one suggest asking why people become so heated over these things?
  2. Welcome to the forums. What type of subscription do you have, and (if you don't mind saying) in what currency do you pay? The new pricing seems to be trying to take account of differences among currencies, but that sounds very extreme.
  3. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Could you please say a little more? We're other users here, and the more detail you can give, the more ideas we might have for what's going on. Is that, when you are looking at a list of notes, you can see the titles and a bit of content for each note, but when you tap a note nothing happens? Have you tried force-closing the app and/or restarting the phone? Sometimes logging out of Evernote and logging back in can also clear up an issue like this.
  4. I just got it this evening. I tested by having a note open in my phone and the same one open in the Web client. Typing on one device I saw the words appear on the other almost simultaneously. Granted, I'm in an area with excellent connectivity. The tale in more remote areas remains to be told. And no, this is not something I'm likely to do very often at all. (I work alone. I don't even share household notes with my wife, who is not on Evernote.) But wow, it was fun to see, and to know that if for some reason I need to, I can.
  5. Please take a look around at the "give us back our sync button" threads, esp. the most recent posts. The app is always syncing, and has been since v. 10 came out; and in the desktop apps Ctrl/Cmd + R will force a refresh of the app. It has not always synced perfectly, but a brand-new sync model is being rolled out. I just got it this evening. I had a note open in my phone and the same one open in the Web client. Typing on one device I saw the words appear on the other almost simultaneously. Granted, I'm in an area with excellent connectivity. The tale in more remote areas remains to be told. But you will know something's being synced when you see this.
  6. Honestly (I think I said this a few dozen messages back), maybe Evernote should just put a button in the interface. It wouldn't have to do anything. It would just have to look like it had been clicked. People who feel a need for extra certainty that a sync has happened would have something to click (while the sync has already happened). Belt, suspenders, rope, duct tape....
  7. This may be too obvious, so apologies if you've looked into it already, but how are you starting the programs? From a desktop shortcut, the Start menu, a toolbar icon, etc.? I wonder if somehow a registry entry has got a duplication, starting both programs.
  8. I haven't seen this specifically, but I did have a note that I edited in the Windows desktop program, and the edit wouldn't sync elsewhere. I force-quit the program (File > Quit) with no success, and finally I had to locate a "stuck" EN process in Task Manager and stop it. So, bottom line, restart the program, then the machine till something works. I know it's unlikely, but I've been suspicious that the rollout of the new sync system is somehow straining resources at HQ for those of us who don't yet have it. But of course mine was a local issue, so not that. Edit: @s2sailor's suggestion below may be best, but you could try a simple logout/login, quit/restart of Evernote, and computer reboot first, as being quicker.
  9. @gsmith58v3, a post that is reasonable, balanced, and level-headed in these forums. Appreciated! BTW, what planet are you from? I may need to go there some day soon.
  10. WRT sort orders, that's correct, if you mean that they can't be saved per notebook rather than applying globally. The font limitations, I believe, derive from wanting the notes to appear uniform across multiple platforms. This has seriously annoyed people who liked to use special fonts in Windows and Mac, and improved things for people who go back and forth between, say, Windows and Android.
  11. Welcome to the forums. We're other users here, not Evernote staff (though occasionally someone will pop in), so we can't give a definitive answer. But my understanding is that yes, you've paid for your year, and the new price will take effect at your renewal date. You can confirm this with Evernote support to be sure: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  12. No new features since the last price increase in 2016? Please read some of the preceding discussion.
  13. But it has been rectified, and features have been added that were never available in the old version (Home page, Tasks, calendar integration...), along with a unified interface across platforms (which only matters if you use multiple platforms; for people who are Mac only or Windows only, Evernote may not make sense). BenSpoo has indeed done nothing to justify an increase; but my point was that Evernote had done so, and rather foolishly (if generously) failed to make the increase; and now it's all come at once. And there we simply disagree. I do find EN to be worth the price as it was last year; whether it will be so at my next subscription renewal I wait to see.
  14. That does make sense. I didn't mean to be criticizing your procedure--I was actually thinking of my own case; sorry for poor wording. There's a feedback link under your account info in the top left of the Evernote screen; you can make your case there, but in my experience they don't actually respond to those, though they may take them into account. Also, go Badgers!
  15. Welcome to the forums. Problems like this have been reported quite a bit lately. If you search the forums for things like "image not loading" you'll find some threads. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if there are solutions. Support is your best route--a single ticket rather than multiple ones keeps from confusing them; and what @PinkElephant said.
  16. There are accessibility issues about that white icon, and I agree it should be changed. There's been a "phase" in UI design in recent years in which contrast between text/image and background was deprecated. I haven't seen it everywhere, but enough places to know that someone somewhere is teaching it as the cool thing to do. Sooner or later, reality will set in, and the notion of being able to see what's on the screen will become popular again. It seems small, and I personally practically never use that icon; but if it's there, it ought to be visible to people of all visual acuities. Also some people just can't stand change. Fortunately, we never see them around here.
  17. So maybe with the new, smoother and more reliable sync architecture completed, rolling out, and then perhaps remaining glitches tided up, it might make sense to revisit the deletion of imported files. I still see it in Windows desktop app v. 10.55.2: Settings > Import folders > ... menu to the right of a notebook in the list.
  18. Also, it is a long-standing "feature" (or bug) that you must type some text into a note or its title (even if you then undo the typing) in order for it to be saved as a template.
  19. Can't say that I agree with this. Horses for courses, as they say in the UK. I don't need to sort on reminders, and if I did, then Tasks might be a better idea. But there are reasons for using them, and Evernote's reminder system is reasonably robust and functional apart from sorting.
  20. Thanks, @agsteele. I especially appreciate the clarification about how this is happening. It is not per application (via app update), it seems, but per account. When my account gets provisioned with the new sync system, I'll see it in the same app versions I have already.
  21. Neither you nor any of us, nor any small group of us, gets to say what should happen. (At any rate, that's how I think it should be.) As @gazumped points out, the behavior that you prefer may be common, but it is not universal or standard. If you'd read through the thread, you'd see a variety of options and responses. None of which are satisfactory, of course, to the my-way-or-the-highway point of view. But you probably spent more time typing that post than you would spend in a month of extra clicks to open Evernote.
  22. Glad it's fixed. A good lesson about the potential drawbacks of having multiple sign-in possibilities.
  23. Speaking just to the claim of raising prices without having done anything, again, according to Federico's post, the last price increase was in 2016. Surely there have been improvements and features added since then! Evernote should have made incremental increases as features were added--I'm sure no one here would have complained about that. Instead Bending Spoons did the whole price rise at once, and that was a mistake, but not a gouge, IMHO, given the changes since 2016. Yes, last year when new subscription types were introduced, the pricing structure changed. If the competition is between putting important features in higher price tiers and handing the good stuff out cheap, which approach is likely to lead to financial stability? Where I agree is that BenSpoo failed miserably in communicating what they were going to do about prices. Federico's post could have been made as soon as they took effective control. If that had been done, I think far fewer people would have felt that they were being cheated, gouged, imposed upon, and insulted--whether rightly or wrongly. It does seem that some people just want the 2015 programs at the 2015 price. (I don't mean you, @why?.) That is understandable in terms of human behavior, but not really reasonable as things work today.
  24. First of all, it would be a good idea to obscure your email address--these are pretty public forums, and such things can be stolen. Here's what I see when I want to go to my Profile: So same thing, except for the text-entry box instead of the Google link. It's weird (perhaps related to a .edu email??), and you may need to contact Evernote support for a solution: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
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