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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Can you say more about this (whether here or in the Android forum)? I'll admit I don't use it much (I still miss the quick note from the notification panel), but it does function for me.
  2. Yes, I guess if you run AI cleanup on several notes at the end of a day of meetings, at that point you just want to go home and not review them all. Do that over the course of a week, and you do get a pile of unnecessary notes if it's duplicating them. And if it's just overwriting, you get a pile of what a beta robot thinks you ought to have written, and only Note History (if you're paying) to find out what you actually wrote. Honestly, I'm not sure I see either one of those as a great option.
  3. Thank you. From my perspective, a 1 KB link file on a 450 GB SSD drive is not a problem, nor is one entry in an 8-entry Send To list. But everyone perceives these things differently.
  4. Wow. Not surprising, but wow. My guess is the "fix" there would be a factory reset. 😝 Evernote support is currently swamped (maybe under the swamp) due to issues with the new sync structure, so it's possible they'll eventually get back to you.
  5. I'm not sure if it's possible to do AI cleanup in bulk at this point, so in doing one note at a time it seems reasonable to want to compare the output with the input, esp. while it's still in beta. Undo <> Redo a half dozen times sounds like more hassle than an extra note. IAC, either the original or the cleaned up version will get deleted quickly. No way I'm going to click the button and think, "There, that's that, what could go wrong?" But that's just how I work, and I realize that there are lots of different approaches.
  6. That looks like a desktop app version no. Current Android is v. 10.51, and I think the problem is only happening in mobile apps.
  7. Since you've already gone as far as reinstalling the app, and others are not reporting this here, it may well be a Samsung issue (no matter what Samsung support is saying). Can you share files to other apps? You said this just started recently--was there a system update? (I remember one not long ago myself.) If possible, you might see if you can get it elevated to a higher level at Samsung support, and maybe try the Samsung support forums.
  8. Please note that you've added this to a year-old thread that is about a problem in the Web client supposedly caused by an update to it back then. Lots has changed, and changed very recently; and you're experiencing the issue in the desktop app. Please take a look at this thread where others (including me) are reporting this about the Windows app, which should make for a more coherent discussion:
  9. Maybe I'm getting too obsessed with this, but @fengkan can you say why this is a problem? It's uncommon, I'm sure, but Evernote can serve some uncommon purposes.
  10. As long as you're convinced you are not getting 17.35DKK ($2.50) per week of value from Evernote.
  11. In any case, now that you're here, can you say some more about the issue, in case someone might have a suggestion? For instance, on what kind of device is this happening (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android? Web client?) How are you attaching the PDFs: drag and drop, or through a menu? Etc.
  12. I've been trying to figure out where the conversation that the above post started got off the rails. What I'm seeing is an initial post offering a viewpoint from someone with relatively few forum posts that got a response, and then more, from someone, and then from others, who have been around here for years, have seen and often reported real problems, have also seen some false alarms, and definitely have their own points of view. My analysis: Whether a client is or is not "worthy of its name" is going to be a matter of opinion. You offered yours, @gazumped offered his, and you disagreed vigorously. But it's still a matter of differing judgments (except for exactly how many version numbers behind the Windows app the Linux beta is, which no one has stated). You referenced hacks and data breaches as if everyone knows or should know about these. To support this, you later offered a thread from 2 1/2 years ago that has continued almost to this day with reports (generally from people who haven't read through the thread) of hacks that turn out to be caused by poor user security. The 2nd post in that thread admits "I created a lame password due to which my account got hacked starting in August 2020." There's no evidence in any of this that Evernote had done anything wrong that you had to "swallow." The Android app issues in early 2021 were real, judging from this thread, though apparently not universal. I was still on the old Android app at that time, so I can't comment further. The massive rate hike does not seem to you to be justified by Evernote's quality and its development priorities, which don't match what you need. It looks to me as if everything here but the Android issues are basically matters of opinion and preference. About the price increases, my own opinion (I don't think I'm completely alone) is that Evernote kept prices unrealistically low for several years, so that what should have been an incremental increase became -- dare I say it? -- an excremental one. The fact that someone disagrees with someone else's opinion, and asks for facts to back up statements, is not rude or aggressive, in my opinion. Saying "just Google it" when there's nothing there for Google to find (meaning a widespread data breach caused by Evernote's negligence) is mere deflection. So can we all just agree to have our opinions (including our opinions about each other) without getting our noses out of joint?
  13. Ouch! It does seem to be something that happens on Evernote's servers after notes have been taken in a widget and then synced. Would be best to add to support, so they can add it to the list of reports they've gotten over the last month or more. You should see what happens to notes in Arabic (and Greek and Hebrew).
  14. Hello, and welcome to the forums. Issues like this have been reported multiple times, mainly in non-Roman-alphabet scripts (Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese...). In what language or alphabet are you writing? Does your keyboard convert "straight" apostrophes to "smart" (curved) ones? Someone else reported curved apostrophes, which are represented by an ASCII code outside the basic set, being converted to code strings (which is what you're seeing).
  15. I think I'm seeing it with practically every note that I open. Hope they get it figured out and fixed. I believe (I'm not sure) that the cursor is not placed at the very end of the note necessarily, but on the last screen of a note that requires scrolling through several screens. It's really odd. And it seems to be limited to the mobile apps, and not happening in the Web client or desktop apps.
  16. Yes, this is what's happening. The conversion has to be done somehow, sometime. I don't know what options Evernote considered; I suppose they could have installed a separate process on every user's computer to run this conversion in the background, but that might eat up resources for people with large numbers of notes, or might be considered a security risk. Of course, in the Web client or on a mobile device with little or no local storage of notes, I presume the conversion is done on the server and then synced and displayed. (That might explain why several times today a note didn't open in the Web client at all, until I clicked away and clicked back.) I feel like the delay seems to be somewhere in the range of 5-10 seconds (I haven't actually been timing it), usually on the lower end of that range. I notice it, but I don't find it obnoxious. But we all have our different perceptions. Perhaps (I offer this in good humor) while one waits one might say a quiet affirmation, such as "The world is fine, and everything is developing as it should." Say that once or twice and the note should be open, and your tensions should have dissipated. Or say, "*** **** it, when will this ****ing piece of **** ever open?" Whichever one gets you through the 10 seconds better; they take about the same time. As a scientific experiment, try both ways, and take your blood pressure each time. 😃😄
  17. Thanks for posting this in the Windows-specific forum. As I mentioned in responding to your earlier post in another forum, I actually like this. I'm sure it's not common, but for attaching files to Evernote it's ideal. Obviously if you don't want to attach files in this manner, you won't find it useful. But I'm curious why simply having the option available is a problem. I only have 9 items in my Sendto folder, and the Evernote link there only takes up about 1,200 bytes. I'm not sure I see what the problem is, but perhaps if Evernote were getting in the way of Sendto items I used more often, I might find it bothersome. FYI, these are user-to-user forums; Evernote staff may look in, but this is not a reliable way of addressing them. To do that, you can open a support ticket at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  18. Welcome to the forums. Are you just wanting to share what you have gathered into this notebook with other people, or do you want others to be able to edit the notes in the notebook? I'm not sure that an entire notebook can be shared with editing privileges. But if you just want people to be able to read what you've got, it is possible (I haven't tried it myself) to export an entire notebook as HTML. Go to Evernote Help & Learning and search for "export notebook."
  19. Welcome to the forums. The thread (one of the threads?) from 2020 continued into August of 2022: I have no independent knowledge, but what I read is that Evernote only uses the operating systems' spellcheck facilities. Another thread from last year:
  20. Welcome to the forums. I sympathize. You might be able work within the limitations of a free account if you mainly use it for lists.
  21. In a thread reporting this in the Android forum, an Evernote staffer says they're working on it:
  22. This is now happening apparently on every note I open in the Android app. It is a nuisance, especially on a very long note (not too many for me, but some). I'm opening a support ticket.
  23. I've seen the button come and go too. Not at all interested in trying it, so if I could just send you my button I would.
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