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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Indeed it has changed--it's now what it used to be, a button for switching versions. Hard to see why they changed it, or changed it back. Appreciate your reporting on the tab issue--using Tab to indent the first line of a paragraph is definitely old school (the same school I learned in), and may be on the way out. But it'd be useful to have it available.
  2. Definitely do contact support. I have suspected that this aggravating problem is more complicated than just non-breaking spaces. Please also take a look at the ongoing thread I linked to above (https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/120419-incomprehensible-note-locks/) and report there if it seems to be the same issue.
  3. Hi, and welcome to Evernote and to the forums. I'm on Windows rather than Mac. To the best of my knowledge, entire notebooks cannot be printed. It is possible to print/save multiple notes to PDF in Windows, as you've seen; I don't know why this doesn't work in Mac--I assume something about how Mac apps create PDFs. I do find that I can export an entire notebook to various HTML formats. I get the dialog below when right-clicking a notebook in the list of notebooks and selecting Export Notes; on a Mac I assume it will be different. If I export to multiple HTML files, each note becomes a separate file; if I export to a single HTML file, the individual notes are separated by dividers; in the options it's possible to have each note's title and other info appear. It would then be another step to convert the HTML to PDF--assuming the HTML export is possible on a Mac in the first place. Hope this is some small help!
  4. Dude, your trunk is probably faster than my fingers these days. Just saw it first, most likely.
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forums. We're other users here, mostly, and you may get better help (since you have a Plus subscription) by clicking that button and contacting support. But let me ask, how large are the backups? I know zip about Ubiquiti Unifi, so what follows may be rubbish. But possibly a note with several very large attachments might run into network and/or note size problems. The limit on Plus accounts is 50MB/note; that help page also recommends a 64-bit system in Windows to upload large attachments.
  6. Thanks. Just curious, because the Windows app is currently at 6.25, and I couldn't see how a beta could be 6.19.
  7. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I'm just curious about how you would use the Chrome bookmarks in Evernote--would they be one bookmark per note, with the notes organized in notebooks corresponding to their organization in Chrome, or all in one notebook and tagged for structure? Would each note just consist of the site name followed by the link, e.g.: Evernote forums https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/? Or would it have a static clip of the site in the note? I'm struggling to see the usefulness of this, so I'd be interested to hear of your plan. FWIW, I've got a decades-long collection of bookmarks in Opera myself.
  8. This is a two-year-old post, and Evernote for Windows has gone through a number of updates since then. I presume "bump" means that the same thing is still happening, namely, you type ---- and press enter, but a horizontal line is not inserted. The GIF, if I'm seeing it right, actually shows clicking the icon in the toolbar rather than typing --- [Enter]. But either way does work correctly for me, and I'm guessing for most other users (since no one else has reported it here). If this has been happening consistently for 2 years, have you taken advantage of the Premium subscription and contacted support? What version of Evernote for Windows are you currently running?
  9. Which platform are you using: Web client in a browser, Mac, Windows, etc.? If you're using the Web client (which would be at about beta 6.19), then I believe spell-check functions are handled by the browser.
  10. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I'm not sure if this will help, but in the Evernote Web client you can click on the gray bar at the top of a PDF attachment and then on the 3-dots ... menu to get some viewing options.
  11. Hi, and welcome to the forums. The fact that a new installation downloaded old versions of notes sounds like a problem beyond what your fellow-users here can resolve. Since you have a Premium subscription, this would definitely be a time to contact Evernote support.
  12. Hi, and welcome to the forums. They are basically user-to-user, not a reliable way of addressing Evernote developers directly. Assuming you're in a Windows environment, scroll to the bottom of the page that @gazumped linked to for such info as there is.
  13. Hi, and welcome to the forums. You've somehow gotten into the older version of the Web client. Click on your initial at the bottom left and select "Switch to the new Evernote Web." That should get things back to the way they were.
  14. Hi, and welcome to the forums. They are arranged according to general topics and platform/OS. We're in the Web client issues forum here, and you may get more useful results reporting in the iOS forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/216-evernote-for-ios-issues/. Best of luck!
  15. An interesting and thrifty approach! My understanding is that each note is identified in Evernote's system by a unique number, rather than by its title or content. So changing the latter doesn't make it a different note as far as Evernote is concerned.
  16. Hi, @Melisse McF, and welcome to the forums. Thank you for researching this so diligently. For me, the problem occurs with notes I've just scrolled to; searching doesn't seem to be part of the problem. WRT whether it's the same problem, the issue under discussion here has symptoms that include the "note was created in another app" message, as well as a notification that says, "Note upload failed," and a red triangle in the corner on the unsynced note(s) in the note list. Are you seeing those as well?
  17. Please be aware that these are basically user-to-user forums, and don't work as a way to address Evernote directly. Premium users can do that through support. In any case, there are forums specifically for feedback and feature requests--including distinct forums for the Windows and Mac desktop programs.
  18. Possibly it is meant to alert users that there are multiple versions/copies of a note so they don't accidentally edit or delete the wrong one. If so, it's probably meant to be there.
  19. Hi, @bearghal, and welcome to the forums. Please search for this topic--it's been requested for awhile. The most useful thing (however useful it is actually) might be to find it and vote it up (arrow at the top of the page).
  20. I can confirm this, using v. 6.18.0 in Opera. This version seems to have a number of bugs in it.
  21. Hi, and welcome to the forums. These are user-to-user spaces primarily; Evernote staff may look in, but you're not addressing the Evernote team directly. That said, I find that I am able to right-click on an image in a note, select Copy image, and then in another note paste the image successfully using either right-click or Ctrl+V. The right-click menu is controlled by my browser, not Evernote. So perhaps it is a browser issue. What browser are you using?
  22. Just WRT this item, in the Web client Evernote relies on the browser's print functions. An icon would be nice, but Print can be accessed with an extra click through the 3-dots (...) icon at top right.
  23. Please start a new thread in the proper forum, rather than adding on an irrelevant question to an existing thread in the Web forum.
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