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Spaced repetition with Evernote ?

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Hye all community members


I have a little question about an Evernote use i'd want to try ! I'd like to use Evernote for "spaced repetition". Anki has no use for me since i have big lessons to learn (more than 10 pages) so the card format doesn't work. But i'd like to be reminded to learn the lesson when the time has come ? I'll put just note with the lesson name and timers into it...


I'd like to put timer to it so that it can fit the Wozniack algorithm . Do you think this idea is possible and if yes how can i do it ?


Have a nice day

Best regards !!!

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  • Level 5*

I'm not sure if Evernote will do what you need.  It does offer Reminders, which may be set to a future date/time, but it does NOT offer reoccurring reminder alerts, like "every week", "every month", etc.  After the first Reminder alert, you would have to manually reset the Reminder date/time for the next occurrence.


For more info, do a google on "Evernote reminders"

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Wow! I don't see Evernote being as effective as the software specially developed for Spaced Repetition, SuperMemo


FWIW, the "Best-in-class" study app, StudyBlue, links to Evernote:


"Notes that you take and store in Evernote are automatically imported into StudyBlue and easily made into flashcards.

It's the fastest way to go from taking notes in class to studying flashcards in bed."


Sorry, I haven't done any digging there, so I'm not sure if StudyBlue can help with Spaced Repetition. It may be worth a peek. Excuse the obsolete pun

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Thanks you JMichael. In fact i'd like to set a reference timer for all notes. For example remind me after 5h, then 1day, then 4 days, then 2weeks. I know that it seems very complicated with evernote reminders : i can only use one single reminder per note. But i don't know what to use instead :'(

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SvenSND and Frank -- thank you for teaching me something new today.  I had never heard of "Spaced Repetition".

Sounds interesting.  Have you guys used this approach?  Does it work well?


The SuperMemo link I gave comes from the post SvenSND referenced above  :P


It's new to me too... I've heard some of the buzz about it.


This is my reasoning: although tempting to pursue, I don't currently have a use case for any such learning technique... simply because there's nothing I need to memorize and reproduce. I find that WorkFlowy and Evernote kind of do the trick for me.  ;)


The ironic thing is that I'm trying to do the opposite: empty my brain. 

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Hello, sorry i didn't see your answer. In fact i don't want the flashcard, my lessons are too hard to put into flashcards :'( (and they take too much time to do it, time that i'd rather spend learning or doind something else :P )

In fact i just want timer for actions according to the wozniak alogithm, so i thought evernote could do it via reminders.

In fact, i just want to use spaced repetition as just recurring learning but i want some software to do the planification between my lessons :P


I don't know if i'm really clear (sorry again for my bad english) :huh:

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The following workflow I came up with just might do the trick... or else stimulate something along similar lines:


  • Set up a system of time interval tags in Evernote that reflect the intervals you want to adhere to
    • For example, the "Pimsleur's graduated-interval recall" advocates learning intervals of 5 seconds, 25 seconds, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 5 hours, 1 day, 5 days, 25 days, 4 months, and 2 years - specifically for language learning.
    • Set up a tag for whatever intervals seem practical to you
      • ​a.1h
      • b.5h
      • c.1d
      • d.5d
      • e.25d
      • etc.
  • Once you've tagged a set of notes with, say, a.1h, create a TOC (Table of Contents) note which gives you a list of links to those notes... and set a reminder specifically for that TOC note reflecting the next due revision date. 
  • When you get your Reminder notification, revise the notes linked to in the TOC note and then re-tag that set of notes with the next tag in line - b.5h
  • Reset the Reminder time for the TOC note. Presumably you'll always revise the same set of notes at the same time and/ or date. 


The idea behind the tagging system is that a Reminder does not keep track of how long ago you set it. The current tag tells you where you are in the learning process with any note. Also, by looking at your list of tags, you can see how many notes you have at each interval. EDIT: Another possibility could be to also include a checkbox list of your Spaced Repetition intervals in the TOC note (which is a master note) to mark the progress for that particular set of notes.


Another thing you might want to do is add a checkbox to each item in the TOC note and check them off as you go through each note 


Depending, you might want to tag just the TOC note... but I would prefer to filter for the actual notes themselves so that the TOC can be altered/ recreated if necessary


Keep your time interval tags in a nested hierarchy that you can expand/ collapse 


In the Reminders list you can filter your reminders by date to better schedule blocks of time for your up-and-coming spaced repetition revisions. 


I can see it in my mind's eye. Hope it makes sense!


EDIT: I'm still wracking my brains on this one challenge: You might have, say, 10 notes tagged with d.5d... and maybe only half of those relate to a TOC note with a specific reminder date. The other half could be linked to in a separate TOC note with a different reminder date. There could be multiple TOC notes, each with their own reminder dates, linking to notes with the same time interval tag. Not sure how to get around that one just yet... Maybe filter by 2 tags: start date + current time interval?

Edited by Frank.dg
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Thank you very much for your brainstorming Frank !!!

The problem is : each lesson will start from a different date, so i'll have different "revision date" for different notes having the same interval. I'd like to have an automated system, but i could also have a checklist system, with different checkboxes for the number of revision made, but it seems hard to maintain up to date ?! The tagging system wont work if i'm right because each lesson will have a different beginning (i've thought about it this day, but i may be mistaken, or don't understand properly what you told me ?!), and filter by a start date tag would be a mess ?


But again, thanks very much

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How about just sticking to the TOC notes? Create a TOC note for a group of notes you're going to study on the same day.


Step 1

  1. Select a set of notes
  2. (Optional) Tag that set of notes with SR1 (Spaced Repetition 1)
  3. Create your TOC note





Step 2


  1. Tag the TOC note with "SR1"... and also append "SR1" to the title - just to distinguish that TOC note from all the others you'll create (and which corresponds to the individual notes it links to which are also tagged with the same tag name).
  2. Give all of your note links in the TOC a checkbox to keep track of your progress in each revision session
  3. Instead of tagging your notes with a particular Spaced Repetition time interval, paste a generic list of SR intervals, each with their own checkbox.
    • Whenever you finish revising the set of notes in your TOC, check off your progress here and...
  4. Change the Reminder date and time to the next due date - in this case 5 days from now.












  • Creating the tags in the first place are optional... if you do, you might want to organize them within their own hierarchy in the Left Panel 
  • The reason I recommend tags is not to indicate where you are with each set of notes in the SR process (because your checkboxes within your TOC note will tell you that)...
    • The idea behind the SR1, SR2, SR3, SR4... tags is that you can filter all the notes linked to in any particular TOC note in the Note list. You may or may not want to do this. All you would do is look at the TOC note's tag and filter for that.
    • Basically, you would never use a particular "SR" tag again once you've finished with your Spaced Repetition intervals for any given set of notes.
      • If of any interest to you, the latest SR tag might indicate how many instances you've initiated a new SR process. Also, it would be connected to the original TOC note, which would in turn give you the date created. All kinds of info you can glean from keeping those tags around. 
      • It stands to reason that you do not need to re-tag your notes, no matter where you are in the process: you would simply use your checkboxes and change the reminder date accordingly.

Another thing you might want to do is either pop all of your TOC notes into a TOC-SR notebook... or tag Them with "TOC". 

  • You can then filter all of your TOC notes related to your SR learning... which also means that you will be able to visualize them together in the Reminder list. 
  • In the Reminder list, you can sort your TOC notes by reminder date (mentioned in my previous post), which will allow you to get a handle on when you should block out some time in your calendar for your studies in the upcoming days. 
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Will you have forgotten the mission by the time you get there?  Just wondering.   :)


Nope... It actually takes less than 30 seconds to set up (it took me 19 seconds at a leisurely pace :P ). I kid you not. You could try it for yourself.


That explanation was for beginners. The instructions could also be put thusly:

  1. Create a TOC note for the set of notes you would like to learn by Spaced Repetition
  2. Paste a checkbox list of your time intervals into the TOC note
  3. Set a Reminder for the TOC note according to the next interval on your list

That's basically the gist of it. The rest walks one through how to do the above and the reasoning behind it, which is nothing involved... not by a stretch.


*Tagging is totally optional. Not necessary, but a powerful option for the reasons given in the above post...


** It's actually idiot-proof and as simple a solution as one is possibly going to get for Spaced Repetition learning via Evernote.  :ph34r:

*** The second time you finish studying a set of notes... all you do is check off the current interval in your list and reset the reminder - which took all of 9 seconds for me (I'm a slow coach)

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Hye Frank. Thank you very much for your system !!! Sorry for answering so late, i'm on exams for a few weeks :'(

I'll give it a look, it seem wonderful. I probably won't use TOC the way you told as every lesson will come day after day, and each will have it's beginning day

Thanks again !!

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OK... even easier:

  • Just pop your Spaced Repetition time interval checkbox list template into each note and set the Reminder for each note accordingly. 


As an option, you could tag each note by subject, which you most likely have already done as an independent thing

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Thanks Frank, I just need to reed the article about SR in a deeper way, but here's how i plan to do hit :

  1. I'll have a Master Lessons List, including all my lessons of the year, each one will be put in a subtopic (for example biology, etc). I dunno yet if i'll put checkboxes in it to know if the lesson is put in the SR system (if i have made the first learning)
  2. Once the lesson is first complete, i'll give it a SR0 tag (first learned, but no review yet). I'll have to check if tagging a note changes it "modification date", if so, the date tagged will be the last time i learned the lesson
  3. When added the SR0 tag, i'll put a reminder to the SR1 time (time i need to make the first review)
  4. And so on for every note and every SR level


Don't you think it will be too hard to maintain ?

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  • 4 months later...

Hi there,


I´d like to contribute another alternative for using spaced repetition learning with Evernote:


I use the App Anki for spaced repetition learning: http://ankisrs.net

It´s free and open source.

There´s an easy way to link an Anki flash card to an Evernote Note:


If you on Mac the HMTL string shown in this video for the link can easily applied by using TextExpander.


Hope this helps!

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Thanks Torson. I've beeen using Anki for a while, but i didn't work the way i needed (for big lessons), so i went back to Evernote. I've been taking a look to Revunote, but i think i'll stick with my personnal system. It seems to work quite well at the moment. I'll try it better when the school starts again !!! Thanks for your help !! Have a nice evening

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It looks interesting, but for some reason I can't locate the app on Google Play. I emailed the dev so maybe he can shed some light on that. :-)

For Android devices, there is an App doing spaced repetition integrating Evernote:


Unfortunately not for iOS.

I asked the guys at Revunote whether an iOS version is planned but I had to learn that this is not the case.

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  • Level 5*

Yeah,  Revunote went missing a while ago - don't know why.  Would be good to know when/ if you get a response...


Edit:  Oh yeah - and:


This discussion in the forums covers the subject in detail - https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/82427-spaced-repetition-with-evernote

Wired on Peter Wozniak (who apparently invented this) - http://archive.wired.com/medtech/health/magazine/16-05/ff_wozniak

Flashcard software to help study - https://www.studyblue.com/evernote

Software designed to use the spaced repetition method - http://help.supermemo.org/wiki/SuperMemo_Screenshot_Tour

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Thank you very much Gazumped. I've read all the pages you've given here, i've come to the idea that Evernote by himself with the proper configuration would be perfect (in fact my lesson are often about 10pages), and i just need timemarks/reminders ! What would be perfect is to associate a tag with a specific "time reminder" (ie that all note tagged with SR1 would be prompted 3days from the tagging hour etc...)

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  • Level 5*

As far as I can remember,  tagging or untagging a note doesn't affect the updated date;  and repeating reminders aren't an option in Evernote,  though they do pop up (literally!) in other applications.  I can imagine that you might be able to set yourself a schedule so all items manually tagged SR1 (or tagged SR and created on a specific date) would pop up through a saved search at regular intervals - just set up a repeating reminder to run that search every three days.  When it does run you could also change the reminder to 7 days,  then 14 (or whatever intervals drive your SR schedule...).  Any of the To-do apps,  Swipes/ TickTick/ Azendoo etc should give you the repeats and allow easy edits.  Saved searches can give you the relevant note(s).


That does rely on your tagging the note correctly in the first place,  but it might be manageable...at least until some enterprising developer comes up with a practical SR+Evernote application.  :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Gazumped and sorry for my late answer, i've had some unexpected work. In fact i'm testing the system right now, but i've put some modification. In the tag title i've written the proper timer to set when my lesson is finished (for example ==> *-SR00 (timer 1 day) ). So i know when to set each time. I'll see if it works with lots of lessons, with lots of differents subjects. Let's see if the tagging system is ok :D

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  • 1 month later...

So Revunote is still among the missing, and the video showing how to link Anki with Evernote is on a platform called "Screenr", which is also now defunct.


I do see on Google Code that there is an app to generate an Anki file from tagged Notes - anyone have any experience with this?



It looks like the only other app option is to go with StudyBlue.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm using Anki only for the spaced repetition scheduling, with the card content being just a link to the evernote note. Go through the usual Anki review process, click on the link to open up the note, review it, mark it as reviewed in Anki, then wait for the next time it comes up to review it again whenever the next spaced repetition is due. Problem solved.

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  • 5 weeks later...


I am the main developper of evernote2anki and reached this discussion by chance (I was googling for other things related to spaced repetion).
The project has been improved and renamed as anknotes. The repository for the anki plugin is here : https://github.com/brumar/anknotes .  To get it work you just have to put the files in your anki addons folder and add your settings by reaching a submenu that has been created within anki.

If you are a Mac user, you should look at this nice fork : https://github.com/rbuc/Evernote2AnkiMac

PS : I did not re-tested the plugin recently, so if you find any bug, please let me know.

Cheers !

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all, 

looking for an update on this. 

Studyblue has been depreciated and no longer syncs with Evernote. Im using Everword but the interface is pretty crappy compared to most flashcard/ spaced repetition options out there. 

Anyone know of ways to link evernote to other, more mature options? 



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  • Level 5*
On 03/04/2017 at 5:39 PM, arunaway said:

Anyone know of ways to link evernote to other, more mature options? 

See recent posts in this thread - I've not seen anything mentioned elsewhere...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ishibin !!! It's not the perfect system, and I couldn't apply it to my lessons as there were too many of them. But here's what I've done a tag ".Spaced repetition system" that contains the following tag:

  • *-SR00 (timer 1 day)
  • *-SR01 (timer 4 days)
  • *-SR02 (timer 7 days)
  • *-SR03 (timer 12 days)
  • *-SR04 (timer 20 days)
  • *-SR05 (timer 1 month)
  • *-SR06 (timer 2 months)
  • *-SR07 (timer 3 months)
  • *-SR08 (timer 5 months)
  • *-SR09 (timer 9 months)
  • *-SR10 (timer 12 months)


When finishing a lesson for the first time, I create a note with the lesson name, and I give it the tag "*-SR00 (timer 1 day)" and put a timer from 1 day on to remind me of reading it again. When finished rereading I delete the previous tag and put "*-SR01 (timer 4 days)" instead with a reminder 4 day from the date... 


It's not perfect but it's simple and working. I've found no way of putting reminders automatically. If someone has an idea


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Have a look at web based reminder systems like https://www.followupthen.com/ - or - https://followup.cc/ - since you can email a note and get it back as an email reminder in days months or years.  It would be possible to email to say 1day@followup.cc and get it emailed back after that time. 

You could then either remail it to 4days@followup.cc,  or there's a snooze function in the email that comes back so you could then defer it for each further period required.  I did play with a system some time ago that used a template note listing all the applicable waiting periods + check boxes so I could see what reminder periods had already been used.

I haven't used the system in anger, but it does mean you don't have to keep on swapping out tags and running searches.  Emails come directly to your inbox (or wherever normal traffic is directed) - you don't even need to have Evernote open.


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Hi Gazumped, thank you for making me discover all these reminder systems. They're are unfortunately the same use as reminders. I always have Evernote in my laptop tray, phone and tablet, I'll get a notification in time. And sending a note by mail seems harder thant tagging and setting a timer.

Honestly I don't use the Space repetition system very often. I'd rather use checkboxes on a weekly calender for now :)

Have a great evening 

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On 4/23/2017 at 8:14 PM, SvenSND said:

Hi Ishibin !!! It's not the perfect system, and I couldn't apply it to my lessons as there were too many of them. But here's what I've done a tag ".Spaced repetition system" that contains the following tag:

  • *-SR00 (timer 1 day)
  • *-SR01 (timer 4 days)
  • *-SR02 (timer 7 days)
  • *-SR03 (timer 12 days)
  • *-SR04 (timer 20 days)
  • *-SR05 (timer 1 month)
  • *-SR06 (timer 2 months)
  • *-SR07 (timer 3 months)
  • *-SR08 (timer 5 months)
  • *-SR09 (timer 9 months)
  • *-SR10 (timer 12 months)


When finishing a lesson for the first time, I create a note with the lesson name, and I give it the tag "*-SR00 (timer 1 day)" and put a timer from 1 day on to remind me of reading it again. When finished rereading I delete the previous tag and put "*-SR01 (timer 4 days)" instead with a reminder 4 day from the date... 


It's not perfect but it's simple and working. I've found no way of putting reminders automatically. If someone has an idea


@SvenSND, that's quite a lot of tags over there :(

I settled to use just one tag 'repetition' and then saved searches to get it done. Here are one example:

- review all notes created within 2 days with tag 'repetition': created:day-2 tag:repetition

-all notes created exactly 6 days ago with tag 'repetition': created:day-6 -created:day-5 tag:repition


Then you can create others like 'week', 'month', 'quarter' 'semi-year' etc. if you want to.

I use the created day field as the timestamp. 

The key here is to review all these searches every day to 'repeat'. (I know it is not perfect to use too many searches but it is the best I can figure out.)



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On 4/23/2017 at 9:40 PM, gazumped said:

Hi.  Have a look at web based reminder systems like https://www.followupthen.com/ - or - https://followup.cc/ - since you can email a note and get it back as an email reminder in days months or years.  It would be possible to email to say 1day@followup.cc and get it emailed back after that time. 

You could then either remail it to 4days@followup.cc,  or there's a snooze function in the email that comes back so you could then defer it for each further period required.  I did play with a system some time ago that used a template note listing all the applicable waiting periods + check boxes so I could see what reminder periods had already been used.

I haven't used the system in anger, but it does mean you don't have to keep on swapping out tags and running searches.  Emails come directly to your inbox (or wherever normal traffic is directed) - you don't even need to have Evernote open.


Thanks but it seems to be complex. I will pass it.

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  • Level 5*

I prefer to use apps suited for the task (assuming we are still talking about committing words or phrases to memory). My favorite app for flashcards is Flashcards Deluxe, because you can pretty much fine-tune anything in it, but, more importantly for my purposes, you can easily share word/term/phrase lists (text files saved in Dropbox) with people. 

Evernote, though, might be more appropriate for larger chunks of data. For example, a review of some historical event (if you are a historian) that you took notes on a while ago but haven't seen for a while. In this case, if you date the notes (as I do) in the title, on a day like today (the 24th), you could review all the notes you've made on the 24th of the month. This spaces out the repetition without the need for a complex system of tags and so forth. 

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@iShiBin : our system are quite the same, just you have searches instead of tags. I was doing the same in the beginning, but I found the tags faster to be put as when I press the " * " touch I have all my Spaced repetition tags available.

GrumpyMonkey : I agree that app suited for the task are perfect for word learning etc. But they aren't very good when it comes to lots of big lessons :( . I wasn't a big fan of having lots of Notebooks with notes inside, but I'm wondering now as I want to make a project journal

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  • 3 months later...
On 1/11/2017 at 11:45 PM, itc4eff said:

PS : I did not re-tested the plugin recently, so if you find any bug, please let me know.

I encounter this error when importing my notes to Anki. can you help?

An error occurred in an add-on.
Please post on the add-on forum:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/Users/bin/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons/Evernote2AnkiMacAddon/Evernote2AnkiMac.py", line 545, in main


File "/Users/bin/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons/Evernote2AnkiMacAddon/Evernote2AnkiMac.py", line 506, in proceed

n1 = self.import_into_anki(cards_to_add, self.deck, self.ankiTag)

File "/Users/bin/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons/Evernote2AnkiMacAddon/Evernote2AnkiMac.py", line 534, in import_into_anki

cards = self.evernote.create_evernote_cards(guid_set)

File "/Users/bin/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons/Evernote2AnkiMacAddon/Evernote2AnkiMac.py", line 391, in create_evernote_cards

note_info = self.get_note_information(guid)

File "/Users/bin/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons/Evernote2AnkiMacAddon/Evernote2AnkiMac.py", line 417, in get_note_information

return whole_note['title'].encode('utf-8'), whole_note['content'].encode('utf-8'), tags, whole_note['attachments'], whole_note['modified']

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tags' referenced before assignment

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Hello iShiBin,

I can't really speak for this fork as they took a different path to get what I call "notes informations".
However, you could try to go to the source code (available in your addons directory), and add tags = [] after the line 411 of Evernote2AnkiMac.py

    def get_note_information(self, note_guid):
    	tags = []  # add this
        whole_note = next((l for l in USE_APPLESCRIPT['notes'] if l['guid'] == note_guid), None)

Tell me if it works. 

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30 minutes ago, itc4eff said:

Hello iShiBin,

I can't really speak for this fork as they took a different path to get what I call "notes informations".
However, you could try to go to the source code (available in your addons directory), and add tags = [] after the line 411 of Evernote2AnkiMac.py

    def get_note_information(self, note_guid):
    	tags = []  # add this
        whole_note = next((l for l in USE_APPLESCRIPT['notes'] if l['guid'] == note_guid), None)

Tell me if it works. 

You're genius. It works well now after your fix. 

By the way, I used Evernote for quite a few years but I am pretty new to Anki, which doesn't look so good at first glance. Maybe I will keep using it for a while till I can say whether it is proper for me or not for space repetition. In the meanwhile, I found another software 'Reflect' which could turn notes in Evernote for repetition.

I bet you must use Anki, do you still use it? How do you feel and do you have other recommend software for space repetition (it's best to relate Evernote since I have tons of stuffs there)?

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Ahah, thanks but it was not really a strike of genius.

Anki UI is weird at first, still, I never found a free alternative as rich in features and plugins as this one. So, if you are serious about learning with spaced repetition, this may be a good software in which you can invest your time.

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43 minutes ago, itc4eff said:

Ahah, thanks but it was not really a strike of genius.

Anki UI is weird at first, still, I never found a free alternative as rich in features and plugins as this one. So, if you are serious about learning with spaced repetition, this may be a good software in which you can invest your time.

Yeah, I am serious. I hope I can bear the UI but before I make my mind. I would like to try something else although Anki should be the most reliable software for space repletion.

I found this one Reflect which seems quite handy, so I may try it for a while. Using Anki as a habit requires strong discipline but the effort pays. 

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  • 1 year later...

What I do is export the Evernote note to PDF sending it to MarginNote 3 (ios / osx) and then quickly highlight the sections I want to remember. I then use Marginnote’s export highlights to Anki feature. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone 👋

Just found this thread while googling.

I stumbled on this problem myself - note stacks that keep growing and growing, and I never go back to some great insights I have there - with so many years in front of me that will produce even more notes! I love learning, so I started creating my solution to which I'm committed to as it is fundamental to my own growth (I specialize in mobile products).

The solution is an Android and iOS app that taps to Evernote account in a lightweight manner.


(iOS version was submitted almost two weeks ago to AppStore, but Apple still keeps it in Review state 😕 hopefully, they make it available really soon)

Let me know what you think, will be grateful for any feedback. Have a ton o features on my roadmap for this.





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  • Level 5*
On 11/26/2018 at 11:52 AM, Marcin Czech said:

The solution is an Android and iOS app that taps to Evernote account in a lightweight manner. https://resurface.idearoots.com/

I'll check out your app when Apple releases it; however my requirement is for spaced repetition access to be available on all platforms.

My solution is a note search,
- with a back-end script (Mac) running each morning to enable the notes for access
   (this allows simplification of the note search)
- tagnnn to identify the repitition interval
- last accessed date stored as reminder done date
The project is documented at Project <Evernote - Spaced Repetition>

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On 10/16/2018 at 12:55 AM, bounce said:

What I do is export the Evernote note to PDF sending it to MarginNote 3 (ios / osx) and then quickly highlight the sections I want to remember. I then use Marginnote’s export highlights to Anki feature. 

@bounce not sure what is the exact use case but you could easily enable spaced repetition + flashcard on highlights with Resurface - the only thing you need to do is add "@" tag to a note - that's it. Let me know with any questions / feature requests

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11 hours ago, DTLow said:

I'll check out your app when Apple releases it; however my requirement is for spaced repition access to be available on all platforms.

Thanks @DTLow

my thinking is to iterate on mobile first to establish what is a good lightweight user experience and then create complementary desktop app (win / mac)


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  • 3 months later...
  • 10 months later...


For some time I could picture an implementation of the spaced-repetition strategy for reviewing my notes, but I couldn't find a procedure or app that did just what I wanted.

The main short-coming of any system of tags or setting reminders is the manual input required to increment the review time. It would be too easy to miss a note or lose one along the way. Likewise, I found ToC notes to be really cumbersome. Anything that required me to export my notes (e.g. to Anki) would be too many extra steps, and I would lose the ability to annotate while I was reviewing.

My breakthrough was realizing that I could use saved searches based on creation date. Ideal would be to have all of the below searches combined with an OR operator, but that is not currently possible. Nonetheless, where I have presently landed is almost completely satisfactory.

Here are the two defects as far as I can see:

1) Having to cycle through a whole sequence of searches is not as inefficient as a single search, but it is not bad. There's a hidden advantage is being able easily to tell how long it has been since I last reviewed a note.

2) If I miss a day, the reviews do not stack up, but are lost until their next review interval. On the one hand, this isn't so bad because a premise of SR is the importance of properly timed reviews, which precludes missing a day. Nevertheless, the workaround is to create a parallel set of saved searches that are offset by 1 day (or 2, or 3, and so on) to be used in order to catch up on cards that would have been reviewed on a given day in the past.

Anyhow -- here are the saved searches. The name represents the review interval, while the search prescribes the total time that would have elapsed from the creation of the note:

Name: 001 days; Query: created:day-1 -created:day
Name: 002 days; Query: created:day-3 -created:day-2
Name: 004 days; Query: created:day-7 -created:day-6
Name: 007 days; Query: created:day-14 -created:day-13
Name: 014 days; Query: created:day-28 -created:day-27
Name: 028 days; Query: created:day-56 -created:day-55
Name: 056 days; Query: created:day-112 -created:day-111
Name: 112 days; Query: created:day-224 -created:day-223
Name: 224 days; Query: created:day-336 -created:day-335

Of course, once a card appears in that last search interval, I'll create another saved search that is the next interval of 448 days, and so on.

The make-up review searches would look something like this:

Name: m1 001 days; Query: created:day-2 -created:day-1
Name: m1 002 days; Query: created:day-4 -created:day-3
Name: m1 004 days; Query: created:day-8 -created:day-7

And so on.

Perhaps this will save somebody the time I spent looking for a solution.

All the best,


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  • Level 5*

Thank you for sharing.  I don't use this technique personally but it's always interesting to see options.  I've collected quite a few links on Spaced Repitition over the years - as a matter of interest:  did you find the existing options difficult to use,  or too expensive?

Wikipedia forinstance listed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaced_repetition)

- and I was aware of http://revisy.com/ | https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/917-reminders/ | https://supermemo.guru/wiki/Spaced_repetition

- there's even an Evernote integration - https://www.revunote.com/ (although you may get an error from your browser on that site)...

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  • Level 5*

Discussions on this topic have been merged

>>Having to cycle through a whole sequence of searches 

I could use a script on my Mac to run the sequence and store the note links in a daily study note

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