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Wordsgood last won the day on January 18 2015

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  1. It looks interesting, but for some reason I can't locate the app on Google Play. I emailed the dev so maybe he can shed some light on that. :-)
  2. I haven't been here that much in a few weeks, and am really not up to backtracking through this thread, so please forgive me if I'm stating an obvious point... @Workingman and @Christozoid, I used to handle a massive paper filing system as part of my job, so I do understand where you're coming from with regards to a hierarchical system of folders and sub-folders. Not using them when I first started with EN was a huge adjustment for me, but I now, by far, prefer the Tag system. Granted, I'm not using EN in a business setting as I once did with the paper filing system, but I do recall one aspect of the the folder system that used to drive me nuts...and was equally applicable to the thousands of electronic files I processed and tracked each day. That is that even with set perameters in place for everyone who has access to the files, people will always think just enough differently from everyone one else. What makes sense to as the appropriate destination for a document, even with clearly defined guides and "rules" set out for reference. In my experience, that inevitably led to problems with some files being located in hard to find locations. The solution was to make copies of certain files - meaning those that could be applicable to more than one topic (or project) in the minds of someone accessing them, and put copies into every folder where they might look - and have a fairly elaborate cross-referencing system in place that I, as the filing gate keeper, had to set up and enforce. Hope this is making sense... With electronic files, the obvious problem with files that were worked on by more than one person, is how easily the current version can get lost or overwritten. This is where I find using the Tag system, along with a limited heirarchy of Notebook structure, Note Links (including creating a Table of Contents with clickable note links), and the use of EN's Search function, to be most effective. It allows me to cross-reference everything, track various projects and quickly drill down to find whatever I need. In my case, and unlike some of the power users, such as Gazumped, I don't find it beneficial to completely do away with a hierarchical system of Notebooks and Stacks, i.e. folders and sub-folders. But I've managed over the past couple years, with some experimenting that led to reorganizing my EN database a few times, how to reduce and limit the number of Notebooks I actually need. That includes deleting or renaming several Tags a few times. Tags can be safely deleted with having to worry about accidently losing individual Notes or entire Notebooks. (Though the latter two can be retrieved from your Trash Notebook, assuming you haven't deleted them from there too.) Tags, for me, serve the same function as making copies of my Notes (files) to put in every possibly applicable Notebook (folder). As others have pointed out, you don't want to get too carried away with Tags and end up with a ton that fast end up redundant and overwhelming. Another handy thing about them, is the ability of the desktop EN apps to apply a particular Tag to multiple Notes at the same time select by first selecting them, then adding the Tag. Tags are also a great way to identify and grab all the notes belonging to a specific project that you want to archive out of your EN database. Okay, I could keep going on about the pros of tagging for far too long, so I'll wrap it up now.
  3. Quick question for you, Phils. Do you ever plans to expand into the Android market.
  4. You can have an unsynced Notebook on your desktop and if your Premium or Business, you can have one on your mobile device as well. Or you could get a second account, free or paid, and save all your private notes in that one. All you need to set up another account is an alternate email address.
  5. Hi Pete, sorry if you misunderstood my intenions. I wasn't trying to imply that you represent EN or that you think you do. I just wanted to make it clear for the sake of anyone who reads this Thread, especially new Forum Members, that they are free to suggest whatever they would like to see Evernote do or add. And your post sounded a bit like you were trying to shut down the conversation using words like, "...it's pointless because..." Regardless of Evernote's change in direction more for the business market, it's still a great for individual users like us. As such, I don't think we should be discouraging folks from posting Feature Requests, suggestions or any other thoughts they have about anything to do with Evernote Also, I'm not entirely sure if submitting Feature Requests directly to EN through Support Ticket, is anymore useful than posting them here on the Forum. Either way, they get them and once it's in their hands, we, as users, have done all we can. But at least on the Forum, if it's a widely desired feature and large numbers of users chime in to support it, then we can present a united front to EN so they can't later says their wasn't enough users unterest to impliment a much wanted Fearure. But I wasn't trying to insinuate anything about you, Pete. You're opinions, insights and thoughts are every bit as valif as everyone elses!
  6. Sorry, Pete, I have to disagree that it's pointless to discuss. Evernote provides this forum as one of the ways they get customer feedback and staff have mentioned a few times that feature requests and suggestion are welcome. Does that mean this request or any other will actually be implemented? Probably not, but it's really not our place to summarily shut down suggestion from other users. We don't speak for Evernote. ☺ It's pointless to discuss this because it is unlikely Evernote will go down this path in view of the fact that they are adding features for their business users particularly, and those can be turned off.
  7. Um, you do know that clicking on a menu option that actually says the word "Save" is not the same thing as Syncing your changes up to the EN Servers, right? I don't use that particular feature on my Windows app, but do on my phone. I find it useful if I think I might be interrupted while working, but always manually Sync before exiting Evernote. I do the same when opening it. An any device for both syncs.
  8. Hmm, I see your point. I don't use the Share feature at all, but I have noticed more than a few aren't terribly happy about how it operates. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  9. It was reinstated a couple days afters they they pulled it. According to the below linked Article from the EN Knowledge Base, last updated on Feb. 17, 2015, it's now done through the Chat Feature. https://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#!/article/24973036/ I would suggest you create a new Notebook called, "My Public Notes & Links," or similar, then create and add Notes with any Link(s) you want to share publicly. This would give you the added benefit of being able to Title & Tag each Note, as well as provide a short blurb explaining what each Link in the Note is regarding.
  10. First, sorry about the delay getting a response. To answer your question, sadly no. There is no way to increase the font size in the Android app. :-(
  11. Nancy, this is *really*useful, key information that people shouldn't need to post or contact Support about. A lot of people have been complaining about trying to upgrade with PayPal lately. PayPal's support says take it up with Evernote. Evernote says submit a Support Ticket...then crickets ensue while the user gets more and more frustrated and angry. May I strongly suggest EN created a descriptive instruction article, with screenshots of exactly how each payment option works? And pin copies at this, as well as any other user forums hosted by EN, and makes it super obvious at the Evernote.com website? I've said this before, but I"ll say it again here in an effort to get my point across... I am one of what I strongly suspect is a very small sub-set of users with a lot of free time on my (out?) hands. Were I still mobile enough to have anything resembling a normal life, I would have given up on Evernote long ago. Why? Because, by it's own accounts, the company keeps getting bigger and bigger, yet the quality of user experience appears to be in continual decline. It truly does come across, as noted by many, many users here at the forum, that over the last year, it truly does come across as though Evernote doesn't care at all about their users. Not even the Premium or Business ones. It feels like the company is still relying the "We're just a small start-up with terribly limited resourses; please do be patient," excuse. But here's the thing, Evernote is not a small start-up anymore. Sure, it's resources are finite, but we aren't talking about a few guys in a basement or cheap rental office. Plus, there's a difference between patience and arrogance... Guess which way the company is coming across? To be very clear, Nancy, I am not targetting you or any EN staff. Nor am I saying that EN does not care about it's users. But it's certainly a growing perception. Buggy, premature release, features yanked with any notice, an apparently overwhelmed support department that can't live up to the advertised response time, scalabilty issues that have caused some of your longest standing users (and *free* PR champs) to seek other solutions for their data need, sync issues and the ever elusive quest to easily locate basic knowledge. Yes, the Knowledge Base has seen much improvement in recent months. Yes the new forum changes and the crackdown on spam are great. But from a new to this type of software and/or user forums, locating basic info - such as how to make an advertised as acceptable payment - is oddly difficult to find. Just this morning, I learned from a post Lykoz left in the Productivity Bundle thread, that one had to use the Points system to ensure that if you purchase the package that's how you ensure it's applied to your existing EN account. Now I find out that to use PayPal, I can't do what seems to be the most intuitive option...go through my Windows or Android app and click on Upgrade. These are the types of things that would send many people - myself included in other circumstances - scampering away to find a company that appeared to actually want my business. As I said, I personally, have the luxury of time to spare. Most people don't. If even I want to give up in despair at trying to find basic, yet oh so important info, how do you suppose others are feeling? Please Evernote CEOs, focus less on selling yourself on being the next big thing in virtual work stations, and more on retaining the very customers who made you so sucessful. Live up to your own advertised promises. Okay, rant over.
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