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KB Spotlight: Windows Keyboard Shortcuts


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Evernote maintains an extensive (and searchable) knowledge base on each of our platforms and products. The KB Spotlight is a regular forum feature that helps educate and cross-pollinate knowledge base articles with our user forum.

As always, your comments are welcome!

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts


You can use those system-wide shortcuts while working in any application (provided Evernote is running). You can redefine these shortcuts in Tools > Options > Global Hot Keys tab.

Ctrl + Alt + N Switch to Evernote and immediately create a new note

Win + PrintScreen Start screen capture mode

Esc Cancel screen capture

Win + A Clip selected

Win + Shift + F Start a new Evernote search

Ctrl + Alt + V Paste clipboard into Evernote as a new note


These shortcuts are available when the Evernote application is active.

Ctrl + Alt + N Switch to Evernote and immediately create a new note.

F1 Open online help web page in default browser

F9 Start synchronization with the Service

Ctrl + N Create a new note

Alt + F4 Esc Close child windows and hide main window (minimize to tray)

Ctrl + Q Exit application

F6 Ctrl + Alt + F If search box is empty, move focus to it, otherwise start search and move to first highlighted keyword

Ctrl + Shift + A Reset search

F10 Toggle display of left panel

F11 Toggle display of note list

Ctrl + F11 Toggle display of note panel

Ctrl + F10 Toggle display of the search explanation

F5 Cycle through note list views (Table, Mixed, Thumbnails)

Ctrl + F5 Set note list to Table view

Ctrl + F6 Set note list to Mixed view

Ctrl + F7 Set note list to Thumbnails view

F8 Toggle display of note info panel

Ctrl + F8 Toggle display of note editing toolbar

F2 Rename focused notebook, note, tag or saved search

F3 Set focus to the tag field of the active note

Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new notebook

Ctrl + Shift + T Create a new tag

Ctrl + Shift + S Create a new saved search

Ctrl + Alt + T Assign tags

F7 Start spell-checking

Note List

These shortcuts will function properly when the note list panel has focus. Shortcuts for note-level operations (e.g., email, tag, print) will work even if the note panel does not have focus.

Up Go to to previous note

Down Go to next note

Page Up Scroll list up one page

Page Down Scroll list down one page

Home Go to the first note in list

End Go to the last note in list

Delete Move selected notes to trash

Ctrl + A Select all notes

Ctrl + Enter Open the selected note in a separate window (Alt + F4 to close window)

Ctrl + Shift + E Send selected notes by email

Ctrl + P Open Print dialog for selected notes

Ctrl + F2 Open print preview window for selected notes

Enter Places focus in the note editor of the selected note.

Ctrl + Alt + T Open "Assign Tags" dialog

Side Panel

These shortcuts will function when the side panel (notebook list, tag list, etc.) has focus.

Up Move focus to the previous item in the tree within a section (notebooks, tags, ...)

Down Move focus to the next item in the tree within a section (notebooks, tags, ...)

Right Expand the item that have sub-items

Left Collapse the item that have sub-items if it is not collapsed yet

Ctrl + Down Arrow Move to the next item without selecting it

Ctrl + Up Arrow Move to the previous item without selecting it

Space Select the focused item exclusively, unselecting all other items

Ctrl + Space Select the focused item (notebook,tag and attributes allow toggling selection on and off while notebooks, saved searches and trash can be only selected)

Delete Delete selected (or focused, if there is no selection) notebook, tag or saved search

Note Editor

These shortcuts will work when you are editing a note.

F8 Toggle display of note info

Ctrl + F8 Toggle display of note editing toolbar

F2 Rename focused notebook, note, tag or saved search

F3 Set focus to the tag field of the active note

Esc Move focus from note editor to note list

Ctrl + F Search within a note

Ctrl + G Enter Find next

Ctrl + Shift + G Shift + Enter Find Previous

Ctrl + A Select All content in the current note

Ctrl + X Cut selection to clipboard

Ctrl + C Copy selection to clipboard

Ctrl + V Paste text from clipboard with the original formatting

Ctrl + Shft + V Paste text from clipboard as unformatted text

Ctrl + Z Undo last edit

Ctrl + Y Redo last undone edit

Ctrl + B Make selection bold

Ctrl + I Make selection italic

Ctrl + U Make selection underlined

Ctrl + T Make selection striked through

Ctrl + Shift + B Format selection as bulleted list

Ctrl + Shift + O Format selection as numbered list

Ctrl + D Open font dialog to change font face, size and color for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + > Ctrl + [ Increase font size for selected text (German keyboard: Ctrl + Shift + .)

Ctrl + Shift + < Ctrl + ] Decrease font size for selected text (German keyboard: Ctrl + Shift + ,)

Ctrl + Space Remove formatting

Ctrl + M Tab Increase indent for current paragraph (or for selection)

Ctrl + Shift + M Shift + Tab Decrease indent for current paragraph (or for selection)

Ctrl + L Align current paragraph (or selection) left

Ctrl + R Align current paragraph (or selection) right

Ctrl + E Center current paragraph (or selection)

Ctrl + J Justify current paragraph (or selection)

Ctrl + Shift + C Insert a "To Do" checkbox

Ctrl + Shift + X Open "Encrypt selection" dialog on a selected text

Alt + Shift + D Ctrl + ; Insert current date and time

Ctrl + Click on a hyperlink Ctrl + Enter Open hyperlink under caret.

Ctrl + K Open "Add Hyperlink" dialog to create a new hyperlink from the selected text

Ctrl + Shift + K Open "Edit Hyperlink" dialog to edit the existing hyperlink under the caret

Ctrl + Shift + F9 Remove hyperlink

Ctrl + S Save current note explicitly (notes are also saved automatically)

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  • Level 5*

I use that particular Knowledge Base article a lot (and refer people to it in my Evernote advice posts). A couple of comments:

The Tab and Shift-Tab shortcuts that reference the obsoleted time band should be deleted from the actual KB article.

Your list here isn't formatted as nicely as in the KB, making it possibly a little ambiguous in places, as when there are alternate shortcuts listed, e.g. Ctrl+M to indent reads here as Ctrl + M Tab (do I have to press all those keys? :)).

The Esc key in the Global hotkeys cannot be redefined in Options.

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Trying to format that table in the forum proved a huge pain. With that said I need to go in there and remove the alternative methods, or figure out a way to better represent. If I can't fix the KB article directly I'll pass along these and any other comments.

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The increase / decrease font size shortcut (and its alternatives) haven't worked for more than a year. For me personally this used to be very useful for taking notes / mtg minutes. It seems lots of people have complained about it in the past, with promises for fixes since v4!!

EN team should either fix if they considered it a bug, or remove the mis-information in this document.

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  • Level 5*


Shift+Alt+A brings up the Saved Searches list on the Favorites bar.

Shift+Alt+S brings up the Attributes search.

Owyn, I think (hope) that these KB assignments are a BUG, since they seem reversed.

"A" should bring up "Attributes"

"S" should bring up "Saved Searches"

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  • Level 5*
Even better -- ability to specify sort order in the search grammar!!

This would be great! Especially if you could have multi-level sort of at least 3 fields.

This would make Saved Searches very powerful.

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Even better -- ability to specify sort order in the search grammar!!

This would be great! Especially if you could have multi-level sort of at least 3 fields.

This would make Saved Searches very powerful.

Oh yes...
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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 for comment #13. Toggle between List & Snippet view, sort by Title & Updated, and Reverse & Regular Sort Order... If I could do those without having to find my mouse, over the course of hundreds of times each day... That would be a welcome addition!

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  • Level 5*
+1 for comment #13. Toggle between List & Snippet view

F5 cycles among the various views (List, Snippet, Thumbnail); to go directly to a specific view:

Ctrl+F5 Go to List view

Ctrl+F6 Go to Snippet view

Ctrl+F7 Go to Thumbnail view

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  • Level 5*

F5 cycles among the various views (List, Snippet, Thumbnail); to go directly to a specific view:

Ctrl+F5 Go to List view

Ctrl+F6 Go to Snippet view

Ctrl+F7 Go to Thumbnail view

It would be really great if we could have these shortcuts on the EN Mac client.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

I don't know how this relates to the international keyboard, but i would open up Evernote, go to Options / Hot Keys and look at the New Note hot key. By default it's set to Ctrl+Alt+N, and has the behavior that you describe.

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Am I the only one that finds it odd that there is no shortcut for moving notes from one notebook to another? To me this is such an obvious thing that I was sure I did just not find it.

To be productive you should not need to use the mouse (shortcuts are three times faster than a mouse). And still the one thing I do most is tag and move notes. All my new notes are in the inbox and then once a week I empty my inbox to notebooks. It drives me crazy that in such a highly productive and excellent tool like Evernote I must use my mouse to do this mundane thing.

Please fix it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Am I the only one that finds it odd that there is no shortcut for moving notes from one notebook to another? To me this is such an obvious thing that I was sure I did just not find it.

In Windows, you may use ALT + N, then V, then choose a Notebook. I would prefer a dedicated keyboard shortcut for this, but in the meantime, I use this.

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Feature request: I would like to see a keyboard shortcut for starting a new search in your default notebook. Similar to using F6 but return results in your default notebook instead of All Notebooks.

Another way to meet my request: I would like a keyboard shortcut to the Favorites bar. Or better yet, I would like the ability to specify a keyboard shortcut for a specific button/link on the Favorites bar. Then I could quickly switch to my default notebook.

Today, I press F6 and then search for "notebook:{default_notebook}" or press ALT+SHIFT+N, arrow down to my default notebook, press Enter.

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  • Level 5*
Feature request: The add checkbox (ctrl + shift + c) shortcut conflicts with the VMWare shortcut for copying to the clipboard of another computer. Can we get an option to configure it please? Thanks :)

Not configurable in VMWare?

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Has anyone created an updated, reasonably accurate list of shortcuts recently?

The reason I say this is that, some of the shortcuts in the link at the top of this topic simply do not work in EN v4.5. In particular the shortcuts to change fonts size (which I miss greatly).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Then I could quickly switch to my default notebook.

Today, I press F6 and then search for "notebook:{default_notebook}" or press ALT+SHIFT+N, arrow down to my default notebook, press Enter.

I second that. What I do is name my default notebook so that it's at the very top of the list -- I call it !!Inbox.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The reason I say this is that, some of the shortcuts in the link at the top of this topic simply do not work in EN v4.5. In particular the shortcuts to change fonts size (which I miss greatly).

+1 one to fix the font size shortcuts. I'm finding not having this is really making it tedious to build some kind of hierarchy in my notes. I really wish this was working or that there was a way to format text as actual Headings...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Level 5*
Unless I am blind the one shortcut that is (IMO) sorely missing is show all notes—is the most often used button in the Evernote by me…

F6 will do this: basically it sends you to the search control, clears it, and selects "All Notebooks". It's a bit mis-described in the Knowledge Base article: https://support.evernote.com/link/portal/16051/16058/Article/625/What-are-the-keyboard-shortcuts-in-Evernote-for-Windows

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do either of the shortcuts for changing font size work for anyone? They don't work for me. :-(

Increase font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + > or Ctrl + [

Decrease font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + < or Ctrl + ]

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Do either of the shortcuts for changing font size work for anyone? They don't work for me. :-(

Increase font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + > or Ctrl + [

Decrease font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + < or Ctrl + ]

No, and they haven't for some time. I really miss those as well. (sigh...)

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Do either of the shortcuts for changing font size work for anyone? They don't work for me. :-(

Increase font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + > or Ctrl + [

Decrease font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + < or Ctrl + ]

No, and they haven't for some time. I really miss those as well. (sigh...)

I submited a support ticket through the official channel. Let's see what happens. Will the wiki gets changed or will the bug get fixed? :)

It's stated on this forum thread...

...and the wiki...

...that the following keyboard shortcuts to change font size are available.

Increase font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + > or Ctrl + [

Decrease font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + < or Ctrl + ]

From the information I've gathered they've worked in the past, so this isn't a documentation issue. Maybe a bug that crept in along the way? It would be awesome to get those shortcuts working again. Thanks!
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  • Level 5*
Just checking: is there a short cut for inserting only the current time? Would be useful for keeping notes logs, etc where including the date is over-kill.

There is none that I know of. You can use a third-party tool like AutoHotKey to do that, though.

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Got my answer on the font size shortcuts not working. Maybe if others report the problem the bug fix will be moved up the queue.

Ticket # 16051-85720

Dear Jeremy,

We apologize for the inconvenience, however it appears there is currently a bug causing this.

We appreciate you taking the time to send us this error. We have filed an internal bug report with the QA team lead. She will classify and fix the bugs in the order determined by the project Lead.

Unfortunately this is not something I can fix for you at this time.

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Do either of the shortcuts for changing font size work for anyone? They don't work for me. :-(

Increase font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + > or Ctrl + [

Decrease font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + < or Ctrl + ]

No, and they haven't for some time. I really miss those as well. (sigh...)

I submited a support ticket through the official channel. Let's see what happens. Will the wiki gets changed or will the bug get fixed? :)

It's stated on this forum thread...

...and the wiki...

...that the following keyboard shortcuts to change font size are available.

Increase font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + > or Ctrl + [

Decrease font size for selected text

Ctrl + Shift + < or Ctrl + ]

From the information I've gathered they've worked in the past, so this isn't a documentation issue. Maybe a bug that crept in along the way? It would be awesome to get those shortcuts working again. Thanks!

So, any word from the powers that be?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi , apologize for my grammar.

Please when looking for a word, term, etc (f6) there is any keyboard shortcuts to go to the next match (highlighted keyword ), either the same or the next note and so on ,and move through all matches found either ?


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  • Level 5*
Please when looking for a word, term, etc (f6) there is any keyboard shortcuts to go to the next match (highlighted keyword ), either the same or the next note and so on ,and move through all matches found either ?

Not that I know of, no.

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  • 1 month later...

Got my answer on the font size shortcuts not working. Maybe if others report the problem the bug fix will be moved up the queue.

Ticket # 16051-85720

Dear Jeremy,

We apologize for the inconvenience, however it appears there is currently a bug causing this.

We appreciate you taking the time to send us this error. We have filed an internal bug report with the QA team lead. She will classify and fix the bugs in the order determined by the project Lead.

Unfortunately this is not something I can fix for you at this time.

Many people have been reporting this problem for months, afaik it came broken in v4 if not earlier. The good thing is that the EN employees are consistent :-) they always reply the same as if it was the first time someone reported it, the response goes something like this:

1. we recognize there is a bug

2. we can't fix it at this time

3. we can't give you an eta for a fix

I don't know what will tip the scale for this defect to be fixed.

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Feature request: keyboard shortcut to focus on Tag selection - and ability to select multiple.

I know I can quickly assign Tags to a specific note with Ctrl + Alt + T, and set focus to the tag field with F3 for a specific note. I want similar functionality for searching/filtering by tags across all notes.

What I'd like to be able to do is quickly (via keyboard) select tags for a a filter - essentially accessing the Tags drop-down in the toolbar - and be able to Ctrl + Click to select multiple tags.

Currently, I have to focus on the Tags drop-down (the Tag search/filter bar?) with my mouse, then type in a tag to filter. How do I get focus there by keyboard? And if I want to quickly filter for items with two tags, I cannot do that using the Tag drop-down search/filter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Feature request: I would like to see a keyboard shortcut for starting a new search in your default notebook. Similar to using F6 but return results in your default notebook instead of All Notebooks.

Today, I press F6 and then search for "notebook:{default_notebook}" or press ALT+SHIFT+N, arrow down to my default notebook, press Enter.

+1 on this

A shortcut to search from the current notebook would be really helpful.

F6 then, notebook:(notebook name) is a pain

Also after pressing Alt + Shift + N I can go to that particular notebook but the focus is not on the global search box. So again I have to mouseover there and then search.

Also I noticed Alt + Shift + N brings the list of notebooks but why doesn't my notebook stack show up there? Am I missing something?

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Feature request: keyboard shortcut to focus on Tag selection - and ability to select multiple.

What I'd like to be able to do is quickly (via keyboard) select tags for a a filter - essentially accessing the Tags drop-down in the toolbar - and be able to Ctrl + Click to select multiple tags.

Currently, I have to focus on the Tags drop-down (the Tag search/filter bar?) with my mouse, then type in a tag to filter. How do I get focus there by keyboard? And if I want to quickly filter for items with two tags, I cannot do that using the Tag drop-down search/filter.

You can focus on the Tags drop-down using Alt + Shift + N.

However you can't multiselect using this.


Ability to multiselect tags via the tags drop-down

OR alternatively:

On typing "tag:" in the search bar maybe an autocomplete pops up where I can choose a tag because sometimes I tend to forget what exactly I had tagged to that note as my tags are ever increasing by the day. And moreover in search bar the tag term has to be the exact spelling due to which I can miss the particular tag. Eg. I can use the tag "bookmarks" or "bookmark viewed" and my search for "tag:bookmark" won't yield any results.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi All,


Evernote for Windows v. (275051) killed the Windows system-wide CTRL+Backspace keyboard shortcut which deletes an entire word at a time. I didn't realize how much I used this shortcut until now. 


Is it possible to undo this regression? Please help!


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