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How I use Evernote to Blog

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When I get around to writing a blog post, Evernote is my main tool that helps me do it.

I write, format, arrange etc. all in Evernote. Then I email the note to my Wordpress account.

If you are not a serious blogger (like me ;) ), I think Evernote is a perfect tool to help you get into it. :)

And what would a blog discussion be without a blog post?



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I don't write my regular blog posts for my own blog (WordPress) using Evernote. I do it directly in WP. However, I _do_ write all my guest blog posts and my biweekly column for SF Signal in Evernote for 2 reasons:

1. These are posted by others on blogs and sites I don't control and I want a record of what I wrote.

2. I can tag them and organize them as I like so that I can find what I wrote later without having to hunt down the site.

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Evernote is great for research and storing facts I want to blog about, but for writing the actual post I use multimarkdown which lets me do simple things like **bold** and _italics_ with little effort and not-so-ugly formatting markup and then I convert it into HTML to paste into Wordpress. It's actually easier than it sounds and gives me the flexibility to write without thinking so much about formatting.

I also take the "good" posts I make and put them back into Evernote with the clipper so they are formatted and look good and if I ever need them they are available should something happen to my blog.

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I like doing it in Evernote where I have all my other resources. I also have a permanent record of my research and notes, so I can go back later if necessary,

Back when blogger killed off 30 hours worth of content (http://news.cnet.com...0062428-93.html) I would've wished for nothing more than to have all of my posts stored in Evernote. Luckily I was able to retrieve my content from google reader, but the collective outcry of millions of Blogger users must have been deafening that day.

Still, it's the basic backup argument. Sometimes there are issues with initial publishing, or ever later, and a backup makes sense, regardless of where you store it.

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Why do you find writing your posts in Evernote easier than writing them directly in WordPress?

I find it much easier to write posts in EN. All I have to do is hit the new note hotkey, and start typing.

In WP I have to open my browser, find the tab with my WP site open, hit new post, and then start writing. (Also, I have to separately upload each image and then include it in)

In Evernote, I can also see better how the page will be laid out, including formatting/images etc...

I also want to start using it to better use the tags section of the post. I often forget about tagging in WP, but not in EN, so if I use the tags in EN it will remind me what I want to use in WP.

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[...] for writing the actual post I use multimarkdown [...]

I also use multimarkdown for many things. If there was an API method that got a plain text representation of a note (rather than ENML), it would be pretty easy to write create a service to run MMD from EverNote.

Do you run MMD separately, or is there a WordPress plugin that accepts MMD?

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Every time that word processing comes up in the General Discussion forum, the evangelists (or at least one or two of them) shoot down anyone who suggests Evernote can/should have more word processing features, enabling them to blog or write more easily in Evernote. Given the previous posts on this thread, I hope this is a safe space to say that I'm one person who would love to be able to do all my writing, including my blogging, from within Evernote—but without a word count feature and the ability to remove formatting, both of which are missing on the Mac client, I can't. The day I can do those things on my computer, I'll be thrilled, since all of my support materials for my blogging and other writing are already in Evernote.

As for backup, I've set my blog's RSS feed to automatically send to Evernote so I can't lose my posts (the new ones, at least; I still have to go back and clip the old ones) in the event that WordPress has any serious problems.

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Every time that word processing comes up in the General Discussion forum, the evangelists (or at least one or two of them) shoot down anyone who suggests Evernote can/should have more word processing features, enabling them to blog or write more easily in Evernote.

Evernote evangelists are entitled to their opinions, just as you are. They are also allowed to post their opinions, just as you are.

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Not having support for plain text not an issue of features: it's a bug. If I type keystrokes into Evernote, expecting it to be text, and cut and paste into my WordPress blog, extra returns are added. If I paste the text of a link (text beginning http://) into an evernote note, that text is autoformatted as a live link, and no effort to remove formatting will turn it into plain text. People jump through all sorts of hoops (I paste from Evernote into Emacs, or vice versa, then paste into WordPress) to work around this madness.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions about features. A bug, however, is a bug.

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  • 10 months later...

I use Evernote for everything related to my blog (post ideas, clipped web pages with ideas on traffic generation etc), but I always write directly in Wordpress. I just find it a bit easier for inserting links and images because the preview shows me exactly what it will look like when published. I've tried to write a few posts in EN but when I paste them over or move them into WP they sometimes go a little wonky.

For me, Evernote is the place for all the supporting documentation that goes into my posts. It's worked well so far but I'm a young pup in the world of blogging so ask me again in six months. B)

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  • Level 5*

Evernote is for my initial ideas and (as TheGrudge said) supporting materials. I am currently testing out EverBlog, and I am excited by the possibilty of blogging directly from my Evernote account. However, it is still in beta, and naturally lacks a lot of the features found in more mature systems like WordPress.

As for the plain text thing, I don't agree that it is a bug, but I guess that is a matter of definition. I do agree that it is a significant problem (for me) and a barrier (for me) to using Evernote. Frankly speaking, I often have formatting problems (many of them reported) on the iPad and Mac, and since my life is mainly spent writing, this is a big deal (to me).

Although I would like to do everything in Evernote for writing (all I really need is just plain text, which we all know dozens of apps on the iPad can provide effortlessly), I end up working from Evernote -> Elements (+ Scrivener on the Mac) -> Word or Pages / WordPress (for a blog). I do hope that Evernote someday provides just plain text, but I don't get the sense that this particular feature request is one that has much traction.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 6 months later...

To join this conversation a little late…


I've been working on a way to get my Evernote notes into Wordpress too. The existing options didn't work for me so I created a plugin for WordPress that uses the Evernote API to bring your notes across as posts or pages (with a few extra features; including Markdown/Markdown Extra support).


Please see my official thread here: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/53149-sentinote-an-evernote-plugin-for-wordpress/

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I tried to look, but it says I don't have permission.


When I get around to writing a blog post, Evernote is my main tool that helps me do it.

I write, format, arrange etc. all in Evernote. Then I email the note to my Wordpress account.

If you are not a serious blogger (like me http://discussion.evernote.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/wink.png ), I think Evernote is a perfect tool to help you get into it. http://discussion.evernote.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/smile.png

And what would a blog discussion be without a blog post?



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To join this conversation a little late…


I've been working on a way to get my Evernote notes into Wordpress too. The existing options didn't work for me so I created a plugin for WordPress that uses the Evernote API to bring your notes across as posts or pages (with a few extra features; including Markdown/Markdown Extra support).


Please see my official thread here: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/53149-sentinote-an-evernote-plugin-for-wordpress/


Have you tried IFTTT?


I think, I have seen a IFTTT-Receipt that could help to transfer EN to WP.


Kind regards,



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