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Cost of Evernote almost as much as Netflix?

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You guys had a good thing, but now are getting greedy.  12.99 per month for something I can find free and better services elsewhere?   You are now the blockbuster video of notes on the web.   Good Luck, I will be going elsewhere soon.   

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A flood of 50-note-limit emails must have gone out over the weekend, so now we're seeing all these new threads rehashing the same topics and issuing the same feckless outcries as the dozen or so existing ones. At some point it begins to seem uncharitable to have battles of wits with the unarmed.

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I was paying 1.99 per month and there was a glitch in my billing.  I lost the grandfather clause to the lower price and now they want me to pay 650% more per month?  No.  And it's totally fair to compare the two companies.  The economies of scale dictate the worth.  12.99 per month for this service is not feasible.  The max price point should be 4.99.  

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33 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

I like that Porsche, but only if the sticker price is reduced by 60%.

I think you better cross the road, there is a Hyundai dealer.

I am a Professional subscriber and I heavily dependent for my work to EN, but I would not compare EN with Porsche. More like it is at the moment a Hyundai with only the Porsche sigh. Hopefully it will add more Porsche parts in the near future to justify the whole cost increase


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17 hours ago, Easterjeff said:

I was paying 1.99 per month and there was a glitch in my billing.  I lost the grandfather clause to the lower price and now they want me to pay 650% more per month?  No.  And it's totally fair to compare the two companies.  The economies of scale dictate the worth.  12.99 per month for this service is not feasible.  The max price point should be 4.99.  

The company and people that gave those prices are now gone. The new management is doing things differently.

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On 12/10/2023 at 7:20 PM, Easterjeff said:

You guys had a good thing, but now are getting greedy.  12.99 per month for something I can find free and better services elsewhere?   You are now the blockbuster video of notes on the web.   Good Luck, I will be going elsewhere soon.   

Thank you! This perspective really helps me. Netflix indeed delivers me less value/fun than Evernote. I decided to keep paying for both, after your perspective. I would stick around even if they doubled the price, but only after they introduce synced sections like Notion or Microsoft Loops and after they introduce sorting on the tags column, and make everything on Windows (let's not be greedy) times 1.5 faster and on Android 5 times faster. 😘🙏🤗@Federico Simionato

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3 hours ago, gazumped said:

Hey!  There's being supportive, and there's being carried away - lets not get too ambitious!  <_< :D

If they make it faster, more stable and sorting tags and notion Synced sections, then I'm just on the level of supportive if they double the charge. But it's subjective. I understand. I think most people experience a different level of value than I. I realize that. Let meet in the middle. Same price, but with the features I talked about. 😁 Thx for a more average generalized approach @gazumped

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Having once run a Support team at an ISP which ran into the year 2000 bug I can testify that no matter how good a company you are,  no matter how good the staff,  bad things can happen out of the blue that take ages to dig out from under. 

The only thing you can ask for at that time is a supportive group of users who will stand behind you with patience and confidence that you will get out of the mire as quickly as possible and put things back to rights,  and not just snipe at every real or imagined slip.

Hope Evernote finds such a group soon...  ;)

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4 minutes ago, gazumped said:

bad things can happen out of the blue that take ages to dig out from under. 

Unfortunately, this isn’t out of the blue.  This is due to several factors that were all within Bending Spoons control.  Several controversial or bad (depending on one’s point of view) decisions made in a very short period of time plus the inexcusable lack of testing they do before pushing out new versions.  Honestly, sometimes I think they push out more bugs than they fix.

I am with you in hoping they get this under control soon.

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I find this price increase pretty shocking. I'm currently paying 69.99 a year and with the new pricing I'd be at 129.99. I upload very few images or audio files for example. So my data storage use is very minimal. Pretty much just do links and text. So this use case, especially in 2024, shouldn't be too hard to find elsewhere.

My preference is to support Indy developers but not with that kind of a percentage price increase. That just feels like they feel confident we won't move.

Looks like I'll be spendng a few days during Christmas break to find an alternative and move my data.

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5 hours ago, dbvirago said:

I'm not familiar with Netflix. What does their free plan look like? 

I know you jest, but there actually kind of was a free plan... an unpublished(*) one that consisted of borrowing your friends account info, thus using it for free and getting the full premium service. With regards to that "the company has previously said that more than 100 million subscribers worldwide access Netflix through password sharing and revealed in April 2022 that it lost subscribers for the first time in over a decade"  https://time.com/6282750/netflix-password-sharing-household-rules. (100 million - wow!)

So Netflix clamped that down starting in May 2023 and many people predicted that this would be a death-knell for Netflix. (Sounds familiar.) Instead, stock prices gained 17% in just one month after the crackdown (https://www.investopedia.com/netflix-password-sharing-crackdown-nets-results-7510343) and Netflix had even gained 6 million subscribers within a few months after (https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2023/7/20/netflixs-subscribers-surge-after-password-sharing-crackdown).

In addition to that, Netflix also probably saw a huge increase in savings from reduced demand by those who were once abusing the system.

Kind of interesting. I knew about Netflix shutting down the password sharing, but I didn't know that things have marched on just fine since then.

One comment I saw about it: "I guess that the people who were complaining the most were in fact the people that were not paying for Netflix to begin with." Also sounds familiar.

* Edit: not that this was sanctioned or condoned by Netflix in any way (maybe a blind-eye at best?). "Users" doing this were definitely abusing the system whereas Evernote free users were taking advantage of a sanctioned/documented free plan.

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On 12/10/2023 at 1:20 PM, Easterjeff said:

You are now the blockbuster video of notes on the web.

Blockbuster? Too modern for me. There hasn't been a real computer since Univac I. The tech world has gone to sh*t since they stopped using vacuum tubes and punch cards.

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