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Feedback - v10.0 Released



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I also rely on local notebooks. I don't want to save private information in the cloud but store it with the other notes in the same app. I don't need synchronisation of these notes over all of my devices.

For me, local notebooks are a substitute for true encryption never offered by Evernote. True encryption means I store the private key not Google.

If Evernote won't bring back local notebooks (or better implement end-to-end encryption), I think I have to look for another tool.

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Just upgraded to v10 on Mac. I know any major update needs time to settle, but I'm quite disappointed about a bunch of topics:

- General slowness: ok, I'm using an old 2010 MacBook, but we're talking about TEXT WRITING, not 3D modeling! Evernote has become painfully slow in most operations, opening a new note takes 3-4 seconds! Even basic text writing and deleting is laggy. :(

- No preferences pane, no more customization except some little view option. I simply want the new note to focus on title instead of body, I can't. What the.......

- I prefer the old search behaviour, where search results showed directly in the notes column.

Don't want to rollback, I'll stay here and wait for some urgent updates! ;)

A paid user.

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@gbarry  Can you advise on features no longer supported
I see the "Coming Soon" in the release notes
My top concern - Is AppleScript still supported?

I see from the Help and Learning Post

What features are not yet available in the new app?
This is not an exhaustive list of features, but the most notable include:

App preferences
Export options other than ENEX
Evernote Helper
Audio note recording and playback
Quick switcher (Cmd+J)
Published notebooks (Evernote Business)

What features are no longer supported in the new app?
This is not an exhaustive list of features, but the most notable include:

Local notebooks
Presentation mode
ScanSnap Evernote Edition firmware and software

edit: Top list view not available in this release; future update
edit: Navigation in the note list panel does not update the note panel; by design   
edit: edit: Note count in the sidebar missing; ?  
edit: Tabs missing; ?    
edit 20201011: Classic in-app links are no longer generated _

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8 hours ago, DTLow said:

What features are no longer supported in the new app?
This is not an exhaustive list of features, but the most notable include:

Local notebooks
Presentation mode
ScanSnap Evernote Edition firmware and software

WHAT???  Local notebooks NOT supported?  Did I read that right?

So my iPhone XS Max with 512GB of RAM, and my iPad Pro with 256GB RAM are now useless on a plane, for example?  Or anywhere where I do NOT have an Internet connection?

Why on earth would you deprecate local notebooks?  My entire several thousand notes are all locally stored on each device, as I do a lot of travelling, and I am frequently in places with no Internet connection.  This is Australia, NOT the USA.  In the USA you might have always on, always available Internet - but we don't.  That is why I do NOT have any subscriptions for services that rely ONLY on Internet connections.  My local notes and notebooks in Evernote go with me everywhere, and I can work on a plane, a train, or even on our back paddock which also has zero Internet.

That is a very USA-centric and urban attitude, that there is always Internet available.  But you have users all over the world.  You MUST bring back offline notebooks and notes.  Evernote is a useless boat anchor until you do, for those of us who do NOT live with ubiquitous wifi or net connections.  That change alone is a disaster and a deal breaker, even though I've been a Premium user almost from when Evernote first started.

In the meantime, I'm turning off all updates to Evernote, especially having been bitten by the iOS v10 "updates" which are still an ongoing disaster area...!


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38 minutes ago, NightStalker said:

WHAT???  Local notebooks NOT supported?  Did I read that right?

Calm down, Chill
In Evernote speak, Local Notebooks are not sync'd to the cloud and other devices.   
They are "local" to a single device

Your requirement is for Offline notebooks, and they're still supported. 

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8 minutes ago, DTLow said:

Calm down   
In Evernote speak, Local Notebooks are not sync'd to the cloud and other devices.   
They are "local" to a single device

Your requirement is for Offline notebooks, and they're still supported. 

I'll give that one half a "Phewww!"    Very confusing terminology there.  Yes, most of what I need are OFFLINE notebooks - which I call local.  True LOCAL notebooks, that are not synced, are also needed though, for example on my office iMac, I don't need or want all my personal stuff, but I DO need and want all my work-related stuff (eg journal references and clips). I keep most of those in a true LOCAL notebook that never syncs to the EN servers, but gets backed up on my regular scheduled backup routine (twice a day) to a local and a LAN drive.

However, I also see from a couple of other posts that the Web Clipper is not working, and I rely on this to clip journal articles or sections of them.

So I'll be staying on v7.14 with all updates turned off.  Seems to me that Evernote don't have a rigorous alpha, beta, and gold release testing program in house or with their beta users.  Can you imagine somebody like Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Cisco, etc releasing something that is as pre-alpha and broken as these new versions of Evernote?

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Looks great but, unfortunately, looks aren’t everything. Functionality that is essential for me to use Evernote is no longer available (with no warning it was going to disappear). Unless I am missing something, creation date changes which are vital are no longer possible and other everyday functions such as adding tags is a much longer process now (they used to be easily accessed at the top of the record - now they are hidden away at the bottom and not obvious at all). To go from several pages of settings & preferences to one, single option is not good but the final straw is not being able to select All pages visibility as the default for all attachments (I now have to change it for each attachment). Everything just takes SO much longer. I really wish I hadn’t updated. 

Also, the Evernote option from the Mac's share menu has disappeared and dragging and dropping files into EN is seriously hit or miss as well. I'm seriously regretting updating to this version. I give up!

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I have a Mac desktop, Windows desktop, Mac Laptop, etc. I've updated the Mac Desktop, and Windows Desktop.

Just found out about the Electron App thing. I turned off my network on the Mac Desktop, and the contents of my notes disappeared!

I am concerned about updating my Mac laptop.I am usually NOT on network when using my laptop.

What will happen?


Also The New Window command is missing on the Mac. This was great you could run two or more "windows" of Evernote, very helpful when using Max OS X spaces.


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13 hours ago, luckman212 said:

not possible to implement in Electron

Hi, maybe a silly question, but why is not possible to implement? For example Slack has preferences as well. And quite extensive. 

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Hi! The new Evernote is pretty. However, I miss the ability to be able to change the date that I created a note. I often take handwritten notes in doctor appointments and then I transfer them into Evernote when I get home. I have to be able to sort these notes by the appointment date, not the day made the note. I had to uninstall Evernote 10 and revert to Evernote 7 because of this.

Also, I miss being able chose the font I want in creating a note. Now I only have the choice of header, subhead etc. 

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On 10/11/2020 at 8:40 AM, NikM said:

Hi, maybe a silly question, but why is not possible to implement? For example Slack has preferences as well. And quite extensive. 

It's definitely possible. Not sure what the OP meant, but as you said other Electron-based apps have preferences which may be configured and there's no reason to believe that Evernote won't get them too.

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On 10/9/2020 at 6:39 AM, Claudio79 said:

Just upgraded to v10 on Mac. I know any major update needs time to settle, but I'm quite disappointed about a bunch of topics:

- General slowness: ok, I'm using an old 2010 MacBook, but we're talking about TEXT WRITING, not 3D modeling! Evernote has become painfully slow in most operations, opening a new note takes 3-4 seconds! Even basic text writing and deleting is laggy. :(

- No preferences pane, no more customization except some little view option. I simply want the new note to focus on title instead of body, I can't. What the.......

- I prefer the old search behaviour, where search results showed directly in the notes column.

Don't want to rollback, I'll stay here and wait for some urgent updates! ;)

A paid user.

I'm experience the same slowness. Especially when: 

* switching from Business to Private accounts

* Duplicating a Note

* Deleting a Note


Things that I'm missing a lot:

* Shortcuts. There are no more shortcuts.

* Notebook switcher shortcuts


The search I think it is better the way it is right now. It is just a matter of getting used to it. 

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I also do not like how the splitting of Business and Private account now creates two different profiles here in the Forum! Depending on wich Evernote account I'm logged in, the forum forces me to use that specific account. Sucks.

Scannable also no longer knows about my business account, and if a note goes to the private account, I can't move it to the business account anymore. I guess I will need to create a shared notebook between the two accounts. But this used to work much better when the two accounts were connected. Hope this will improve in the upcoming versions.

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This is very good news that some of the missing features are on their way back. The iOS version update was so good I stupidly assumed the MacOS version would be so as well but my workflows have been destroyed, because I can type. I like keyboard shortcuts and most of them have gone.

I do hope this isn't going to be a too painful drip feed of them one at a time over many months, if I'm lucky at all.

CMD-J for instance is/was really great but now that's gone. How long before that's back? Oh and this is very important, I don't want CMD-J back only to have to take my hand off the keyboard and move the mouse and then click the mouse in order to select my found preference, like in much of the current interface. I just want to it return when the item I looked for is found. 

I have a long list of things I'm missing like a lot of users going by these forums so lets all keep our fingers crossed and hope someone is listening.

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6 hours ago, MrIllustrator said:

The iOS version update was so good I stupidly assumed the MacOS version would be so as well

I almost choked on the "was so good"   
The IOS version was so basic, there wasn't that much to mess up   
The Mac version is much more complex; with features tied to the OS   
I fully expected adjustment pains and won't be upgrading until issues get resolved

>mywork flows have been destroyed
We have the option of downgrading to an earlier version or installing the Legacy version

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