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Simple way to reach the Templates, and to edit and rename



I would really like to simply have a button on the left navigation which directly opens a separate page with all the templates. There they can be edited, renamed etc..

As far as I can see, the only way to find the templates is to create a new note and then click on the Templates button. And if you want to edit an existing template you need to make a new note, apply a template and then edit it. And save it again under a new name..

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I'm using Evernote for Mac and I don't know how templates work on Windows. But I guess the same functionality would be requested on Windows as well. I also use evernote on my Android phone, but I haven't found the need to open a new template there yet.

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I would love to see the ability to edit a template. The supplied ones are good but some have great features that when added to another template, would be perfect for the intended purpose. A design your own option would be awesome for iOS iPad penultimate

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On 1/22/2019 at 9:52 AM, jborden said:

if there is a way to edit templates - please let us know.

I don't see one either other than uploading a new template and deleting the old one.  Seems strange to me ... I've upvoted this one too.

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You have to be kidding that cannot edit saved templates.  This is a must have feature and should be simple to allow.  Creating a new note, applying a template, modifying it, saving it under a new name and deleting your original note is absurd.  I though this was a program promoting efficiency????

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10 hours ago, Epic said:

Make a note from the existing template.  Edit it.  Choose ‘Save as Template”. 

I think the point is to edit the template in place as opposed to copy, edit, add, delete the old one.

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I'm on the Windows client.  You can access the template browser when applying to a new note, and you can rename there, but as far as I can tell there is no way to edit templates?  Am I dumb or is this a design flaw?  Please give us access to edit templates rather than resaving and deleting.  To many extra steps that make the template feature not worth it.

Also, can I ask for a feature request to have tags carry with templates?



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Seriously, the Evernote staff really did not think the use of this feature through if they haven't provided a means to edit existing templates.  I am a bit disappointed.  I thought the feature would be great. 

However, Evernote folks - if there is a way to edit templates - please let us know.

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On 1/22/2019 at 9:52 AM, jborden said:

However, Evernote folks - if there is a way to edit templates - please let us know.

Easy - roll your own. Just save a note somewhere safe / convenient, and when you want a new instance, use the note copy or duplicate functionality to make a copy. In the WIndows client, you can preserve tags when you make a copy.

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On 1/22/2019 at 2:52 PM, jborden said:

Seriously, the Evernote staff really did not think the use of this feature through if they haven't provided a means to edit existing templates.  I am a bit disappointed.  I thought the feature would be great. 

However, Evernote folks - if there is a way to edit templates - please let us know.

What about open as a new note, make amendments and save again as a template ?

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3 hours ago, seaspray said:

What about open as a new note, make amendments and save again as a template ?

and then you need to delete the old templete ...yes, that is the only way to currently do it.  A better option would be to provide a way to directly edit the existing template.  As currently implemented I see no advantage to the template feature over the roll your own method we had been using.

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On 2/14/2019 at 6:15 AM, s2sailor said:

A better option would be to provide a way to directly edit the existing template.  As currently implemented I see no advantage to the template feature over the roll your own method we had been using.


On 2/18/2019 at 3:44 AM, loynis.armitage said:

I don't understand how the function to be able to edit your templates can't exist. I would like to have it as well.

As per the above request, Evernote has not implemented a Template editor.
Personally, I have no problem using the standard note editor; (yes, it requires editing a note)

Actually, all my templates are saved as notes; they start as notes and I store them in both formats.  

Both formats have advantages and I use them interchangeably.

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2 hours ago, DTLow said:

Both formats have advantages and I use them interchangeably.

Maybe I'm missing something.  What advantage do you see to using the new feature?  I see none, only extra steps especially if I decide to later update the template.

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9 hours ago, s2sailor said:

Maybe I'm missing something.  What advantage do you see to using the new feature?  I see none, only extra steps especially if I decide to later update the template.

This is a switch; I'm usually explaining the advantages of templates-as-notes.

For the many users who can't handle the template-as-notes process,
the advantage is Evernote's Template process is a simplified process.

For myself, starting a new note, I now have an alternative process to pulling in a template.  
I like choices.

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I like choices too but I don't see why in this case the "simplified" templating function should need to be awful to edit in order to be simple. From my point of view the simplified process can stay the way it is now, with all its advantages. All that is really needed to support the not uncommon use case of editing a template is an option to access the list of templates without having to create a new note and a context menu entry to edit a template without having to create a new note. I don't see how that complicates anything, on the contrary the way it is implemented now is a major complication of the simple process of editing a template. 

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I just happened to be reading this older string.  For anyone who finds it, editing the templates is really quite easy.  Make a note from the existing template.  Edit it.  Choose ‘Save as Template”. 

To see your new version, open a new note.  Click the use template button. While you’re in there, delete the old version if you’re replacing the old one, and not making a ‘Version B’.

As templates concept is to host notes that are likely to be rarely edited, this process seems fine to me.  Makes it difficult to accidentally edit your master copy of the template.  

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On 7/18/2019 at 10:43 AM, Epic said:

I just happened to be reading this older string.  For anyone who finds it, editing the templates is really quite easy.  Make a note from the existing template.  Edit it.  Choose ‘Save as Template”. 

Sometimes I mess up, and fixing it is beyond obnoxious.  It really is quite a pain to have to create a new note, select the template, make the changes, save as a new template (with a new modified name because you can't have two files with the same name) save as a new template.  

love using templates, and most of my notes are structured within a core set of them.  It's such a great feature, but not being able to edit the templates outside of this process is hard to understand.  

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On 9/5/2019 at 5:09 AM, ArthurDent42 said:

Sometimes I mess up, and fixing it is beyond obnoxious.  It really is quite a pain to have to create a new note, select the template, make the changes, save as a new template (with a new modified name because you can't have two files with the same name) save as a new template.  

love using templates, and most of my notes are structured within a core set of them.  It's such a great feature, but not being able to edit the templates outside of this process is hard to understand.  

Well, I guess you might find the way I manage my templates to work better.  I forego the integrated template database and just keep my templates in a separate notebook called "Templates" and use the Duplicate Note command.  There are various ways to make quick access to them, such as adding favourites and setting Favourites Bar as a separate menu at top of screen.  I also use Filterize service extensively to automatically apply templates triggered by defined rules. This is an amazing tool, if you're willing to put in time to set it up.

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21 hours ago, Epic said:

There are various ways to make quick access to them, such as adding favourites and setting Favourites

Another way is to export the template to an ENEX on the desktop.  When you double click the icon on the desktop a note is added to EN.

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Bumping this thread again. Hopefully someone at Evernote is taking note that it's a pretty bad experience editing a template (which isn't possible since creating a new template is not the same thing) when you simply need to fix one misspelled word. 

I would like to be able to edit the original note I based the template on and then have some sort of "refresh template" option. The reason being is that I share my "template" by sharing that original note. If I need to fix something, I want to be sure it's reflected in the version the other people I have shared it with are looking at.



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I upvoted this as well. Considering there is a 'My Template' section you should be able edit an existing template without having to delete and recreate a note each time. It takes away the efficiency using the template function.

Developers please add it to your features list.

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Em 18/10/2018 at 09:15, Lanse1430 disse:

I would really like to simply have a button on the left navigation which directly opens a separate page with all the templates. There they can be edited, renamed etc..

As far as I can see, the only way to find the templates is to create a new note and then click on the Templates button. And if you want to edit an existing template you need to make a new note, apply a template and then edit it. And save it again under a new name..

3 years have passed and absolutely NO EVOLUTION has been made regarding editing templates in Evernote...
It may be that A LOT of people don't mind this because they don't use the feature, but FOR US, who USE the feature, this is a REQUIRED function!
Please stop pretending you care and DO something. We pay for the app and the least we'd like to have is a tool that MAKES our lives EASIER.
Having to create a new note, apply a template, edit, save as a template again, then rename is - DEFINITELY - not what I call EASE!

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What you describe may not be the shortest workflow possible - but how often do you create or edit a template ?

The number of personal templates is limited to 20 - this limits the real world effort to create them.

There is an alternative simpler in modification, but a bit more stressful in usage: Create a notebook called Templates, pin it to shortcuts. Now place notes as templates into it. Whenever you want to use one of the notes, select and duplicate it. Move the duplicate elsewhere, work on the copy only.

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Em 28/06/2021 at 20:08, PinkElephant disse:

What you describe may not be the shortest workflow possible - but how often do you create or edit a template ?

The number of personal templates is limited to 20 - this limits the real world effort to create them.

There is an alternative simpler in modification, but a bit more stressful in usage: Create a notebook called Templates, pin it to shortcuts. Now place notes as templates into it. Whenever you want to use one of the notes, select and duplicate it. Move the duplicate elsewhere, work on the copy only.

It´s not the BEST way, but it´s a REAL GENIOUS way... Thank you very much.
Simple and elegant!

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Upvote for me.

Tried the note duplication method, but keeping track of the original note and then duplicating is also irritating. I might give it a go again, but accessing, editing, and creating from templates directly especially since you get the use template button ... seems sort of ...  obvious? While I may only be limited to 20 templates, they ARE going through a lot of iterations and atm this is obviously a stub of a function - one which is less use than initially appears.

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A simple way is to export the note you want to use as a template as an ENEX file.

This can be any note, but you can as well use a template provided by EN, and modify it (BTW, most apps that provide templates keep the standard templates, and let you save mods only under your own templates)

By ENEX you can share templates, either by sending the file, or by putting them into a joint resource, like a cloud folder. You can even place the ENEX files into a shared note, and open it there. It will create a new note with the ENEX-templates content.

And it is unlimited as well ...

Maybe not as awesome, but available right here and now.

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