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Everything posted by Metrodon

  1. Jumped or pushed? Time for our tin foil hats again!!!
  2. As a Mac user, the last thing I want is for my apps to look like a Windows app. Both OS have different design guidelines for their apps and generally I find Apple's clearer UI styles easier to see and use. In comparison, Windows apps are often ugly and complex. Anyway, the Evernote icon that we are all meant to be excited about looks the same on both.
  3. I'm also happy to get paid if I'm currently missing out.
  4. Branding does matter. It matters to the people that work there, the investors and to potential new customers. Whether it deserves the twitter countdown etc is debatable, but I'm pretty sure that the actual impact on development resources was very low.
  5. How do you know any of that? They aren't public - they don't release employee salaries. "righteous act" - wow.... Tweet away.....
  6. And maybe also some thought....Evernote employs people, it pays their wages which helps to house and feed their families. Just because the app doesn't do something that you feel it should, or you feel it's really easy to do, doesn't feel like enough of a justification to me to suggest that you are going to actively go out and damage their business. Because, if you damage the business, you damage people as well. (Don't I sound nauseatingly sanctimonoius?)
  7. I love this stuff. I'm sure all your followers who are also Evernote users will have jumped to Google docs by the weekend. Lolz.
  8. Let's face it, the last Web UI was a cluster.... I'm sure the Notebook list will make it relatively quickly.
  9. It's the first public beta....give them a chance. I just wasn't sure if I was missing something.
  10. Am I being really dumb (don't answer that Jeff) - is there a way yet to expand Notebooks in the sidebar?
  11. i believe HotJar is only used on the evernote.com website and not on the service at all. Happy to be proven wrong if you can find any trace once you are logged in though. Google Analytics is pretty ubiquitous, I'd be more surprised if you can find many sites or services that don't have it running. I believe that Tealium data is only available to the paying customer (Evernote) and not back to Tealium or anyone else - again, happy to be proven wrong if you can point me to any evidence. So, although I understand your principle, it feels to me like your concerns may be a little exaggerated in this case. However, in a world of consumer choice, if you are not happy then finding a solution that better meets your needs and concerns is completely open to you.
  12. when i load Evernote, Ghostery tells me that they've got Google Analytics and Tealium trackers running (this is on the old (some would say functional) web app). I remember from a previous thread that they are using HotJar on the website to track user journeys. I'm not seeing anything to be particularly concerned about - if you are worried about the trackers you can always block them with Ghostery or something similar.
  13. TextExpander on the Mac is great for this sort of stuff. Phrase Express is like an ugly Windows sister but it does the job too.
  14. Never mind features - if you don't run a thick client, you won't have control over your own data.
  15. Any actual evidence of this? The CEO says that they are currently self sustaining which is a position I don't remember the old guy ever saying. I'm not even sure what a "Power User" is, but a sensible user picks the best tools to do the job - you won't pick up a hammer to make scrambled eggs (although some of my efforts look like they might have been..). Trying to build a single tool that fits everybody's "power" requirements is the shortest cut to ruin that I can possibly imagine. I hope Evernote keep it simple, make it work seamlessly and don't try to be too clever. Too clever leads to Context, Work Chat, Socks and who knows what other nonsense.
  16. You really think Evernote is a robust editor? Lolz...It's improving, but I think the last positive I would ever list for Evernote is a robust editor...
  17. And my guess is a very very small %... The vast majority of normal human beings have never even heard of markdown. Nerds like it (I like it), but my non-nerdy friends and family wouldn't have a clue what it is.
  18. LOL - If Evernote disappeared tomorrow, it would be a pain but hardly the end of the world, so I'm not sure about bias. I do however dislike people posting uninformed comment in public places and then behaving like it's gospel. Unsuspecting and casual passers by are easily caught out.
  19. I'm afraid that neither of those point to any facts. Evernote has always been a freemium product with all of the challenges that this brings. This is hardly news. I also don't think any serious user is really going to complain about the demise of the premium business sock BS. You reference a TechCrunch article that is more than a year old, again hardly news. Instead I'll point you to a blog post from 2017 from the CEO of the company, so some facts and not general guesses -https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2017/02/13/turning-an-elephant/ The technology and financial online press are focused on clicks and impressions, not always on facts. "Evernote is dying on it's backside" is a much better sounding story than "Evernote is doing kinda OK". Even if it's not true.
  20. I have to disagree here - there have been significant improvements in the cross platform editor and the reliability of the sync engine in the last year or so. These aren't big bang functionality announcements, but as a reasonably heavy user of the software, these matter far more to me, Moving to Google infrastructure is another significant and impactful change. Shutting down the previous CEO's ego-based international offices and closing the edge applications and platforms are all good business and product changes in my opinion. Focus is very difficult to achieve and the previous management were hopeless at it. Just because users don't understand the value of these changes doesn't make them important to the company and the product. Your comments on the finances seem to be completely contrary to everything I've seen in the last 12 months - I'd be interested in seeing a reputable source, otherwise maybe you'd be better off editing your post.
  21. I opened a second free account - share some notebooks, copy some notes over. Archive complete.
  22. Using the web interface at the moment on a specific client's work that I don't want to get muddled up with my own account. If you have more than one notebook, this is a pretty horrible UI....
  23. Well given that all new accounts have to use the new 'beta' web app, you'd hope that they are investing in it.......
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