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Everything posted by JMichaelTX

  1. Very nice tool! 👍 One suggestion: provide option for EverTool to use the SELECTION in the source document without needing to CUT/PASTE.
  2. More importantly, if it is that easy to do, why hasn't Evernote built in sorting in all of their apps?
  3. Until/If Evernote provides this, on Evernote Mac app you can at least add fonts you often use to the dropdown. Process to Add Fonts to Evernote Mac Open Font Book.app Click/Select "All Fonts" Select the fonts you want to appear in Evernote Drag to the "Web" Collection Quit and Restart EN Mac
  4. Thanks for taking quick action. I hope the fix will be forthcoming equally quick.
  5. @gbarry or other Forum Moderator: could you please move all off-topic posts (including mine) to a new thread, so your new CEO, and the rest of us, can clearly see messages to/from the CEO. Thanks.
  6. If that is your purpose, that's fine. But, IMO, it is not the best tool for that. Some would argue that mind-mapping, diagramming, and outline tools are better for that. I use Evernote to quickly capture thoughts and ideas, and some follow-up actions. But when I comes time to use that info, I generally use another tool. For me, it is best used as a Personal Information Manager (PIM), as I mentioned above. Before I found Evernote, I had been searching for years for a good PIM, found none, and was using my PC's file system. That was Windows. Even the the great Mac file system with tags and great Spotlight search, I find Evernote to be better in general. (However, I do use the Mac file system for some things, like scripts, some legal and financial documents. Mac Spotlight is an awesome tool (which, BTW, does provide the auto-complete of Tags.)
  7. First a quick Note to @Ian Small: Welcome aboard! I hope you are able to do what the other CEOs have failed to do: Focus on making Evernote truly great at its primary purpose of being the world's greatest Personal Information Manager (PIM). (I known "PIM" is an old, out-of-fashion term, but, IMO, it is the best term to succinctly describe Evernote) Focus on making Evernote truly profitable. Don't be lured by the false promise of having 250M+ Users who pay nothing. When you have #1 well in hand, then focus on making it great for small businesses. I look forward to hearing from you soon as to how you are going to turn-around Evernote. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, about Tags . . . You make an assertion without offering any examples or proof. As user who uses tags as the primary means of organizing and finding Notes, I totally disagree that Tags are a "nightmare". They work quite well for me. Perhaps the issue is in your organization of Tags. This I totally agree with. All devices should support the same Tag structure, meaning that iOS devices should also support Tag hierarchy. Also, when typing "tag:" in the Search box (on all devices), Evernote should provide a auto-complete popup that searches/finds the tag as you type -- just like the Tag Filter works on EN Mac. If Tag hierarchy was properly supported (on all devices), then there would be a way to first select a Parent Tag and then display/find ONLY its Child tags. The UI needs to be designed for this, but, as an example, if you type "Finances~", the tilde ~ would cause Evernote to display its Child Tags of Bills Institutions Insurance Investing Taxes All of this would help both the experienced "engineer" types, as well as newer users easily and quickly find and assign Tags, avoiding any duplicates of similar keywords. I strongly oppose this. It would destroy my entire organization of Notes. No one is forced to use Tags. So if you prefer some other means of organizing your Notes, you are free to do so without impinging on other users.
  8. Why inevitable decline? Perhaps 3rd time's a charm.
  9. You can easily do this yourself in macOS: How to Create Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in Mac OS
  10. @OVPdev, I see that you have continued to debate the need for hierarchical structure (i.e. sub-notebooks) with the naysayers. Feel free to continue if you like, but I suspect that they will never change their opinion. We have an old saying in Texas: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." ? Those of us that understand the need, already do so. You don't need to convince the naysayers. We only need to convince Evernote, and I don't know how we do that other than posting our request here, and encouraging all who need subnotebooks to up-vote at the top of this thread. I think there is some hope. After years of refusing to provide more notebooks, Evernote recently increased the limit from 250 to 1,000.
  11. Well-said, and an excellent example. I also believe it has something to do with how a person thinks. Those that don't see the value in a hierarchical organization will likely never be convinced that there is a true need for some use cases.
  12. @DTLow, your system sounds interesting. Have you published your entire system/process anywhere?
  13. I strongly agree. Tags assigned to a template should be also assigned to the note created from the template.
  14. Sorry, I don't get it. What does iOS12 have to do with scripting? I'm not aware of any scripting capability on the iOS devices. Please provide details. The screenshots don't tell me much.
  15. Sorry, Evernote, but really? Much ado about nothing. ? Sure, everybody likes a new coat of paint, a new color, even a new veneer. But it is very disappointing if you go inside and it is the same old broken furniture. The time for fanfare and celebration is when you have really new app that works with very, very few bugs, and maybe, just maybe, you have implemented a few of the long time often requested features. Then bring out the paint brushes and champagne.
  16. Actually this is a core, simple, HTML feature: HTML summary Tag
  17. Hi @JMichaelTX, thanks for reporting this. I'm unable to reproduce these issues with version 7.4. Does the issues persist after selecting Reset Shortcuts in the Clipper's Shortcuts menu in Settings? @BSR, thanks for the quick reply. I took a few days to respond back to get more experience with Ver 7.4. So, #1 seems to work OK, now. Not sure why it didn't before. Still can't remove a specific shortcut. Pressing normal or forward <delete> does not work. How can a shortcut be cleared? ESC now works. But now I can't get the shortcut to Save (Enter by default) to reliably work. It seems that if I am in a text field of the Clipper, it does not recognize the ENTER. How do I move out of a text field? Pressing TAB doesn't seem to work. Having said that, the clipper seems to do its main job of "clipping" very well, and pretty fast. It may actually be better than Ver 6. Thanks for continuing to work on the Clipper until you got it fixed.
  18. Thanks for the update. It has been a long an rocky road since you guys took us for ride with Ver 7.0. I just updated to Ver 7.4 today, and the web clipping seems to be fine so far, but I do have these issues with the keyboard shortcuts: The Start Web Clipper does NOT work reliably. I can't find a way to remove a specific shortcut completely. ESC does not work as a Close Web Clipper (cancel).
  19. You are correct that EN iOS (and I think EN Android) do NOT support hierarchical tags -- they show the tag list as one flat list. This is one of the many reasons I don't use any of my iOS devices for any major Evernote work. It's all done on the Mac. In EN Win, you have the option of doing a search with a Parent tag that includes notes with any of its child tags. But we do not have that in EN Mac. It has been a feature in EN Win for about a year now, I think. So, EN nested tags do NOT work like OS nested folders, which is what most of us would expect IF we had EN nested Notebooks. So, you end up either moving to a different Notes app/system, or making Evernote work as best you can. You choice. BTW, you do not need to repeat your posts. You can quote as many other posts as you like, and then just provide one reply. And when you do quote another post, please just select the key part of that post you want to reply to. It will provide you with a "Quote Selection" popup. Thanks.
  20. OK, that script only returns the immediate child tags of the target parent tag. I now have a proof-of-concept script working that will return all child tags, and descendent tags, down to the lowest level starting with the top-level parent tag. It is running pretty fast, but I want to further optimize before I publish. Turning this into a search is very easy, and the test searches have been very fast. Stay tuned for further developments!
  21. Thanks for the reply. I started a new thread: Using AppleScript to Process Tags in EN Mac
  22. Using AppleScript to Process Tags in EN Mac Continuing the discussion from: @DTLow, I started with your idea and one-line script, and did some testing to determine how to best get all child tags of a parent tag. Here's what I found: Your simple script worked, but it took ~10 sec to run with my 1500+ tags. So, after some experimentation, I came up with this approach, which takes on ~0.24 sec: AppleScript to Get List of Child Tags property ptyScriptName : "Get List of Child Tags for a Parent Tag" property ptyScriptVer : "2.0" property ptyScriptDate : "2018-07-11" property ptyScriptAuthor : "JMichaelTX" tell application "Evernote" ### This Takes about 10 sec for 1500 Tags ### (* set parentTag to tag ".NB.IT" set childTagList to name of every tag whose parent is equal to parentTag *) ### This Takes about 0.24 sec ### set parTagName to ".NB.IT" set tagNameList to name of every tag set parNameList to name of parent of every tag set childTagList to {} repeat with iTag from 1 to (count of tagNameList) set tagName to item iTag of tagNameList set parName to item iTag of parNameList if (parName = parTagName) then set end of childTagList to tagName end if end repeat end tell return childTagList -->{"SOFTWARE", "IT_List", "Electronics", "IT"} Thanks for sharing your complete script to get the list, and to do a recursive process to get all lower child tags. I'll take a look at that and see if it also can be optimized. So that would give us a list of Notes that were assigned any of the child tags. Unfortunately it would not allow any other Search criteria (like dates, inTitle, other tags), which the EN Win search will allow.
  23. @DTLow, sorry to refer to an old post, but how do you turn that list of tags into a search for Notes? BTW, I don't thing that is equivalent to the EN Win feature of: You tag list would only be the immediate child tags of the specified parent tag, and would NOT include any child tags of the first level child tags. But maybe I'm missing something. Perhaps if you could share your complete script it would be clear.
  24. @DTLow gave you the basic solution. In case you are not familiar with AppleScript, just add two lines: repeat with currentNotebook in allNotebooks set notebookName to (the name of currentNotebook) if (notebookName ≠ "NameOfNBToSkip") then -- ADD this line -- all other statements as they are end if -- ADD this line end repeat Make sense?
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