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Everything posted by JMichaelTX

  1. The horse is already out of the barn. This thread is an announcement by Evernote of a major project and commitment to improve the Evernote Editor, and make it work the same, or very similar, across all platforms. I highly commend Evernote for this decision and action.
  2. Hmm. This topic is titled "The Evernote Editor", and is about Evernote's effort to improve the Editor on all platforms: So, I can't imagine why you are posting here, since you " really don't care at all about editing on Evernote", I suppose you would be since you never use Evernote to write anything, to edit anything, to create content. I do hope you realize that Evernote is used by a wide variety of people for a wide variety of tasks, including writing on many levels. I think that there are many, many users (including myself) who need and expect Evernote to be a good rich text editor, but don't expect it to be word processor. You seem to have some issues with Evernote search. Perhaps you would be better served by starting a new topic that is focused on your issues.
  3. Well, I see that there are two levels of security that would be useful a lot of folks: Simple password protect the account and/or specific notebooks This is designed to keep "honest people honest" :-) Keep out prying eyes of family or co-workers But offer no real barrier to serious hackers Easy to use, and hopefully easy to implement (but who knows?) Zero-Knowledge Encryption The ultimate in security/privacy protection Designed to keep your info private from everyone, including hackers, government, and the company who stores your info. Of course, we have to realize there is no such thing as 100% security Only security that is better than others
  4. Really? It was clear to me when @mkg stated several posts ago (yesterday): Seems like a reasonable request, since it is already available on mobile devices. We, as users, can't really deal with priorities other than casting an UpVote. I think pretty much everyone understands that every software company will get more requests than they can afford to implement. So, IMO, for each request, users can vote, and state their case for, or against the request. But it should be clear to all that even if a request gets a huge number of UpVotes, it does not mean that request will be accepted or implemented. Ultimately Evernote will decide what they believe is in their best business interest, as evidenced by the post by the Evernote Security Chief. This is pretty much how it works with all software companies, although some seem to be more sensitive to user needs/requests than others. Some companies get it right, some get it wrong, such as WordPerfect and Blackberry. Good luck to all. May your requests be fulfilled soon!
  5. There are several forms of expressing opposition to something, and Evernote has done all of these over the years: Do nothing, voice no opinion, even after requests for many years by many users Suggest loss of user features, like being unable to search Stating it is not a business priority (see below) @Rich Tener is Evernote’s head of security.
  6. @kgg, that was very kind and considerate of you and Evernote. Thanks for helping out a user under duress.
  7. They were changed in EN Mac 6.5: ⌘> Increase font size ⌘< Decrease font size
  8. The large majority of times, clipping is very fast for me. I usually clip 10-15 pages a day, which vary from a small selection on the page, to the full "Article" of a complex web page. As soon as I click on the EN Clipper button, the popup appears immediately. I usually clip using either the "Article" or "Selection" choice. A very high percentage of cases, I'd guess 90%+, the saving of the clip happens so quickly that I don't perceive it as being slow. For me, this means less than ~3 seconds, usually less than 2, after I click on the Clipper Save button. Occasionally, it will take more than 5 sec, maybe even 10 or 15 sec. But this is rare, and I'm not sure if it is due to the EN Clipper, or due to other factors: Web site response, Internet speed, etc. There are many factors that can affect Clipper performance. Perhaps the best way to compare our experience, is for you to post a link to a page you consistently find to be slow to clip.
  9. I am not seeing this slowness using Mac MBA-13, Yosemite 10.10.5, and Chrome Version 48.0.2564.116 (64-bit). I just clilpped this page and it took less than 2 seconds. Need more info please: OSX version Chrome version Has it always been slow? If not, when did it start? Is it slow on all web pages? You might try the standard "fix it" techniques: Restart your Mac Make sure you have the latest ver of Chrome Remove and Reinstall the Evernote Web Clipper Check the Mac Activity Monitor to see if anything strange is happening
  10. Thanks for sharing your script. Since your script is working with the Mac app Pages, how do you suggest it be used with Evernote? Remember that EN Mac does NOT have a "Find & Replace" menu/action/command.
  11. Nope, your inference is wrong. I never said nor suggested that the "Evernote's cloud is safer". I don't know why you keep belaboring this point. You seem to keep ignoring my point: That's all. So if anyone thinks they can be 100% safe just by never putting anything in the Cloud, then they would be sadly mistaken. Now, can we get back to the real issue: How do we convince companies like Evernote to offer zero-knowledge encryption?
  12. Perhaps I mislead you with the term "hack". What I meant about your home computer being "hacked" is that it is likely that it is easily accessible to others in the household. Often times people will share one computer with everyone in the household. Often home users either don't use a password to login to their computer, or it is very simple, or it is shared with everyone, or at least some, in the household. Even if they have separate computer logins, data about the other user is often accessible. Most families/households have fights (some more than others), and breakups, estrangements, and theft of household members happens, but perhaps not often reported. "Borrowing" of their parents credit cards, cash, jewelry, etc is not unheard of. I would expect some sensitive information on the household computer to be accessed by others. And then there is always the domestic help and repair people who are in people's homes, often without the owners being present. In addition to that, home users are more likely to get a computer virus or trojan, giving access to others. I'm not going to get into a debate with you over statistics. I haven't seen you present any "numbers" or statistics either. My point is that just keeping your information out of the cloud does not give you the 100% security that @gazumped implied. I see no reason to get sidetracked by this discussion when the main point, that we both agree on, is that:
  13. There is no such thing as 100% secure. Most people's home and PC/Mac are far easier to break into than most Cloud storage. It is far more likely that your spouse, partner, roommate, relative, friend will hack your computer that anyone will hack your Cloud storage. There will always be some risk, but we must keep pushing on the companies that provide Cloud storage to provide highly secure, zero-knowledge encrypted storage of all of our data, or at least give us the option of doing so.
  14. Here is a thread with essentially the same request, but since it is in the Windows Feedback forum, you can vote for it: Collapsible / Expandable Outlines within Notes If you want this feature, then you may want to go to the top of the page of that thread, and click the Up Vote button: Unfortunately, we still cannot vote in the General Discussion forum.
  15. Hey guys, I just moved this thread to the Windows Feedback forum so we can vote on it. If you want this feature, then you need to go to the top of this page and click on the UpVote arrow:
  16. The latest version of EN Mac has a new Code Block feature which should do just what you are asking for. See EN Mac 6.5 Update -- Released You will need to enable this feature in the EN Mac Preferences.
  17. I agree it would be helpful if Evernote would provide us with more Preferences/Options so that we can customize the Evernote app to our liking. Until/IF that happens, and if you need stuff like autoformatting of specific stuff a lot, then it may be worthwhile for you to invest in tools like TextExpander and/or Keyboard Maestro (for the Mac). I have both, and use both of them many times a day.
  18. Thanks for sharing this. It's a great read, and I recommend that it be read by anyone concerned at all about the security of your information in Evernote. Unfortunately it does not address our current concern about the lack of encryption of our notes on the EN Cloud servers. Some key points:
  19. You guys may want to explore the EN Mac menus when you have some time. Lot's of good stuff up there.
  20. Each app will have its own tools and shortcuts for applying highlight to text. If viewing a PDF with Adobe Acrobat, then activate the single key shortcuts (meaning that you press a key, and an associated tool gets selected). You do this in the Preferences, in the General tab, by checking the "Use single-key acceleerators to access tools" option. You then may have to restart Acrobat/Reader. This activates the single key commands. H is for the Hand tool, and U is for the Highlight tool. In MS Word, you may need to assign a shortcut: To Assign a shortcut to highlight the selection Tools > Customize keyboard In the list to the left, highlight "All Commands" In the list to the right, locate "Highlight" Place your cursor in the write-in field and press a key combination. Word will let you know if it's already taken. Just about all "Control + Letter" combinations are available. This will highlight the selection using the toolbar's current highlight color, whatever it is. (You cannot otherwise customize the color used by the shortcut.)
  21. Generally the only way this could happen is if you are logged in using different Evernote accounts. In EN Web, click on your name in the upper right corner, which should show a dropdown. Then click on "Account Settings" to view your UserName and account email. As a safety precaution, while you are using EN Web, you may want to backup all of your critical notes using the Share > email feature. Now go to EN Mac, and make sure you are logged in with that same email account. The EN Web app provides a direct connection to your account in the EN Cloud. All you need to do to download your notes from the EN Cloud to your Mac is to install and log in to EN Mac using the same account email. EN Mac will automatically sync with EN Cloud, thus downloading your notes.
  22. I've been using Evernote Mac for years, currently on EN Mac 6.4, and I can assure that it is definitely possible to select multiple notes, and then merge them (among other options). Please take a look at these resources: How to merge multiple notes into a single note -- Evernote Help & Learning How to merge notes in Evernote Video (the EN Mac UI is a bit dated, but the process remains the same)
  23. I'm not sure I understand your problem. Using EN iOS 7.10, it is very easy to attach a photo from my camera roll to an EN Note: Open a Note Tap anywhere in the Note to edit Tap the image icon/button at the bottom of the screen Select an image from your camera roll (All Images), and tap "Done"
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