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Everything posted by JMichaelTX

  1. So, how do you use this with Evernote? Can you edit the images already in Evernote? Where do the batch of images reside? Is there a Mac version? That's where I do most of my content work.
  2. If you have MS Word, I have found the following to work very well: copy the selected cells in Numbers or Excel Paste into Word, which creates a table, Copy Word Table Paste into EN Note
  3. You can do a Edit > Find > Find within Note, but NOT a Search across notes.
  4. Hey guys, just wanted to post this quote in case you missed it in the Windows forum. IMO, it is a very good sign that things are changing. Evernote Windows has a new Product Manager: @Stephane Lo. Quote from her first post:
  5. Sorry, but you are bucking a long-established standard. Almost from the beginning, CTRL-V has pasted the format as copied. It's not going to change.
  6. If you sign out of Evernote before you quit/exit, it will require a sign in the next time you open Evernote. Note that you must have an Internet connection and connect to the EN Cloud to sign in.
  7. If you have read the rest of this thread (and the many other threads like it), you will see that this has been long-requested, but that Evernote has not shown any indication that they will provide it. If you want to achieve an "archive" function with what Evernote currently has to offer, see the numerous workarounds suggested in this thread.
  8. Evernote just published a blog which acknowledges that Evernote can't do everything, and that Evernote users will and do use a variety of tools: Speed Up Evernote Workflows with Zapiers Multi-Step Zaps I'm not plugging nor recommending Zapier (I've never used it).
  9. I am now using Quiver The Programmer's Notebook extensively, for all of my code snippets, and it really works great. Ver 3 brought a lot of new, powerful features, and Ver 3.0.1 looks like it will be released very soon. The developer is very receptive to bug reports and suggestions. See the Quiver Issue/Request List
  10. It's not always a workaorund. Sometimes it's about choosing the right tool. Clearly we don't agree on what Evernote should provide, and that's fine, and I have no problem with you requesting Evernote to do more. Although MS Word has a table function that can do calculations, I almost never use it for calculations. Instead, I use Excel, which is far superior. I don't expect Microsoft will ever turn Word into Excel. Until/IF Evernote provides the features you want, I hope you can find other tools to meet your needs.
  11. Just so everyone knows, the original author of this script referred to by Sentinel and Big Redling is @d.b.walker See EDIT: 2016-03-28 15:32 CT -- Changed below code to make BUG fix, as identified by: For easy reference, I have cleaned up the formatting issues caused by the new forum update, and provided here: (* ==================================================== [EN] Import Apple Notes into Evernote ==================================================== DATE: 2013-10-24 AUTHOR: d.b.walker REVISED BY: JMichaelTX on 2016-03-28 to make BUG fix REF: • Importing from Apple Mail.app's Notes - Mac Help - Evernote User Forum • https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/4046-importing-from-apple-mailapps-notes/?do=findComment&comment=236445 Posted 24 Oct 2013 Modified this script to work with Mavericks Notes, which is no longer in the mail app. Added the original creation and modification dates Added multiple tags - replace with your own Did not add the long note name fix (I needed to preserve my note names) ==================================================== *) tell application "Notes" set theMessages to every note repeat with thisMessage in theMessages set myTitle to the name of thisMessage set myText to the body of thisMessage set myCreateDate to the creation date of thisMessage set myModDate to the modification date of thisMessage tell application "Evernote" set myNote to create note with text myTitle title myTitle notebook "Imported Notes" tags ["imported_from_notes", "Mavericks", "Another_Example_Tag"] set the HTML content of myNote to myText set the creation date of myNote to myCreateDate set the modification date of myNote to myModDate -- ## BUG FIX BY JMichaelTX ## end tell end repeat end tell
  12. I know this is not the answer you'd like to see, but I don't see any alternatives to separate Evernote accounts if you want to ensure your personal notes don't ever show up in your work Evernote and/or work google searches.
  13. I'm not sure that's true. Having and using the right tool for the job is more important, to me, than a little inconvenience. Evernote provides a range of mid-level, sometimes low-level, tools. Often they will work OK. Rarely will they provide the same power and capability as a dedicated tool. MS Word is a great example. If you really need a good audio record, you might try AudioNote. The iOS app sync with the Mac app via Dropbox, and it is easy enough to attach to a EN Note.
  14. Thanks for sharing. This looks like a great tool. I have downloaded the free home version, and hope to check it out soon. Doxillion Document Converter Software Have you used it yet? Does it do a good job of converting an EN Note to MS Word?
  15. I agree. Evernote iOS falls far short of Evernote Mac. And it is not just the apps that need to catch up, the iOS needs to be much more flexible that it is now. Until the iOS supports a common file storage accessible by all apps, it will remain very constrained. The iPad Pro (with keyboard) will work as a replacement for many people, but certainly now all. A MacBook Air 13-in has about the same size and weight as an iPad Pro, yet it comes with a great keyboard, and many times the capability of the iPad. I sincerely doubt I'll ever trade my MBA-13 for an iPad Pro.
  16. Not klugy at all. Cut, Copy, & Paste have long been the inter-app conduit. If both apps properly support the Clipboard, it will work great. Therein lies the real issue. Evernote is not putting the proper rich text on the clipboard. A copy from Evernote to a paste in Word should not require any reformatting. If it does, then there is a bug somewhere. I suggest you conduct a controlled test, copy from Evernote, and paste into several rich text apps, including Word. If they are all messed up, then the issue clearly lies with Evernote. In which case, I'd suggest that you submit a bug report. Keep in mind that an Evernote button to "export to Word" would just be an automation of copy/paste. If they can't copy the Note contents to the clipboard properly, then I doubt the export would be much better.
  17. Agreed. Maybe for a few, but I doubt for many. It is easy enough to copy/paste from Evernote to MS Word. It takes ONLY 4 keystrokes: CTRL+A, CTRL+C, ALT-TAB to Word, CTRL+V (these are for Windows, similar for Mac). As I mentioned earlier, if you need to do this many times a day, then a simple keyboard macro can be written. The other option is to just attach the Word doc to the EN Note. Then a simple double-click on the attachment icon opens the attachment in Word. No big deal. IAC, these are your options for the foreseeable future.
  18. I'm sure that this does not go as far as you would like, but at least there is some progress on encryption. See [EN] Security - Change in Encryption Process -- Rich Tener, head of EN Security
  19. I disagree. The note content is actually stored separate from the Note metadata. I see no issues specific to storing large amounts of data.
  20. I had a hard time finding this product. For those interested, see: Cloud Outliner 2 Pro for Mac It looks cool, but can't tell for sure with just the screenshot. Need video and trial version.
  21. I do NOT speak for Evernote. I'm just another paying customer who would also like this "Find and Replace" feature. The voting feature is brand new in these forums. It remains to be seen whether or not it has any impact on the design decisions made by Evernote. But it at least gives us an opportunity to quantify our requests.
  22. @Jason Miller, I'd just like to say thanks for offering this great customer support. It is very good to see you in these forums. I hope this is an example of the level of support Evernote will continue to offer in the future.
  23. I completely agree. I was not in any way trying to discourage anyone from requesting new features. My apologies if I came across that way. One would think so. Many years ago many of us requested a simple Due Date field. After years of promises not fulfilled, reminders was Evernote's answer. Many, many users have also requested a calendar function, but Evernote has not shown any interest in providing it. Who knows if they will, or not. That says it all, right there. If Evernote provides your idea of task management software, then you are all set. I, and many others, find it falls far short of even the basic functions needed for task management. I'm not selling anything, hard or soft. If you are referring to my statements about IQTell, I was just trying to share with others a great solution for an area where, IMO, Evernote is lacking. I'm a huge user and fan of Evernote, and I use it extensively with IQTell. I have no relationship with either Evernote or IQTell, other than being a paying customer. You are quite welcome. Sorry if I came across as anything other than trying to be helpful. Good luck. I wish you the best.
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