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Everything posted by JMichaelTX

  1. I'm not sure that's true. Having and using the right tool for the job is more important, to me, than a little inconvenience. Evernote provides a range of mid-level, sometimes low-level, tools. Often they will work OK. Rarely will they provide the same power and capability as a dedicated tool. MS Word is a great example. If you really need a good audio record, you might try AudioNote. The iOS app sync with the Mac app via Dropbox, and it is easy enough to attach to a EN Note.
  2. Thanks for sharing. This looks like a great tool. I have downloaded the free home version, and hope to check it out soon. Doxillion Document Converter Software Have you used it yet? Does it do a good job of converting an EN Note to MS Word?
  3. I agree. Evernote iOS falls far short of Evernote Mac. And it is not just the apps that need to catch up, the iOS needs to be much more flexible that it is now. Until the iOS supports a common file storage accessible by all apps, it will remain very constrained. The iPad Pro (with keyboard) will work as a replacement for many people, but certainly now all. A MacBook Air 13-in has about the same size and weight as an iPad Pro, yet it comes with a great keyboard, and many times the capability of the iPad. I sincerely doubt I'll ever trade my MBA-13 for an iPad Pro.
  4. Not klugy at all. Cut, Copy, & Paste have long been the inter-app conduit. If both apps properly support the Clipboard, it will work great. Therein lies the real issue. Evernote is not putting the proper rich text on the clipboard. A copy from Evernote to a paste in Word should not require any reformatting. If it does, then there is a bug somewhere. I suggest you conduct a controlled test, copy from Evernote, and paste into several rich text apps, including Word. If they are all messed up, then the issue clearly lies with Evernote. In which case, I'd suggest that you submit a bug report. Keep in mind that an Evernote button to "export to Word" would just be an automation of copy/paste. If they can't copy the Note contents to the clipboard properly, then I doubt the export would be much better.
  5. Agreed. Maybe for a few, but I doubt for many. It is easy enough to copy/paste from Evernote to MS Word. It takes ONLY 4 keystrokes: CTRL+A, CTRL+C, ALT-TAB to Word, CTRL+V (these are for Windows, similar for Mac). As I mentioned earlier, if you need to do this many times a day, then a simple keyboard macro can be written. The other option is to just attach the Word doc to the EN Note. Then a simple double-click on the attachment icon opens the attachment in Word. No big deal. IAC, these are your options for the foreseeable future.
  6. I'm sure that this does not go as far as you would like, but at least there is some progress on encryption. See [EN] Security - Change in Encryption Process -- Rich Tener, head of EN Security
  7. I disagree. The note content is actually stored separate from the Note metadata. I see no issues specific to storing large amounts of data.
  8. I had a hard time finding this product. For those interested, see: Cloud Outliner 2 Pro for Mac It looks cool, but can't tell for sure with just the screenshot. Need video and trial version.
  9. I do NOT speak for Evernote. I'm just another paying customer who would also like this "Find and Replace" feature. The voting feature is brand new in these forums. It remains to be seen whether or not it has any impact on the design decisions made by Evernote. But it at least gives us an opportunity to quantify our requests.
  10. @Jason Miller, I'd just like to say thanks for offering this great customer support. It is very good to see you in these forums. I hope this is an example of the level of support Evernote will continue to offer in the future.
  11. I completely agree. I was not in any way trying to discourage anyone from requesting new features. My apologies if I came across that way. One would think so. Many years ago many of us requested a simple Due Date field. After years of promises not fulfilled, reminders was Evernote's answer. Many, many users have also requested a calendar function, but Evernote has not shown any interest in providing it. Who knows if they will, or not. That says it all, right there. If Evernote provides your idea of task management software, then you are all set. I, and many others, find it falls far short of even the basic functions needed for task management. I'm not selling anything, hard or soft. If you are referring to my statements about IQTell, I was just trying to share with others a great solution for an area where, IMO, Evernote is lacking. I'm a huge user and fan of Evernote, and I use it extensively with IQTell. I have no relationship with either Evernote or IQTell, other than being a paying customer. You are quite welcome. Sorry if I came across as anything other than trying to be helpful. Good luck. I wish you the best.
  12. What versions of OS and Evernote are you running? EN Win seems to be having more issues with this than EN Mac. I'm running EN Mac 6.4 on Yosemite (10.10.5), and rarely have formatting issues like this. Evernote is in the process of developing and rolling out a new common editor. You might voice your issues in one of these threads: The Evernote Editor (Windows) Evernote for Windows 5.9.6 GA (latest EN Win release)
  13. It would be nice if Evernote did everything, but it does not. In particular, it does a very poor job of task management and calendars/event management. So, even though you'd like to avoid "other stuff", you may want to consider tools like IQTell, which does a great job of: Tight integration with Evernote Project/Task/Action management Integrating your calendar and email with the above
  14. I have seen this statement made numerous times, but I believe there is an approach provides encryption, and allows searching. This is very simple: encrypt ONLY the Note contents. Thus all of the Note metadata (Title, Tags, dates, etc) would still be available to search on. Your sensitive data would be encrypted and protected You could still search (find) text in a Note after you have decrypted it. Perhaps there could be a feature/option to decrypt selected Notes (including all) on your desktop. IMO, this encryption approach is a very viable solution, that still supports most of Evernote's features.
  15. Do you use any Google products, like GMail, Google Search, Google Maps, or Google Chrome browser? If you do, then Google already has a tremendous amount of info about you. In my case, far, far more than could be mined from my Evernote account, and I have over 16,000 notes.
  16. I think this thread may have very profound implications. Consider the very large number of replies and views in only 18 months. Originally, this thread was titled something like "Power User Discontent", and many, if not most, of the initial participants were long-time Evernote users, great fans, and even Evernote Evangelists. After years of using a great app, many of these users found that Evernote was now having trouble meeting their needs, particularly in the areas of scalability, security/encryption, and reliable sync. Also, at the time, Aug 2014, Evernote seemed to have drifted away from its core product, and its core users. At the same time Evernote greatly reduced their user support service and participation in these forums. I think "discontent" is a good characterization of the mood of many of these users. The Evernote founder/CEO had promised us a "second brain" to remember all that we could not, and a "100-year" company with all that that implied. The impression was clearly conveyed that we could put all of our life's stuff, all our records, notes, thoughts, memories, into Evernote, and it would always work no matter how big it got, it would always quickly and accurately find what we needed when we needed it. And that Evernote was focusing on the long term, or very long term (100 years). But then things started to unravel. Some users with larger accounts (> 30,000 notes) started to find that Evernote could not handle that many notes quickly. The app became unusable to them. 30,000 notes is only 30% of the max of 100,000 notes advertised by Evernote, so that should not have been an issue. Lots of new bugs (many more than before) started showing up with every Evernote update. When I first started using Evernote in 2009, I would automatically install every update Evernote released, even the Beta released. But no longer. There had been too many bugs which seriously crippled or broke my workflow. We began to dislike, or become disappointed in, the app we once knew and loved. No explanation was given other than some Evernote execs saying they wanted to "bend the universe". The core features of Evernote were now somehow old and boring, not worth spending time on. I can honestly say that if there had been another multi-platform, cloud-syncing, web-clipping PIM (Personal Information Manager) available at the time, I may very well have jumped ship. At first I, and a number of others, thought Microsoft OneNote might be the answer. But after a thorough trial and investigation, it turned out OneNote really could not yet compete with Evernote. Maybe someday, but not today. Then in July 2015 Evernote brought in a new CEO, Chris O'Neill. And on Sep 29, 2015, he published a blog with this: It is still too early to tell for sure, but it seems to me that Evernote is getting back on track. Although I use other Evernote platforms, my primary is EN Mac, and I have definitely seen improvements in quality and responsiveness to user requests and complaints. Unfortunately, the big issues of scalability, encryption, and robust sync are still issues that need addressing. But I am hopeful for Evernote progress in 2016. Time will tell.
  17. I completely agree. We really need this critical information on every web page clipped. Currently I am having to manually type this in, and it really slow me down. Everyone who wants this feature should click the vote-up button at the top left of this page.
  18. There are 73 replies to this thread, but only 10 up votes so far. If you really want this feature, you need to vote for it.
  19. I see the value in your request, and it would be a helpful feature. However, I'm not sure that we can expect Evernote to provide these types of features in the near future. They have recently (last year) stated that they have returned focus to their core product. In spite of their ads to the contrary, Evernote is a poor collaboration and project management tool. In the meantime, you may want to take a look at IQTell. It does everything you are asking for, and much more. It is a great, inexpensive, Project/Task manager that tightly integrates with Evernote. There is a section attached to all actions, tasks, projects, etc, that allows comments by your team members. So, IMO, the combination of Evernote and IQTell is a great system.
  20. You can change the default font by going to: Mac: EN Preferences > Formatting Win: Tools > Options > Note
  21. Actually this is NOT an actual hyperlink. It is an attachment that you can double-click on to open the file. If this is what you want, then you're done. But if you want a real hyperlink, you will need to look elsewhere. You can get the file path in Windows Explorer, but it is not formatted correctly. IMO, if you need this often, then it may be worthwhile to get one of these tools if you are a Windows user: AutoHotKey PhaseExpress Using one of these you should be able to select the file, and the macro will get the file name and path, convert to URL, and create the link in EN Win. These tools also provide lots of other useful features.
  22. It just depends on what you want. Neither Evernote nor OneNote will fit everyone's needs. Even though there are parts of the UI I don't like, and some features I'd really like to have, IMO, Evernote is far better than OneNote, especially in: Cross platform syncing Web clipping Searching Tagging
  23. Moving this topic to the "Mac Product Feedback" forum so it can be voted on.
  24. Yes. I was referring to Adobe Acrobat on the Mac and Windows. It wasn't clear to me that @Boots workflow was restricted to iOS devices. Since you used the term "Adobe Acrobat", and did NOT refer to "Reader", it meant the full version, not the Reader version. Checking just now, it appears (but I cannot confirm) that Adobe Acrobat Reader iOS can't even read encrypted PDFs, much less create them: See Does Adobe Reader for iOS and Android Support Encryption What a joke! Just one more reason I don't do any significant content creation on iOS devices. I'll stick to my MacBook Air for my mobile computing.
  25. Sorry for the confusion. Your understanding of tag hierarchies is correct. If TagAB has NOT been assigned to Note1, then clicking on TagAB will NOT show Note1 in the filtered note list. My point with pseudo NBs (tags) is that you can create a tag hierarchy in the way you would like to view your Notes. But if you want any parent tag to include notes of its child tags, the parent tag most also be assigned to the same notes. Think of the top-level pseudo NB like a book cover. When you open a book you don't see all of the pages. You have to go to each chapter/page to see it. The pseudo NB tag hierarchy lets you describe the chapters in the book in a visual way. So, as I have said before, it is NOT a perfect system, but I believe it is the best we can do to simulate an unlimited number of notebooks and sub-notebooks. If it is important to you for the parent pseudo NB to "contain" all of the notes of its child tags, then you will need to do a search like this: any: tag:ChildA tag:ChildB tag:ChildC etc This will select all note with any of the child tags. Then assign the parent tag to those notes. This is less than ideal for sure, but it is workable. If you need to do this a lot, then create a Saved Search. My workflow goes something like this: All new notes go to ".INBOX" an actual notebook If tags were not assigned via web clipping (usually they are), then I usually assign two or more tags: A top-level pseudo NB, like ".NB.IT" A primary category tag, like "IT.SW" or "EN.Mac" Additional sub-category tags if I feel they are important, and likely to be used Move the Note to "Active", my primary actual notebook Most of my new notes now come from web clippings. I have to say that I am very impressed with the EN Web Clipper. After having used it for a while, it accurately auto-selects the proper notebook and top-level pseudo NB (tag). I hope this helps. Please feel free to ask more questions and challenge my approach. I expect to learn from this, and will adapt my approach over time as I learn more.
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