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Everything posted by JMichaelTX

  1. Jeremy, as you have found managing projects & tasks with Evernote alone can be a challenge. You might take a look at IQTell. It does everything you are asking for, and much more. It is a great, inexpensive, Project/Task manager that tightly integrates with Evernote.
  2. Doing the backup is the easy part on both platforms. Time Machine on the Mac is extremely easy: set it and forget it. The rub is "restore"', or "recovery" as it should be called. Just like with TM, to recover selected Notes from a .EXB backup requires replacing the current, active .EXB, and then exporting the selected Notes to ENEX, then putting the active .EXB back in place. Also, to be clear, even if you restore your .EXB, you can't use any of the other data in it, like Notebooks, Tag hierarchies, stacks, etc. to update your account. Evernote will not allow you to override the most current data they have in the EN Cloud with older data from your backup.
  3. Using Tags as Pseudo Notebooks My knowledge of how to use Tags continues to evolve. This has been largely due to limitations Evernote has placed on Notebooks. So, the question is: How does one make the best use of the tool they have? Notebooks (NB) are limited to 250. Tags are virtually unlimited at 100,000. Tags can have a hierarchical structure of Parent Tag / Child Tag, much like the folders that you see on your computer. So, if we can model NBs as Tags, then we can effectively have unlimited NBs and sub-NBs. One of the most appealing features of Notebooks (and folders) is how they visually appear. But what if we can do the same visual layout with Tags? Stay tuned to learn how. I use tags in two fundamentally different ways: Pseudo Notebooks -- use in place of where you would normally use a notebook. This includes sub-notebooks. Note Categorization -- traditional use of tags to categorize the entity, which can have multiple tags. Can be used across Notebooks, or in this case, across pseudo NBs. Using Tags as Pseudo Notebooks Tags can be organized in hierarchies (meaning Parent-Child relationship). So we can achieve the appearance of Notebooks and sub-notebooks, Without going into a lot of detail at this point, I have created a number of Tags which serve as pseudo Notebooks. Note that all of the pseudo NBs, actually tags, all have a prefix of ".NB.", which makes it easy to identify which tags are pseudo NBs, and will cause them to appear at the top of the Tag list. One great advantage of using tags as pseudo NBs, is that you can assign multiple pseudo NBs to the same Note. Can't do that with actual NBs. Each Note can belong to only one NB. So this allows me, for example, to assign multiple pseudo NBs of .NB.IT, .NB.Business, and .NB.Personal to the same Note, which is the asset record for a new Mac, used in both business and personal activities. Now when I search or filter on any of the 3 pseudo NBs it will find the asset record of my Mac. I now have all of my pseudo NBs that appear at the top of my Tag list, and the pseudo NBs can, and do, have sub-pseudo NBs. Here's an example: As a result, I now have a need for ONLY 3 main Notebooks, plus any Notebooks needed for sharing or mobile offline use: Please feel free to post any questions or comments. EDIT: Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 12:36:27 PM CST For more discussion on pseudo notebooks, see Do you find lots of notebooks or notebook stacks useful?
  4. Thanks for sharing. It is a workaround, but, iMO, not a very good one. Won't work for me. It's just like opening up a new web page You can't the the surrounding context of the previous/next section Navigation is cumbersome Anchors are basic, long-standing HTML behavior. There's really no excuse for Evernote not to implement.
  5. Good point. One strategy is to export your changed Notes to ENEX files, which are then backed up by your PC/Mac backup software. That also is an advantage the CrashPlan offers, automatically export to ENEX and backup to the CrashPlan cloud (all encrypted).
  6. Discussion of the Backup and "Restore" Process Question: What is the best way to backup my Evernote Notes? Answer: It depends on Which Strategy Causes the Least Pain/Effort?. while still providing a secure, reliable backup. Regardless of your backup strategy, just realize that you can't do a true restore. Read on for details. Putting aside Local Notebooks for the moment, the important thing to keep in mind is that we can't do a true restore in the usual sense of restore. As an example of true restore, take a look at the backup of files/folders on your PC or Mac. If you restore any file from this backup, then the OS accepts the file restored as the latest version of that file. If you had previously created a file alias, or URL, to that file, it will still work. Not so with Evernote. Evernote only recognizes one source as the master, authoritative source for a Note: The Evernote Cloud Service. When you "restore" (actually an ENEX import) a Note from your personal backup, you are not technically performing a restore. You are creating a new Note (with a new GUID). So if the original Note still exists on the EN Cloud Service, then it is NOT changed by your "restore". You will actually have two "versions" of your Note in Evernote, even though they have the same Note Title. Many of us, including me, have often said it is important to do you own backups of the Evernote database on your PC or Mac, using backup tools like Time Machine (Mac) or Windows Backup. While this does preserve the Note content, a simple restore of the Evernote database using your backup software will not actually result in restoring Notes that were deleted or changed since the backup. After the EN database restore, as soon as you open the Evernote app, and sync to the EN Cloud, all of the Notes you just restored will be overwritten by the version from the EN Cloud, or deleted if the Note no longer exists in the EN Cloud. So, you have just lost the purpose of doing the restore from backup. While I'm talking about restore using your backup software, let me make the point that you can't just restore selected Notes from this backup. You have to restore the complete EN database (while disconnected from the Internet), then start the Evernote app and export the Notes of interest to ENEX files. Finally, while you can recover the Note content from your personal backup, there is no way to recover/restore other data in the Evernote database, like Notebooks, Tag trees, Saved Searches, Shortcuts, etc. The most important thing about doing a backup is to preserve the content of the Note. So doing an ENEX export (or HTML export) achieves that purpose. The ENEX export provides the best source for easily getting the Note content back into Evernote, but as a new Note, not as a replacement for the current Note in Evernote. If you lose the Evernote database on your PC or Mac (for any reason), the easiest, and only true restore (in most cases) of Evernote to your PC/Mac is to reinstall Evernote app, and sync (downloading in this case) all of your Notes from the EN Cloud. However, this obviously does NOT restore notes in your Local Notebooks. To recover those, you will need ENEX exports. Limitations of ENEX export/import: Some data is lost in this process All Note Links to any of the Notes in the ENEX are broken, lost, and will have to be recreated. The ENEX files do not contain any Notebook data. When you Import the ENEX file, the Note Created Date is lost, and set to the current date/time. To preserve Tags in the ENEX files, you must check the checkbox to include Tags during both the export and import process Tag hierarchy is not preserved. If you had one, it will need to be recreated after the import process If the ENEX files came from Sync'd Notebooks, the Sync'd NB will have to be recreated, and the import of the ENEX Notes moved into the appropriate NB. Moving these Notes into Sync'd NBs will go against your monthly upload allowance REF: How to back up (export) and restore (import) notes and notebooks
  7. This is a very, very, long-standing HTML feature, and oh so very useful for long notes. Two features I see essential for long (more than one page/screen) notes: Anchors/bookmarks Collapsible sections Both have been available in web pages since the early days of the web (late 1990's). ATTN: Evernote/ @Jackolicious, @SoftwareMarcus, @Justin Street: Come on, this is the very definition of productivity!
  8. That's very cool. Would be great to have for Evernote.
  9. It's your choice. I and many others have had good success with Support tickets. I know this from experience. If you think submitting bug reports are a waste of time, then surely posting here repeatedly about the same issue must also be a waste of time. I strongly disagree that submitting bug reports isn't productive. I continue to urge others to submit a bug report when they encounter the bug.
  10. Just in case it is not obvious to someone, to "vote" on this requested feature, go to the top of this thread/page, and click on the up arrow to vote "for", and the down arrow to vote "against".
  11. To add to that notion, one approach is to create a Saved Search that is only -tag:Archive, and name it "! DEFAULT" Then, whenever you want to do a search, click on this Saved Search, and just add to it in the Search box. Using the "! " makes the Saved Search appear at the top of your Saved Search list.
  12. I think it is probably the "Activity Log" they are requesting. I'm not aware of any "sync log". Perseverance is a virtue, and often rewarding. As they say, "Rome wasn't built in a day". Repeating your complaint here may or may not get noticed by the Evernote Dev team (probably not, IMO). Submitting a bug report at least causes some action, some response, to happen internally at Evernote. If they keep getting the same bug reported, eventually management will become aware of it. Again, I encourage you to post your issue on Twitter, which is a very public place. Evernote will not like a lot of negative bug reports there.
  13. I agree completely. Every right-click context menu item available in the Tags view should also be available in the left Sidebar tag list. In addition, they need to add "Move to Parent" as a menu item. If you have hundreds of tags, drag/drop is a very poor way of doing this.
  14. @EdH: This is an issue that only Evernote can solve. All I know is that the more people that continue to submit bug reports, the more pressure on Evernote there will be to fix. I'm not a big Twitter fan, but that is another , more public, way of putting pressure on Evernote. If all of you post on Twitter, and continue to do so until the issue is fixed, the more likely it will happen. Since Evernote now is providing official support to all users via Twitter, you might post your issue on Twitter @evernotehelps. It might also be good to include a link back to your post here. Why don't you guys figure out a consistent hash-tag you can use on Twitter, something like "Evernote-freezes", and everyone use that.
  15. This seems to work for some, but not others, so it is clearly not a cure-all. IAC it is just masking an issue that Evernote really needs to deal with. I highly recommend that everyone who is having this issue to submit an official bug report, and provide as many details as possible about your environment, including, but not limited to, full HW specs, version of EN and OS you're running, and any repeatable steps that lead up to the issue. This will make sure that Evernote is aware of the issue, provide your specific data to help identify/fix the issue, and put more pressure on Evernote to fix. Submit a BUG report via an EN Support Ticket. In the Support Form, select "Report a bug", and start the Ticket Title with "BUG: " to make it clear. Reporting a bug should be available to all users, including Free Account owners. Other Ticket types available to Free users are "Data Loss", "Crash", & "Sync Issue", "Payment/Billing Issue", and "Log in issues".
  16. May I suggest that you, and everyone who doesn't like this behavior to do the following: Post your complaint in the latest EN Mac release thread: EN Mac 6.3 Update Complete the survey at Participate in the Evernote Editor Survey!
  17. Don't overthink it. Just delete (or better, rename to "OLD " & current name) the current top level Evernote folder, and restore same from Time Machine. Top Level Folder: ~Library:Application Support:com.evernote.Evernote for a Direct D/L install. If this gets your Local NBs back, then export each Local NB to a separate ENEX file. Do all of this disconnected from the Internet.
  18. Yep, Evernote broke all old forum links when they made the forum update. Just discovered this. Here's the correct link now (I had to create a new topic): Location of Evernote Data Folder for EN Mac
  19. Location of Evernote Data Folder for EN Mac To locate your Evernote Data folder for your account, goto Evernote > About Evernote, and HOLD down the OPT key to get a link to “Open database folder”: Click on this link to open the Mac Finder to this folder The Finder is showing the EN data folder for the current EN account that you are logged in to on your Mac The top level Evernote folder, which is up a few levels, is: “com.evernote.Evernote”. For the Direct D/L version, the Parent Folder is: ~Library:Application Support For the App Store version, there are apparently two top level folders that would need to be replaced if doing a restore from backup: ~/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote ~/Library/Containers/com.evernote.EvernoteHelper Note that, unlike EN Win, EN Mac stores its data in a combination of SQLite database and files/folders. Use the top level Evernote folder for backup purposes.
  20. Any idea how this happened? When? You might check to see if the Evernote data folders are still there: See Location of Evernote Data Folder for EN Mac You might also do a Spotlight search on keywords you know were used in your Note titles in your Local NBs. Do you have any type of backup, Time Machine or otherwise?
  21. Nope. Most people seem to like/want auto-linking. I'm sure you have your reasons, but I don't know why this would be an issue. IMO, this is not likely to change. Evernote is not big on Options/Preferences.
  22. As I stated in the post just above yours, you can use the Word option to "Match Destination Styles" just after a paste to fix most issues.
  23. You can create one by going to: Mac Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts
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