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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Good job. I suspect the breakdown is different for paid accounts; and more skewed to the Window/Mac platforms
  2. Site http://tic-recherche.crifpe.ca/docs/guides/en/Evernote_guide.pdf Browser: Safari No problems saving the pdf, using either share option
  3. Forum Code of Conduct; #8 - Staying on topic is a good idea For those interested in discussing the Web topic
  4. Don't over react to the answer on this. At one time Evernote operated their own data centres. At the start, there was no other options. These days, it's more cost efficient to rent services from other companies; Google, Amazon, ....
  5. Likewise, but that's a very big IF I think it's a sure thing that we will be losing features (I use Mac primarily)
  6. That's perfectly clear 😉 OneNote is a fine note editor, although I know nothing about the .one format. I'm familiar with Evernote's enml/html format, and find it quite workable. As I said, I'm concerned about my 12k+ files/documents. I'm not going to import them into OneNote.
  7. I'm interested in what app/service you'll be using in the future. Not note-taking; there's plenty of editor apps. My concern is storage and organization of my files/documents.
  8. Again, this is not the appropriate discussion for such comments.
  9. My impression is we're to comment on the video contents. This discussion isn't the place for general complaints.
  10. I find "Web" in the title ominous, possibly foreshadowing the future of development at Evernote I look forward to enhanced search features, with the hope it extends to all platforms. I also enjoy seeing the employees behind the scenes. As per @CalS, also not a fan of relevancy sequence. I just use the current order options. My fixing the basics priority for search would be full boolean and/or eliminate the exceptions for notebook arguments
  11. ToC works. It's a static list, although there are options to make this dynamic. I've merged this request with the other discussions. You can indicate your support using the voting buttons at the top left corner.
  12. It might help if you post a screenshot. I don't spend much time troubleshooting my devices First step would be to trigger a full sync - Hold the **Shift** and **Option** keys on your keyboard and click the sync wheel Next step would be remove Evernote, and do a new installation. - The app AppCleaner is recommended for this.
  13. I'm not an Android user, but a common search feature is: In the search box notebook:aaaaaa tag:bbbbb tag:cccc tag:ddddd However, the notebook parameter can not be negated The search feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  14. This automation is also a feature for third party Filterize >>I have this set up for my "zArchives" notebook  Why a notebook? You could just have a zArchives tag
  15. Not a notebook solution, but you can use a Confidential tag -tag:Confdential will prevent the content showing up.
  16. As per @PinkElephant Undo/Redo/Paste buttons are at the top left corner of the keyboard I also make use of the Note History feature, and I have personal backups.
  17. I've merged the discussions for this request. @longbranch Evernote has not indicated an interest in expanding the IOS sort options. To indicate support for this request use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.
  18. Merged with ongoing discussion thread You can add your votes at the request posted here
  19. I use the attachment feature to store images in notes, and I appreciate the inline display. When it comes to editing the images, I use external software. I believe this is better handled by dedicated apps, and don't want to see Evernote bloated with such extraneous functions.
  20. Do you have a better visual presentation? I've been looking at mind mapping. Also, I find Evernote's "nesting" is limiting; single parents. I prefer relational; multiple parents.
  21. "Nesting" is a useful feature I have no preference to naming; Labels/Folders/Notebooks/Tags works for me. Evernote implemented "nesting" long ago; unlimited levels. Check out the Tags feature. >> people want a more visual approach The screenshot is from my Mac and shows the Tag Tree in the sidebar
  22. Evernote supports two note fields for note organization; Notebooks and Tags Notebook/Tag trees can be displayed in the sidebar on the windows/mac platforms Notebooks are limited to two levels, but Tags have an unlimited hierarchy; your sample hierarchy can be stored.
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