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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Cross-posting violates forum rules. I merged your posts and moved the discussion to the general forum Evernote has no specific archiving feature beyond the general filing features I use tag:archive to identify the notes, and exclude archived notes in searches with -tag:archive >>I mean storing notes you have done in an archive folder Evernote has no support for folders; just two organization fields, notebooks and tags
  2. I think you need a thrid party solution to provide your timeline Evernote is a more generic product; a set of notes listed in various sequences fwiw I have a Timeline tag, and adjust the create date to control the sequence
  3. must ??? The backup is actually running for all accounts. Access to the data is a Premium Account feature >>Note History is the most useful tool in Evernote when you did the similar mistake You might consider implementing your own data backups. I have daily incremental and weekly backups; also Mac TimeMachine backups
  4. This is already an option on the Windows devices My request is for view/sort options to be attached to saved searches (I have minimal notebooks)
  5. You might want to share specific notebooks with your admin instead of giving access to your account
  6. Apple user here - I can use Apple Reminders I use Apple Calendar for actual events For recurring reminders, I still prefer the Filterize integration or applescript
  7. You can emulate directories using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar >>One additional level would be great - two would be fantastic. As you pointed out, notebooks are currently limited to two levels. There's a request at the top for additional levels. To add your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion My request would be for unlimited levels
  8. That's BS This thread has degenerated into users posting BOOHOO, Evernote's so bad >>If it is why does it bother you? This clutters up my use of the forum; learning to better use the Evernote product, and to help other users >>How about the ultimate uncluttering for you, ignore this thread. I participate in all the discussions. It's an opportunity to learn, and assist users. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
  9. Next idea, is this a shared note that you have read-only access? You might want to contact Support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action Please let us know if they have a solution
  10. Evernote revolves around notes and notebook/tags fields in the note metadata It works for me for the past 10 years edit: Of course I'm an Evernote fan. If not, I would be using a different service
  11. There are many development projects and the work has to be prioritized. One of the factors is the user interest in specific features, as indicated in the user votes >>No brainer
  12. Evernote's core is a storage/organization service for notes, documents and other files (that I value and pay for) An editor is provided for notes in enml/html format. (it's free but I value and use this for basic notes) >>Another thing I don't understand: Evernote already recognizes handwriting!! Evernote provides an OCR feature for image and pdf files. Handwriting is identified in images, and a text file is generated of possible matches More documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314518-How-Evernote-makes-text-inside-images-searchable >>I understand everyone wants to avoid feature creep, and wheel reinvention. ... Find another service that already does what you want... That's my solution. I use Notability on my iPad The documents are stored in Evernote as file attachments
  13. Evernote has provided an editor along with it's filing service. I use it for basic notes, however it's missing many features I need. I use those "other platforms/apps" when I need extended features, for example MS Word for word processing Files of any format can be stored in Evernote as note attachments.
  14. I prefer to store documents as note attachments but I agree editing on an iPad is painful
  15. You use an enml/html note editor for all your work??? I use the editors that are best suited for the purpose. I use EN to store all my documents. >>Currently I have to write it in EN, copy/paste to Word, When I need Word format, I use MS Word. I store the document as an attachment to a note
  16. This is a different request than posted above. Selective Offline Notebooks have been implemented for users with limited storage (small SSDs), on IOS/Android devices. We need this feature for Windows/Mac devices - Offline Notebooks provide access for users when not connected to the internet. - When online, ALL notebooks are available; they "show up" on all devices.
  17. Can you add details on the "significant amount of flexibility" I see that encryption blocks Evernote from OCRing our files, and indexing for text search >>I am 100% in favor of adding the ability to password protect individual notes to Evernote! Evernote provides a text encryption feature. I also use the native encryption of file attachments; pdfs, office/iWorks documents, ...
  18. There's no indication that Evernote is interested in encrypted notes and notebooks In fact, we know Evernote's service is built on having access to notes for processing; OCR, search indexing, ... We do have the freedom to encrypt our data Evernote has a text encryption feature I make use of the native encyption in attachments; pdfs, office/iWork documents, ....
  19. I merged the discussions for this feature request. To indicate your support, use the vote button in the top left corner of the discussion. fyi This feature has already been implemented in Evernote/Windows
  20. This can be easily tested. Go offline and generate notes Thumbnails are generated locally on my Mac and iPad. There's no timelag
  21. Evernote/IOS has the option in to start typing in the note body >>Also, in the list of notes, they all say "Untitled". I want them to show the beginning of the note. The note list displays the note title; a metadata field. Evernote/IOS has the option to use the first line as the note title
  22. To add your support to a feature request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion. This request currently has votes
  23. Tag Levels: Average 3, Maximum 6 I only have 4 top level tags: ?Who !What @Where .When Tag Names: 10-40 characters My tag names are longer because I prefix to reflect the hierarchy for example: !Budget-Entertainment-Lottery
  24. Doesn't bother me at all. I often recommend alternative apps to solve problems not addressed by Evernote I also recommend users switch to a different service if Evernote doesn't fit their needs >>he or she wanted to share here My comment was regarding the point "and never looked back to Evernote" It would seem he or she is still looking back >>I bet many people who switch to another platform secretly (or not so secretly) wish that Evernote did what they wanted it to in the first place so they never had to switch.  And submit posts to a request discussion on pdf viewing?
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