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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Can you provide the exact steps you're using Here's my process 1) Viewing a video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8-2JCDeyzA 2) Click on web clipper 3) And get this note
  2. Not sure where you saw this with the mobile devices. I've seen versions of the feature, but it's still in beta testing
  3. You posted a feature request in the web forum. Did you mean a general request or discussion post? >>define a default view page (preferably per client) This could be a table of contents note, with links to other notes >>The default would be defined as a shortcut - so it could be a note, a stack, a search etc. You seem to have the solution to your request Evernote provides a shortcut feature; it could be a note, tag, notebook, search etc
  4. You posted a feature request in the web forum. Did you mean a general request or discussion post? >>Default sort order of a notebook The Windows platform has a feature for assigning sort order to a notebook. The other platforms just apply the last used order in the account; title or date >>as a search inside the notebook Evernote supports saved searches. For easy access, a shortcut can be assigned >>structured notebook ... e.g. Notebook is a set of pages numbered 1-100 ...notes titled 10-20 in reverse order To be clear, a notebook is a collection of notes You can specify page# in the note title, and sort in reverse title order >>the order of notes is: [sorted 20-10],[view sort: 1-9,21-100] Not sure what you're asking This is an alphabetic sequencing. Each title needs to be the same length, 001, 002,...021, ...100 >>'Pinning' notes by having special tags that relate to a normal document structure, e.g. $toc = table of contents, $glossary, $appendix, No pinning feature but you can control the sequence by specifying these as the note title
  5. Sorry, I don't know what the link pointed to. If you have any questions I'll reply I continue to run html backups on my Mac; daily incremental and weekly full and the raw database files are included in my Time Machine backups The process is automated using applescript. More details here
  6. I merged your post with an existing feature request You included a second request for "Secure with password." It's a valid request; as per @jefito, address this as a separate post
  7. If you're not online, there will be a delay in syncing to the servers Still, I see the updates when I view my notes on the device; they may be pulled from the device cache instead of the offline database >>As long as there is an internet connection, the app will use the database on the server I can confirm in IOS, searches will use the server database if online
  8. Got this email from Evernote support I'm reaching out to let you know we've released a new Safari Clipper version to fix the issue you've reported. The new version can be updated through the Mac App Store (open App Store > Select "Updates").
  9. Android/IOS clients do not offer an Export feature imho It should be possible to export data from either an online or local source If online, the heavy lifting will probably be shifted to the server
  10. Which device/platform? I run personal backups, and Evernote runs a Note History backup https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note
  11. Offline notebooks https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005177 >>This is NOT the same ! ... relevant operations like tagging or moving multiple notes at once, joining notes etc. are not possible. That's a different point. I'd also like the feature to merge notes, and other batch operations. imho This is not an online/local data issue >>Because it will only download one note at a time Where does that restriction come from?
  12. To start from scratch, export your notes in HTML format (Mac/Windows) You will then be able io organize your notes into folders; as many levels as you like
  13. Not clear about "development debt", but I know Evernote has implemented unlimited levels for note organization; check out the Tag field >Well, Evernote has a database for notes and a database for notebooks ...Evernote's databases are all flat On my Mac, Note content is not stored in a database; just folders in the OS for each note - as posted, this organization is flat Note metadata is stored in an SQLite database, in particular two fields; Notebook and Tags These fields are indexed and allow for organization of notes into levels The tag record includes a parent-tag, allowing for unlimited levels
  14. Good to see tag hierarchy and view/edit toggle, much requested features
  15. I merged your request with the ongoing Outlining request >>In terms of the use case(s) the most recent one is my Evernote blog template. A workaround is to link to a second level of notes
  16. I rely on the timeout security of my devices (Mac and iPad) Evernote/IOS also has PIN/Touchid protection when switching apps
  17. Off topic, but I'm not seeing the problem here My naming standard for note titles is: subject-date type keywords [description] I assume there's a tag for personnel (Sgt. O'Donnel) An example note is 1964-11-22T12:30 Log 10-41
  18. We can emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees in the the sidebar (Windows/Mac) I'm a fan of indicating hierarchy in the notebook/tag names. I usually only type this on setup. To use the notebook/tags, I'm selecting from a filtered list
  19. That's a good idea. Text substitution is built into my Mac and iPad I type "sun,," and get ☉ (I use ,, as the terminator for my substitution phrases)
  20. Using Evernote, you don't type AT&T with the expectation it can be retrieved with a text search It is what it is (please don't shoot the messenger) You can assign tag:AT&T to these notes Tag searches leave no room for weird interpretation
  21. We're supposed to see search results highlighted, but that seems screwed up As I posted above, I think your search has become T & dropped because it's a special character AT dropped because it's a stop word
  22. Create your own table stored in a note Use copy/paste
  23. We were advised to post here. Evernote employee @Shane D. is following up on this
  24. Evernote's search indexing excludes special characters, except for underscore Stop words are also dropped A search for AT&T converts to AT T I suspect AT is a stop word, so the search becomes T
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