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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I added my vote; however I rely on the hierarchy to add detail to my tags There's an actual hierarchy feature, which I replicate in my tag name; for example Budget-EntertainmentMusic In this way, I'm not wondering the purpose of a Music tag
  2. You're using the "New" web version which is missing features like reminders You could switch to the "Previous" version
  3. Sorry, I'm not a Windows user, but afaik all notebooks are stackable Perhaps post a screenshot There's documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314158-How-to-organize-notebooks-into-stacks
  4. Confirmed: a Stack can only exist if there are notebooks. There is no stack entity - it's just a text entry in the notebook record
  5. Correction - Evernote's OCR processing is not enabled for handwriting within pdfs. Image format is required
  6. Evernote has an OCR process for search purposes For handwriting, the format must be an image file
  7. The current support page requires sign-in Note - this is enhanced support for paid accounts All accounts can contact support at Twitter @evernotehelps
  8. Take screenshots of the Evernote preference pages so you can reenter them. As @PE mentioned, your database will be rebuilt from the servers (except for Local Notebooks)
  9. It's better to post individual requests separately so users can indicate their support >>1 - In the 'text search' create the option to be able to search it only in the title of the note and not also in all the text as it happens now Search option intitle:[phrase] The search feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 >>2 - Create the possibility to view the text simultaneously in two different parts of the note On my Mac, I can have two views by opening a note in it's own window >>3 - Ability to create within the note some 'paragraphs / titles' to click on in order to expand the 'content' text in them. see request at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/56257-text-collapse-outlining/ >>4 - Possibility to save the cropped images each in a specific, selectable note, instead of in a generic note as it happens now. I don"t understand this request. Images are stored as attachment files in a note I store images and other attachments throughout my notes For the "specific, selectable note" assign a tag
  10. Could you check that again - I would have expected either https:... or evernote:///view... btw; that part you quoted is the note GUID
  11. We don't have the child option on other platforms, but I replicate the hierarchy in my notebook/tag names For example tag:Budget and child tags Budget-House, Budget-Food, Budget-... I can search for tag:Budget*
  12. PDF annotations update the pdf file itself. The file format allows for layers of content
  13. Yes, you mentioned links "don't work" Can you post the exact url after it's inserted into the note. As I posted above; I get evernote:///view/1156250/s10/7.... inserted, which works in the web and Mac clients
  14. I don't know of a website, but if you know the basics you have a good start My best learning tool is a web search for script examples - all my questions are answered this way If you have a question, feel free to post in the Mac forum and we'll do try to answer I posted some basic information in the note linked here
  15. Applescript is the tool I use A script generates my daily journal note starting with a template and putting in the date and so on >>For now I do this under Google Sheet with a formula. I give it the first day of the month and it fills everything. But it is not ideal as a template and I constantly have to move back and forth between Sheet and Evernote Another script generates my daily task list, using my task notes in Evernote and generating a gantt timeline view in a spreadsheet, putting in the dates and so on - the entries under Project/Task are note links; making it easy to navigate to the note in Evernote
  16. >>When I now use these URLs as links in a note How do you "use these URLs" A simple paste should trigger the conversion to the classic evernote:///view/1156250/s10/7.... link
  17. To access your account, the user has your password You need to change your password to one which is only used at the Evernote service
  18. To view the notebook tree in the sidebar, use View > Show Sidebar and View>Sidebar Options Drag the sidebar side column to increase the width For notebook functions, access the notebook page by clicking on the notebook icon Alternatively View > Notebooks >>I have created notes. How do i drag them into a notetbook? Display the notebook tree in the sidebar Drag notes from the note list to the notebook in the sidebar
  19. Please add more details - these are two fields in the note metadata - interchangeable for most uses Notebooks are required in Evernote for sync'd/local, private/shared, offline I think your intent is to assign notes to folders There is no support for folders in Evernote We can emulate folders somewhat using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar
  20. Confirmed - Unique names is a restriction Evernote applies to Notebooks/Tags Personally, it works for me; for example I assign notebook/tag "Insurance" to a note without caring about it's place in the tree
  21. Looking at the clipboard for both links, I see (the private browser link) When pasted into the note, this url is converted and inserted as evernote:///view/1156250/s10/77b43c1e-bdf9-4c40-9388-c51721e35812/6284dc7a-93ca-4df2-9918-e286a6df39c3 (the in-app link) This link is working fine for me in both the web and mac clients
  22. Please add more detail Issues I have - Notebook hierarchy is 1 level (poorly implemented, half baked) - Unable to access tag hierarchy on my iPad I understand this will be resolved shortly Screenshot is from my Mac showing the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar
  23. This request has over 400 user votes however there's a skeuomorphism problem; they want an organization hierarchy and it must be called Notebooks, no other name is acceptable Evernote has taken the organization hierarchy seriously - this was implemented long ago with the Tag feature
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