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Everything posted by aukirk

  1. +1 --- equally, if not more, important would be the ability to open multiple Evernote windows. This was a feature in Mac well before the "tabs" feature was implemented years ago, and it is definitely frustrating to not be able to open two instances of the window on Mac, especially with multiple monitors and MacOS "spaces". Really hoping this comes back together with tabs
  2. This is one of the few remaining big outstanding requests I had at the end of the Beta, which really impacts my personal workflow. In the list view, search results should be sortable by any column... especially the Reminder Date. I have a lot of saved searches for different types of reminders based on context, and you still can't sort by reminder date. Going to the "All Notes/Reminders" tab is the only way I have found to sort by Reminder Date. This was something @gbarry previously indicated was being worked on back on 9/15, but it is disappointing to see it not in the 10.0 release. Hopefully it is coming soon!
  3. -1 for removing the Reminders tab, especially if it distracts the Evernote team from addressing other more critical Reminders updates (such as sorting by Reminder date in search results and adding a calendar to the date selector when scheduling reminders). I have tons of reminders, but am surprised that it shows up at all if you have no reminders set on ANY of your notes. If I am in a notebook that has no reminders set, the "Reminders" tab does not show at all for me. However, once I set on, that tab is there. Maybe check your notes to make sure you remove any scheduled/completed reminders from prior testing and I would be curious whether that "tab" goes away.
  4. @Jaya Shekarraju thaks for the update! Any chance you could add setting reminders to that list of things you are working on? Certainly title and background sync are important, but while setting notebook and tags, it would be useful to also be able to set reminders.
  5. I have found the latest version 10.0.2 very stable and usable. Still a lot of “features” that are desperately needed (like sorting search results) and improvements around the reminder date selector (can we get a calendar selector it at least indication of the day of week for each day in the scroll wheel. ... but this latest release is closer to where this should have been when released.
  6. Update... I went to the All Notes tan and sorted by update date and the first reminder edit was at the top and still had the sync logo in the top corner (at least 10 minutes after I set it, since I had tried to reset others, came over here and went back and it still was not synced). When I turned off WiFi and went back into the app, it apparently synced and when I reset additional reminders they updated and synced quickly. I then turned back on WiFi (which I know was always working since I was able to load this forum and post the above message), at least for now they are updating and syncing quickly. Does the new iOS require that each note be synced one at a time before subsequent notes can be changed? That is a bad design, but if that is the case, there should be a warning message instead of accepting the change and just not updating the date. I will post if any further instances of this.
  7. I experienced this with the first version of the new release and got frustrated so haven’t used the new iOS app at all over the past week. However, after upgrading to 10.0.2, I am still experiencing issues rescheduling reminders. After going into All Notes/Reminders tab, I used the swipe to access the three dot menu and select “Edit Reminder”. The first one I did this morning changed the date to a specific day in the future, and it updated the list moving that reminder down as it should. However, after that, none of the reminder edits work.... on several other reminders set for today, I tried both using a specific day as well as shortcuts for “tomorrow 9am” and the assigned date stays the same. I also tried editing through both the shortcut menu and by opening the note. This makes the iOS app pretty unusable for me as 90% of my use of the iPhone app is to look at my reminders every morning and defer those I don’t need to work on. Related “Feature” Request... while posting about reminders, PLEASE consider adding a day of the week display to the date picker! It is very frustrating to have to try to remember/figure out what day a specific date will be next week or next month (often I want to push a date to the first Tuesday of next month... or next Thursday and it is not very user friendly to have to figure out what that date is.). Better yet... give us a calendar date selector in iOS like the new Beta Mac version has. I thought these new versions were supposed to work the same across all devices.
  8. I am not sure if this is the best place to put this recommendation, as it really applies to all the new Betas/versions. I really love the new "feature" with different style headers. It would be great to provide some sort of option to view an index or outline based on the Large Header, Medium Header and Small Header, with clickable links to take you to that point in the note. Especially for longer notes, this new feature really provides the opportunity to help organize notes. This outline/index could be just another item under the three dot menu, or maybe it can just be made a part of the Note Info screen that already exists
  9. This is definitely a core feature that will be available across all apps in the very near future... expect some bumps in the roll out of all the different versions based on what we have seen with iOS, but it is safe to say that checklist strikethrough will be in all versions of Evernote very shortly unless they completely fall on their face over the next few months and collapse as a company (which seems entirely unlikely)
  10. The great thing about Evernote, is that you can set it up to serve the way you work best. Just think of it as your digital filing cabinet, and then determine how it is most useful for you. My wife is a Real Estate agent, and set up largely depends on your volume. You could either set up a notebook for each "client" or use tags, but the main thing you will probably find useful is the ability to forward relevant emails about a deal you want to save, along with copies of the documents you need to maintain in your records. You could also create one "index" note for each active client or deal, and link to the supporting materials, with a running todo list of things that need to happen to get the deal finished. After you use it for a while, you could set up a few templates so you don't have to recreate the checklists needed for each deal. Just start using it and see how it goes. Good luck
  11. Yeah, I found the part of about Electron interesting and really think a lot of the concerns outlined on forums are overblown. I have not experienced any issues with the Mac Beta. A lot of interesting references to the speed of future enhancements once all the new apps are out, which must be expected pretty quickly if they are planning to roll out one big development per month over the next three to six months. I am excited for what is coming.... ... but found it very concerning that there was no reference to the issues with the iOS app. I am still holding out hope that all of these are resolved quickly, but the iOS app is pretty much unusable for me right now which is pretty disappointing.
  12. This would be especially great on iPad OS. I was surprised not to see this, since I thought the whole point of the new editor was to provide a unified experience across the apps. It may not be a great experience on iPhone but why not present it as an option and let the user choose not to select it if it isn’t helpful for their workflow?
  13. @CalS describing as “intentionally left out” is not an entirely accurate account of what they said... I believe they indicated it was “neglected”... that seems to imply accidental, but careless omission. I am also reading this update to mean they recognize it was a mistake and plan to fix the search sort issue and limit on results returned. (Hopefully my faith is not misplaced)
  14. I find it reassuring that at least we are starting to see some responses from the Evernote staff and acknowledgment of the sort issue.
  15. It would be ideal if you could just search: reminderTime:10/1/2020 In a sensible world, that would take care of the reminderOrder:* (can't we assume we only want to include notes with a reminder if we are looking for a specific date?) and get rid of the crazy exclusion of things before and after that selected date. It would also make sense to use logical words like "reminderTime:today" or "reminderTime:tomorrow". Evernote team certainly has more important things to work on right now, and I have solved my search issue... thanks for your help
  16. @DTLow yes, thank you for the response... I have reviewed and attempted to parse that search grammar document several times to solve this problem. (IMHO it is unnecessarily complex for basic reminder searches). I do think I have figured out how to limit the search to "tomorrow only", but still can not get it to work for a specific date in the future (i.e. if I wanted to look at what reminders I have set for the first of next month). To limit the search to only reminders due TODAY, I have to add an exclusion for anything that is more than 1 day in the future and this works: reminderOrder:* -reminderDoneTime:* reminderTime:day -reminderTime:day+1 Therefore, the following does work to show reminders due TOMORROW only: reminderOrder:* -reminderDoneTime:* reminderTime:day+1 -reminderTime:day+2 However, it does not appear you can replace the "day" with a specific date... it would be great if they built in some filters around reminders in the new Filter menu in the new versions
  17. I am not sure if this is the right forum, but does anyone have the Search language to use when you want to find reminders that are due on a specific day in the future? If this is not possible, can you set it to only show those due tomorrow... or two days in the future?
  18. +100 for this... in addition to sorting search results by title, create date and update date.... PLEASE also add ability to sort by reminder date. The current results that sort by some sort perceived relevance are not helpful at all
  19. Another update to the Reminder editing screen that would go a long way would be to move the date/time fields below the suggested shortcuts, and place the save button to the bottom. Having them at the top makes it hard to reschedule reminders with one hand on iPhone.
  20. Yeah this is a big issue.... it is not just reminders, but you can't sort ANY search results. It defaults to relevance, and you can't select sort by create date or title either. The inability to sort by reminder date is an issue, since I have a lot of saved searches that filter for certain types of reminders, but I don't think the last iOS app allowed sorting by reminder. However, it did allow sorting by title, which is how I worked around this by putting symbols at the front of my reminder titles to sort. I have also found this to be an issue when doing a search for "intitle:XXX"... the relevance sort order really doesn't help me find something I am looking for, as sorting by update date or create date often surface to the top what I am looking for. @CalS please consider updating the title to "can't sort searches by reminder date, create date, update date or title?"
  21. Not sure the terminology... but I was really hoping that the update would provide support for opening two instances of Evernote side-by-side on iPad OS. Is this coming?
  22. First... THANK YOU for this new version of iOS and I am very excited about the path forward for Reminders. One thing I have found frustrating is the date selector when rescheduling a reminder. I was really hoping that we would get a calendar like the Mac Beta... that scroll wheel date selector in iOS is not very useful, and it is very difficult to pick a future date without knowing what day of the week that will be. Please consider switching to a calendar for the date selector, or at least adding the day of the week!
  23. Agreed! I have really come to rely on the new Web editor and Mac Beta version, and have been trying to get into the iOS Beta to have consistent interface across the app. It is great to know that I probably wasn't admitted because it was so close to going live. It made my day to see the upgrade today.... really looking forward to getting to know the new app(s)
  24. Fingers crossed that this is one of the long requested features hinted at in the new blog post announcing the new iOS app! https://evernote.com/blog/unlocking-evernotes-future/
  25. While this idea has been pending for more than 9 years, I am really hoping that this feature will make it into the new common editor. While using the new Mac Beta, I realized how perfectly this could be implemented in a manner very similar to the "Code Block". A "Collapsable Text" option could be added to the "+Insert" menu, so that you can add a new area, or highlight existing text and then select that option to turn it into one of the new blocks of content that can be collapsed or expanded, similar to attachments. Ideally the collapsable area could be given a title/name, or at least display the first line of text in the collapsed section. This would be a great feature addition!
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