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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I'd still recommend a support ticket. Another option is to uninstall your existing app. Then try installing from scratch. However, before you do that, and in case that isn't successful, you will probably want to retain the apk of the app already installed. You can get an app called apk extractor. Retain the apk file to reinstall in the event that the new version still fails. However, my experience so far is that tablets aren't being supported in v10.5 so you may still be unsuccessful. Probably best to just wait until it finally works.
  2. Do you mean that the update is available but won't install or are you saying that the v10.5 update is not available for you. The latter is very common. Many users aren't able to access the version 10 update. This is particularly the case with tablet devices. I haven't found anyone with an Android tablet able to update to Evernote 10. I suspect that tablets are not included in this roll out. But there are many phones which aren't getting the release either. If the former, then you might raise a support ticket for assistance.
  3. I don't believe that this is possible at present. A lot of options are not yet released.
  4. @SunscreenAl Thanks for your contribution to this discussion. What about putting a separate request in the Requests forum so that this suggestion doesn't get lost here - in the midst of blank screen woes? Just suggesting. Would hate for a good point to get lost.
  5. I made sure to capture the apk of the old version of the Android app. Many users still only have that and are keen to get the update despite the issues that trouble some users. I have confidence in apkmirror as a service to get the previous version but I know that some folk would avoid this. Uninstalling v10.5 would clear the application from the device and hen installing the old version would cause your notes to be restored. Just remember to turn off auto-updates to ensure you don't get version 10.5 back again.
  6. Thanks @Mike P I noted that the web version is clever enough to add the file suffix back onto the document. The problem is that Windows requires a suffix to know which application is required to open the file. With images and PDFs Evernote displays the content internally. If you have attached a Word or Excel file by a sendto link or dropping on the desktop icon then the loss of the suffix means that it is not linked to an application to open it. I fear that when Import Folders arrive the file suffixes will be dropped with regularity. Likewise with a PDF but at least Evernote shows the content inside the note even if the right click / open dialogue doesn't open in the external application.
  7. Some more diagnostic information... I spent a few minutes today and took Evernote 10 back in time. I had to go back to v10.3.7 to find a version that retained the file suffix after scanning (or for that matter dragging a document onto the Evernote desktop icon or via sendto link). v10.3.7 was the last version that created an individual import folder for each scanned item. We all celebrated when v10.4 came along and scanned into the default notebook but perhaps in our excitement didn't notice the loss of the file suffix. I have a support ticket open and the advice so far is to use the ScanSnap Home method rather ScanSnap Manager but this doesn't work either scanning locally. The most recent version available doesn't scan to the cloud but scans via a local application so the same issue arises. Older versions of ScanSnap Home had a connection to the cloud directly and might have done the trick but, of course, would require a live Internet connection when scanning. I'm anticpating that, unless fixed, this will be an issue when the promised Import Folders return. I do find that a proof of concept that I have with Evernote 10 which allows me to create a form of import folder does work to retain the file suffix. I use Zapier and Dropbox to connect to Evernote cloud. So, scan to a designated Dropbox folder causes an upload to Evernote cloud which predicatably retains the file suffix.
  8. On Windows with Evernote v10 I find that I open the document, make the changes and then - this is the crucial step - click SAVE. Only after saving can I then close the edited document. If I go to close and then respond to a save prompt it will demand that I save a copy outside of Evernote. The key is to click SAVE first before closing. Doing it my way I find all the changes are always saved back into Evernote.
  9. Moving notes in Android 10.5 works for me. Once I select Move Note I am presented with the list of notebooks. Tap the on the one I want and bingo.
  10. The blank note issue is, I think, a different issue to the updating message nuisance. My recollection is that the latter can usually be resolved by a complete uninstall. Ensure that the data directory (%AppData\Evernote) and the program directory (%LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote) and deleted. Then reinstall from scratch. The blank note thing is a continuing issue which for many is infrequent. File | Quit the program and the restart usually deals with the apparently blank notes. For me it happens roughly once per day so isn't a great incovenience. If it was more often then I'd be sticking with the legacy version of the program which would avoid the hassle and frustration and keep my blood pressure down.
  11. You You are correct that Evernote v10 stores its data in a separate location to the legacy version and there is no option to choose a different location. If this is a function you require then you'll have to stick with the legacy version for the time being.
  12. I'm pleased that you have progress. As it happens I am using EN 10.5 for Android and CamScanner in the test I made. Perhaps I'm one of the lucky ones...
  13. THis issue is continuing and it makes no difference whether I pay a subscription or am a Basic user. If you have this then it is an issue. I know that the Evernote tech guys are trying to resolve but so far without success. If it is presenting a challenge to workflow then the answer is almost certainly to use the legacy version of the application which will provide the service and reliability that you were accustomed to. I'm fortunate that the problem crops up for me once a day. So I have to quit and restart once and then all goes well. So it isn't too big an inconvenience. If it was happening more frequently then I would certainly be working with the legacy version.
  14. I'm not sure how to help. I think I would probably not work from CamScanner although I have the paid for version. I tend to enter stuff directly into Evernote. However, I just tried and it worked just fine. I first scanned into my default notebook and then a second try into a notebook that I selected. The file transfer was a little slow the first time but speedy the second document. SO I presum a file size/Internet speed or some other device slowness. Perhaps uninstall the app and then restore it and try again... Sorry I can't be more helpful. THe fact hat it is working is some hope that you should be able to find the solution.
  15. I'm sorry that you have this issue. But, like others before, I can happily open a note in a new window by double clicking or by right click/new window. You seem to be in the unenviable situation of being in the minority. You don't say whether you have the direct download version of the software or the version downloaded and installed from the Microsoft Store. Neither did you say whether you deleted the data and program directories before reinstalling. If you didn't completely delete all the directories then I would certainly try that. This feels like some artefact hanging over from a corrupted installation. Similarly whichever version of the program you have, uninstall completely and try the alternative in case that works. The data directory to delete is at: %AppData%\Evernote The program directory to delete is at: %LocalAppData\Programs\Evernote Another thought... This could be the mysterious blank note issue. If you read around you will see that many users are experiencing a situation where notes suddenly, without warning, become blank. The usual resolution is to Quit Evernote (from the File menu or the System Tray) and then restart. If you find that this fixes your issue for the next 24 hours then you are in good but frustrated company. The Evernote guys are trying to resolve but not locating the cause yet. The answer for you in both these scenarios may be to revert to the legacy version of the software which provides you with the level of service and reliability that you were familiar with and could be a better way than continuing with the frustration.
  16. En este momento no hay ningún plan al respecto. La aplicación ni siquiera está disponible para todos los dispositivos con la versión 10 y 11 de Android.
  17. A great suggestion. Not sure why it wasn't thought of I might try an AHK hot key in the meantime to type space[]space Upvoting
  18. Not any time soon. It has only just come to light. It will no doubt go onto the list of many things needing attention. In the meantime, when you need to be able to access a document with the file suffix, my quickest workaround is right click on the document, choose rename, add the suffix to the end of the filname and save. Mostly I don't NEED the file suffix so I just do it when it is necessary.
  19. Thanks for this. The issue, for me, is that the shared tags don't disappear when deleted on the sharers side. I have rebuild the data directory to clear them at my end. I agree about negotiating tag names - thanks for your insight.
  20. A colleagues and I work together by sharing a few notebooks. Mostly she has the master copies I have the notebook shared with me so that it appears in my account. She continues to the legacy version of Evernote - I have v10.8.5 and legacy installed on my PC. Both using Windows 10. We realised that we both have a few tags that we use that are identical for us each. Not a big deal but it meant that the tag appears in the tag list twice. In the legacy version her tags appear in my taglist but with her username alongside eg: accounts (iris_rhodes) So in legacy the list looks like this: accounts (5) accounts (iris_rhodes) (55) Looking in v10.8.5 there is no indication of the account name for the shared tags so the list appears accounts (5) accounts (55) This was quite confusing unless I happened to know the note count that I had. So we decided to re-tag her notes to make them more readily identifiable. Then we deleted the unwated tag. So now my colleague has a tag accounts_iris and the original accounts is deleted from her account. In the legacy the list appears as expected: accounts (5) accounts_iris (55) In v10.8.5 I have accounts (5) accounts_iris (55) accounts (0) It seems the tag deleted from my colleagues notes remains in Evernote 10.8.5 and is never removed The only solution found was to log out from v10.8.5, delete the data directory and then log back in and allow the data directory to be rebuilt. There are two issues The lack of identification which tags are from a shared notebook. The fact that shared tags are not removed when the sharer deletes them.
  21. I can't access Evernote Web on my device. The website says it isn't suitable for my device I don't know if the newer version 10.5 which is rolling out to those that have 10.4 will fix this issue.
  22. Presentation Mode has been removed and isn't promised for the future. The print stuff is well established as not working and will, hopefully, be addressed. It certainly needs to be dealt with.
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