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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Me too, but there are many that will just receive it and not realise that some applications might at the very least need attention to keep running. As @PinkElephant said, the continued support for 32bit applications will be key for Evernote Legacy. Whenever I upgrade my standard practice is a full backup just-in-case
  2. It isn't possible to remove the Home screen but if you don't use it then Evernote will return to the place you left it.
  3. I think you are asking that Evernote does something to enable Spotlight on Mac computers to access note content when it performs a search. Sadly, I think it an unlikely feature. SInce not all your note content is ever saved locally in a text format, Spotlighht would not be able to search all notes. Even what is saved locally isn't stored in a form that would deliver an individual note in the search results. So a significant change in the way notes are stored would be needed. As it happens, Evernote staff aren't in these forums with any regularity - these are user-to-user spaces. If you want to give feedback then you can use the Help | Share feedback link in the desktop apps although holding your breath while waiting for a response would not be advised.🥵
  4. It works well in Windows. Win+. will bring up the Emoji panel. I would choose the coloured squares, circles or diamonds (🟥🔴🔶) but actual image emojis work just as well (🎁🎎🧵).
  5. With Windows 11 arriving within the next month we can anticipate that this may be a time for making good Legacy backups just in case...
  6. My experience is that the web interface can be slower to sync than the various apps. I just tried your suggestion and, indeed, the web browser hadn't updated but my Android device app was up to speed immediately. So I conclude that the central server IS updated more or less immediately but the various applications don't get access as speedily as they could/should. Since I almost never refer to the browser interface I am finding sync is immediate or as good as. All based on my experience. YMMV.
  7. Can't say what might be the issue in MacOS. Users in the Mac forums might be able to say. Often, in Windows, the non-working shortcuts are conflicting with either an OS level keyboard setting or with a shortcut created by another program.
  8. You should have a scroll bar alogside the left column. The normal approach to resolving UI issues is to first try: File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote Data Then sign back in and allow Evernote to rebuild its internal data. If that doesn't work then a slightly more radical approach is to close Evernote. Uninstall the program Delete all remnants of the data and program directories - using Windows file explorer delete the two folders: %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote Reinstall the current version of Evernote Again this will force Evernote to rebuild the data but clear out all previous issues. Your screen grabs aren't clear whether you are running Evernote in Full Screen mode or have just cropped the image grab to save space. If you are in Full Screen mode (without the menu bars showing) then try tapping F11 into the more conventional mode and see what happens. If neither of these approaches work then it would be a support ticket.
  9. This add-in issue had been around for sometime. Long before v10 of Evernote was released. The only option is to forward my Email for non-Exchange messages or, I suppose, to cope and paste. You could create a macro to forward a message.
  10. I don't use Outlook but I think the add-in only works with an account that is connected to an Exchange Server. Could you home PC not be working with Microsoft Exchange? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005997 Did you follow the error message advice and contact Evernote support? What did they suggest?
  11. @Jeffsky As @PinkElephant has said, you appear to be on the old, rebated, subscription plan for Premium so that is what you will remain on and at the price you have previously paid. If you don't need the extra, new, bells and whistles then no need to do anything and you will continue on your old price. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005157-Compare-Evernote-subscription-plans I would imagine you can expect occasional invitations to upgrade but you do not need to do so.
  12. An encrypted text block has to be permanently decrypted in order to edit the text. That's just the way it works. It isn't great and there are many conversations in the forums about the indadequacies of Evernote encryption. A much better route is to use the built in encryption functions of an external file format such as Windows, PDF etc or use an external encryption program such AxCrypt. I'm sure others are available but I know that AxCrypt works across platforms.
  13. Here's a guess... Are you using a non-English language/keyboard in Windows? If so, try switching to an English keyboard in Windows. That may work. My guess is that this is a Windows keyboard language issue conflicting with Evernote.
  14. This does seem to be a common fix. In an unrelated issue I had to change default notebook to get the Android app to function correctly.
  15. What are you currently paying for? You would be best to confirm with account support but I think the normal approach is to be charged the full amount for the upgraded sub followed by a refund of the balance left on your old sub. I haven't done this via Apple so best to check first.
  16. Or, in Windows at least, F11 should also do the same thing.
  17. @Scott T. Maybe worth telling that to the first line support. Their reply actually said: I think it was fair to infer that this is intentional It has been an issue since v10 was launched so if I have to live with it for another six months then so be it. Just another of the many minor issues that conspire to frustrate... Actually, what @PinkElephant called 'orphaned notes' is all notes. My daughter and I shared notes relating to a family vacation. We both attempted to unshare but that option didn't exist in the Android app which were using on while away so our only options were to delete the notes first. But they remain in the Shared with Me list just cluttering the place. It should be possible to remove this history...
  18. I can imagine how fristrating this issue must be. However, it isn't something that is being reported by other users and I definitely have not experienced the issue. @PinkElephant has suggested the Sign Out | Remove my Evernote data approach. A little more radical is: Sign Out Uninstall Evernote With Windows File Explorer delete the local Evernote data directory which you'll find at %AppData%\Evernote Reinstall Evernote and log back in. It will take a few minutes to rebuild your Evernote data from the cloud. This may give you a solution. Since this is an unusual issue the next step would probably be to raise a support ticket - assuming that you have a paid subscription.
  19. PDFs open just fine for me. Right click on the PDF and choose Open. Occasionally PDFs are imported and the file suffix is stripped. With Windows, no file suffix breaks the file open process. Right click and choose Rename to add the suffix of it is missing.
  20. The forums are user-to-user peer support. Very occasionally Staff do pitch in but that is rare. That said, I don't find Evernote 10 on Android to be at all 'laggy'. I switch my phone off every night so that first access of Evernote for the day does take 4 or 5 seconds before everything is ready to go. Thereafter, the app opens quicker than I can get my brain working on what I want to achieve. I know others have a different experience and it is hard to identify what the issue might be. It could be other apps running in the background consuming CPU cycles, it could be battery optimisation settings (I have Evernote set to not optimise its battery usage), perhaps an older device that is less well powered than mine or... In truth it is just a guess why you have a different experience to others.
  21. There is a thread in the Issues forum. This is, apparently, by design at present with the intention of giving you an historic list of notes shared with you - even if they are no longer available. The function is under review...
  22. Well that's curious... I only have the option to search. The notebooks available to select from are solely my default.
  23. I concur... If I share a PDF to Evernote I have to save in the default notebook. Selecting a different notebook just doesn't work. I can type the name of the new notebook in the search box but nothing is found. It has been an issue since the Android version 10 was released and I've just worked with the issue but a support ticket would be the way forward.
  24. I finally got around to posing the question to the support team and get the following response... It seems that providing a historic list of shared items has been the intention but that a revision will, eventually, arrive.
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