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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. And so you can. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  2. I don't know. I find Evernote is what I need so the fee is good value. If it ceases to be so I'll stop paying.
  3. For those who want the All Pages view it is slightly annoying. I've relaxed into changing the default each time I access a note where it is an issue. Surprisingly I find I have most PDFs still set at single page view.
  4. You're welcome to post. The login can be a one off thing. I never need to log back in unless I choose to log out. So it really isn't a big deal.
  5. Yes. It can take some hours for everything to finally arrive but if you access a note it will open on the new machine and from then on it a local copy will be stored.
  6. Yes, but frustratingly, it doesn't apply to all devices Android app works well on my OnePlus 8
  7. The whole encryption model in Evernote is at best flakey. Far better to use an external encryption program. For the very, very few times I need to encrypt I put the content in a program such as word or a PDF and use the encryption there. That ensures that the note content never appears unencrypted inside Evernote. Remember that prior to encrypting the unencrypted text is synchronised. Using an external program works with the web version too. For the simple solution you suggest you can simply log out of Evernote and your notes are then password protected.
  8. Right click the download button and select Save As...
  9. You have the search syntax latitude: longitude: altitude: This searches for notes that were created at or near the specified coordinates. latitude:37 will return all notes whose latitude value is greater than 37. Add -‍latitude:38 to your search to show results whose latitude is between 37 and 38 degrees. longitude: and altitude: work exactly the same way. But I'm not sure that this is what you want. You would need to know the coordinates of the place you were searching for. Note info contains this data and on mobile plots it to a map display. I'm not sure you'll find what you need. Perhaps tell us how you would use the data and we might advise further.
  10. Tickets available at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  11. I think I'm with @Mike Pbut I don't have 10.38.3 as I'm still on a beta for another feature.
  12. Unfortunately the settings per notebook don't include the sort-by options. They remain stubbornly universal in Evernote v10. I remember well when this was the case with what we now call Legacy. The ability to set a sort order for each notebook was really useful feature which was quietly slipped in. I hope that it might return but nothing yet...
  13. Have you reopened the ticket? We can empathize but not do much to help...
  14. Android 12 with Google Keyboard does a grammar check on the keyboard.
  15. This limitation isn't the new app. It's an account setting. Enjoy Notion. If it does what you want then that could be a good move albeit all the learning needed to adjust your workflow.
  16. I'm not sure what you require by way of a time stamp. The functionality does depend on the OS you are working on. On Windows and Android I have hyperlinks in tasks. I'd expect the same on MacOS and iOS too. If by date stamping you mean the ability to paste the date and time into the task then that is, I think, available on the desktops. I certainly do it although I work in a particular way. Perhaps you would like a start date in addition to the option to add a sure date. Nesting isn't with us. We can't say whether that is planned or not. I'd recommend you post these good suggestions direct to Evernote via a support ticket or the feedback option in the apps.
  17. No, I don't believe that the sync will resume next month. If you have exceeded the upload limit your account will, as you have discovered, reject the upload. It isn't queued. You could move to a personal plan which costs more or less the price of a takeaway fancy coffee per month.
  18. I concur with @Mike P My experience is exactly as he has. If I could I'd look over your shoulder and see exactly what is happening
  19. I'm the same. No 'Copy Image' options in Evernote 10.36.2 Windows ddl beta when I right click.
  20. So this very interesting... I don't know any other Windows user able to copy images from inside a note and paste them into, say, a Word document. Neither does drag and drop work. I highlight an image and copy it to the clipboard. Open a Word document and paste but the image does not appear. If I attempt to drag and drop I get an empty container 'box' inside Word. The only way that works is to drag to the desktop and then insert it into Word. Could you offer a step by step guide to how you have achieved this? Perhaps any special settings you have selected in Evernote or Windows. If we can work out how you are achieving this you will make many users very happy
  21. I'm using beta 10.36.2 and copy/paste in Windows does not work (other than to a Windows Explorer window including the Desktop) for me any more now than previously. I wonder if @bmcl26 is running a Mac? Otherwise what is different about his configuration?
  22. The problem with long, mixed content, threads is that the focus of a conversation can become lost. I wasn't commenting on the iPad but it wasn't clear to me that was what you had in mind. My apologies for that. I was saying, that, in general, I, personally, had not noticed any problems but I concur that each of us has very different experiences. I hope we can be clear about our personal challenges as well as making clear what we are discussing. I'll try to do better in the future.
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