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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Not exactly intuitive - but it works! Added to my "I was today years old when I learned" file...
  2. Hi. You're using a free trial service - expect to be harassed I've had various support queries dealt with in the past 6 months - it's not been fast, but Support does exist - for subscribers... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  3. Isn't that halfway down the "/" menu? Hard to get closer than that...
  4. Don't believe I've ever seen that message pop up in the browser connection - do I take it you're not using Mac or Windows?
  5. But you need the web version to add and remove devices. Better to use the web on your Windows laptop (the web version counts as one device, as you know)
  6. AFAIK there's no reason why it shouldn't open normally - maybe uninstall the existing app with AppCleaner to erase all traces, then power off and back on and reinstall from Evernote.com?
  7. Would've been useful to have that much information in your first post then we might have been agreeing with you instead of wondering what was going on... Please let us know what Support say... eventually...
  8. Support are the only people who can help with payment and password issues. For anything else you have to rely on the patience - or otherwise - of us other users. Long wait times are not helpful, but they're all we've got - apart from using a different package entirely, which is always an option.
  9. Hi. Device? OS and Evernote version numbers? Screenshot(s)?
  10. Check Tools > Settings > Preferences > Application to see whether "keep a copy of my notes on this device" is active. I currently have nearly 68,000 notes in 37.5GB on disk. Scroll down the settings page to see where it's all stored.
  11. So your 75GB is being converted from the old format to the new one and the 'lost' data is still in transit. Leave the app open for a few days and see what comes up - and if you still have lost data... contact Support.
  12. As before - no 'blocking' here, just a changed environment not favouring an endangered species Not true. A dozen competitors are happy to import Evernote notes and exports are available to ENEX, HTML and PDF They also support Windows and Android users like me... ....like Linux clients? - I get that you're unhappy, and unimpressed with the new format. You have my sympathies. But the new Evernote is working well for me and a few (hundred) thousand others... If Wine or the Web version aren't options, then I'm sure one of the other Linux note-taking apps will welcome you as a convert.
  13. As an Android user I sympathise - the app is not really fit for purpose on that OS; but the Forums here are mainly supported by other users - if you want to ask Evernote for assistance (or register your complaints) you need to contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or use the Support link in the app.
  14. Ah - there's the 'other' thread. I'm intrigued by 75GB of notes created since Legacy (?) - but basically; we're just other users here. As I said elsewhere - if you have a genuine problem please contact Support.
  15. I have seen another thread where you have posted in detail on (I assume) the same subject. Please don't post on any issue more than once. We're mostly other users here - if you have a genuine problem please contact Support.
  16. By requiring users to pay if they want to have full access to the features? How much free work are you involved with at the moment?
  17. While the default display on the web is shorter than the same history window on an installed app, mine comes with a scroll bar. Why is it unusable?
  18. It can be moved, which I've done. What are your OS and Evernote versions?
  19. Did I miss a memo somewhere? What 'fundamental issues' are we talking about exactly?
  20. ...Have you tried disconnecting all devices except the one that you are currently using? Another one can be connected later if and when necessary...
  21. We're all waiting for one of those, but some bad luck and bad judgement black-holed the support team late last year. They'll not want to make promises they later find they can't live up to. The CC company is a good call.
  22. Try here - https://evernote.com/blog/new-ui-2024
  23. You don't have to jump through hoops, just be patient until they get around to your request in the queue... you have a ticket number which confirms they received it.
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