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About eroc144

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  1. Success! After installing V6.25, and copying the EXB files from my backup over the local EXBs - "voila!" my old data is back! So clearly this local data was not syncing with the Evernote Server. Two additional questions to get me running on the latest supported version: Why didn't the V10 install detect the local notebooks and convert them to sync'd ones? Do I need to do something during the install? How do I pull the V6 data forward to V10, assuming the install doesn't detect the local notebooks?
  2. Okay, found and reinstalled V6.17. When I open the app I get a "Could not connect to server" message stating that I need to be online to register and to check my internet connection (pasted below). Of course I'm always online / connected like all of us so not sure what the issue really is. Thoughts?
  3. So how do I reinstall V6? I don't have the original EXE I used years ago...
  4. Thanks both for your reasoned suggestions! I've waited a few days and the data has not reappeared - The data on the web client is missing the last few months of data, so my local copy must not have been syncing with the servers for the past few months. I'll try the uninstall / reinstall this weekend. I'm still not certain how to open a local copy of the data. The PC-based systems I use typically have a File / Open interface that lets me open specific files. It doesn't appear Evernote works that way? EG
  5. I recently upgraded from V6 to V10 and the last 3 months of my work is gone. I have data thru the end of Oct '23 but I'm missing all updates since. I have a backup of the Evernote \ Databases folder I made just prior to the upgrade, but I don't see any Evernote functionality to access this backup database or to restore it. Thoughts? eroc
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