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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. If you are using the same account you do not need to export and re-import your notes. Your 'parent' note file on the server will recreate your notes database when you re-install Evernote onto a local device and log back in. Your ENEX file is a (mostly) true copy of all your notes and you can import that into other note-taking software if you wish. It sounds like you have more than 50 notes and one notebook, so even if you get access back to your account it will be to view only... You may have a 'device' issue - the re-installed OS may look like a new device and you're only allowed 2. Make sure you read all the pp-up screens carefully if you are asked to revoke access to some devices. Subscribing - even if only for a month - will get around most of your issues.
  2. Hi. If you comma-separate the tags - i.e. tag1,tag2,tag3 etc and copy/ paste that string into the tags field, Evernote will split and assign the individual tags...
  3. There's the famous 100 selections only limit so you'd need 6 goes on a desktop at this - but search for your tag. Add the nested tag to 100 notes, and (if necessary) remove the original. Repeat x 5.
  4. I am one of the user moderators of this account - I live in the UK and have no connection with Evernote other than using their application. I do like to help people who are savvy enough to ask for specific help, but have very little patience for those who complain that "it doesn't work" without being willing to give individual instances and expend a little effort - in their own interests - to find ways around their issues. Complaining fixes nothing. And nothing is going to change in the next few weeks, so anyone who doesn't convert to v10 will lose access to their data, unless they migrate (internally or externally) first. Your choice folks.
  5. Sorry to confirm, but as noted above, and after an extensive search today; while 'geographic search' is still quoted as an option, noting and searching by location is pretty much dead in v10. There are several references in the help pages, but no functionality that I can find. It might be possible to create a work-around by having text geotags in notes and an 'index' map of locations - most mapping apps would support that. I'm sure the old Evernote team would use the argument that there was 'not enough interest' in this feature to convert it to the new v10 (and honestly I haven't noted its absence until now...) but the new owners are pretty mobile-friendly. Nothing is going to change before the ned of March, but you could request this as a 'new' feature - if you do, please explain to them how your geo system works and why it's important to you! Sorry we couldn't help more.
  6. Hi. The user forums aren't anything to do with Evernote - other than we users post here. Is there a problem where old bullet points and new ones clash? Or is it that you just don't think the new ones stand out enough?
  7. Understandable that you know and love an app you've used for ages. v10 is unfamiliar, things have been moved around and other things work differently. So you'll stumble for a while just like you probably did when you first started with Legacy. But you will get through it, and we're here to help if you need it.
  8. Hi. You need to contact Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - it may take some time to get a response; they're a little overwhelmed at the minute...
  9. In the same place as all other windows, unless you went to full screen, in which case try F11 to reduce it in size.
  10. Hi. How long have you been waiting for your refund? All tickets get processed in order, and the Support team have been overrun lately. It's never been possible to speak to a CS agent, but (apart from the last few months) it's always been easy to chat or email.
  11. Hi. What version of Windows / Evernote app / Outlook do you use and where did you install the outlook clipper from?
  12. Only possible 'fix' with a mobile is to uninstall / power cycle off and on again / re-download latest version and re-install...
  13. Did you check the ENEX options? Maybe the title was deselected?
  14. Not so much a backlash as a microlash since (by my count here) there are a massive 8 supporters.. and this being a public forum anyone is allowed to express their opinion unless it is incorrect or offensive. Legacy is not coming back - please accept that and move on with your life.
  15. Some apps will provide STT dictation, and you can save both audio and text content to Evernote; but this is not an Evernote issue.
  16. The thing I hate about geolocations is the unmemorable detail. There's a handy app around called What3Words which has identified 3metre squares around the world and tagged them with three random (and occasionally funny) words. Bending Spoons location for instance... There are Excel and Google Sheet add-ins to convert lat/long to W3W.
  17. Hmmn. Sorry about the interruptions - I think I saw the answer to some of this in another thread (please don't post the same query twice) - 4GB Memory is pretty basic - but companies like Crucial can scan your device and advise whether upgrades are available. They're certainly worth it, as are SSD upgrades (again Crucial) - I got one laptop up to 12GB memory (its personal maximum) and added a 1TB SSD which was a revelation. 10% free space is pretty bad - and Evernote needs a lot of storage while setting up. https://www.crucial.com/
  18. Hmmn. No recent experience of anything similar - any chance to repeat the export or share the original note or notebook with the new account?
  19. Hi. I flagged your report. As to the question, Evernote is now an Italian company so you can contact your local consumer bodies to see whether they have any way to offer help, and/ or raise a complaint with evernote (which any regulatory body would require you to do anyway). You could also contact the bank or card company through which you made you payment in case they have some way to claw it back...
  20. Actually the fastest way to add a note is to send your account an email... Save emails into Evernote
  21. Hi. Are you saying to have a speech-to-text thing going on? If so, that's not Evernote.
  22. Hi. All you need to do is create your tasks as separate notes in your project notebook. Use a standard icon like 🔸 in the title and you can find all of your tasks immediately. Use different icons for personal vs work, or different types of task.
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