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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Ah. Those widgets! -I hadn't actually noticed, but I agree: there's no longer a specific reminders list. There is still a shortcuts list though so the searches may still do the job.
  2. Hi. Not sure which widget you mean - it's possible to search for reminders with eminderOrder:* reminderDoneTime:* reminderTime:* So did you mean a saved search?
  3. The reality remains that v7 was abandoned 3-4 years ago. No support, no upgrades. v10 is the only current Evernote product. And of course any user has the choice - if you can't work with it, you need to find an alternative. Constructively, if you do work with it and feedback where it's not working for you, Evernote may be able to change features to be more efficient. They can't improve things if users don't tell them where it's needed...
  4. Ah well - if we're talking serious research, you may want to look at https://docear.org/
  5. Hi. Sorry - didn't understand the question. Exporting to HTML will give you images in a folder.
  6. Hmmn. The 'old' Evernote had a team working on each OS - so at minimum iOS/ MacOS/ Android/ Windows/ Linux - producing code-specific versions of a central 'model' of a note-taking app. Some OS's allowed tweaks that others did not - Macs did not (AFAIK) have Import Folders, Windows did not have inline spreadsheet views. Obviously that's expensive - you basically have 5x the cost of the staff, plus random updates to deal with from each OS and browser version. Two of the major complaints from users were: Why does the UI look different on each of my my devices? and I can't pick a consistent font for my notes. So 'old Evernote went away and rewrote everything in Elektron to reduce internal costs and deliver for their users. However Elektron had its own tweaks and limits, and the 6th(?) Elektron team were taking years to deliver their code (It's a big app - and they probably had a learning curve). So for a first iteration v10 was delivered with a limited number of the 'most used' features. And went down like a lead balloon with everyone (including me). Embroiled from that point in bugs, complaints and feature requests Evernote forgot all about income and costs, and I'd imagine became a pretty toxic environment. Investors I would imagine, would start wanting out. Lets not forget also that the long running 'free' service, rather than being a constant source of source new business is (probably) a huge cost sink, and for historical reasons dozens of users are paying different 'grandfathered' amounts because their product no longer exists. There's presumably lots of extra code to limit their access to their own feature set. Along comes Evernote enthusiast Bending Spoons who want to see this situation fixed, for their own reasons. The 'new' Evernote team work to fix backend support issues, old code and missing features, and drag Evernote kicking and screaming into the 24½th century. US and other employees are let go (on, I understand, generous terms) to bring the whole operation back to Italy (more or less) under one roof. That's great for efficiency - it takes a couple of days to travel from Milan to the US - but maybe not the best idea to lose all that expertise. (It's just code - how hard can it be...) Since this is now a 2024 commercial operation and they're operating on 2018 funding levels, costs have to go up. Since 'grandfathered' users are an expensive anomaly (they pay less but add complication) they get added to the normal cost & feature structure. As (presumably) light users they have to make a choice - is Evernote now worth it for them? Similar treatment for Free users. So here we are. Evernote is what it is. Either it's worth it to you to subscribe or not. But it's not a conspiracy, or a horrible mistake of some kind - it's just natural development of a product which is still one of he market leaders with a (mostly) quiet user group of thousands? Millions? Since 'Spoons have their own users who are probably only now hearing about their new acquisition after some of the worst dents have been worked out, I'd be confident that Evernote will make it to that 100-year target they always had. It will certainly do me for the foreseeable future. -That history is about 90% fact and 10% speculation and 100% my personal view. You are, of course, entitled to your own perspective; but I'm still surprised by the time and energy being exercised here berating a company that actually seems to be doing pretty well by its users. Legacy is not coming back, and everyone has the choice of stay or leave. Evernote clearly didn't expect the storm that brewed in recent months, but I'm sure they'll work through it. Meantime I'm just another user (honest) and pleased to help anyone who has a (polite) request for assistance. Have a nice day...
  7. Hi. Working for me - Device? OS & Evernote version numbers? Tried restarting the app? The device?
  8. I'm now using the latest features to help when researching new areas - the collapsing paragraphs feature allows me to set up headings to categorise my reading, and I can copy/ paste items like quotes, URLs, images and text into a note under appropriate headings. Seems like up to 200MB of content can be collapsed back to a dozen headings for a top level view, and each one of those headings can expand to more headings, and each one of those headings... Basically I'm taking my morass of basic input and sorting it into separate categories; then I can look at each category in more detail and summarise the content to its main points, condensing a bucket-load of raw data into a few pages of useful information. As I started doing that, it was reported that large notes with many headers seemed to be slowing the system down - and I still don't like having all my data in one note where a mistake could delete everything - so I switched to use the new /New Linked Note option which again lets me type categories and save the raw data to a new linked note... which can itself link to other notes if there are more threads to follow. It does very much depend though what details your research entails, and how you prefer to work!
  9. Hi. It's possible for Evernote Professional to carry out boolean searches, or save boolean searches, but I'm not sure which widgets can process them on the Home page - can you give us a little more information about what you're trying to accomplish?
  10. If anyone is dissatisfied with the amount they have been charged for their latest subscription, they have 2 options - Request a refund (within, I believe, 60 days) and find another provider Ask -politely- for an explanation - it's quite possible that a mistake was made somewhere along the line. If so, Evernote will fix it. Accusations of cheating are a little premature unless we're going to get a flood of "this happened to me" posts here - and just before the little Troll army that I know watches the forums for any chance to snipe starts sharpening their rhetoric - further posts without a support ticket number to confirm that Evernote have been approached for one or other of the above may be deleted without notice. Bending Spoons are a government contractor in Italy and one of the larger commercial IT companies in Europe.
  11. Hi. Some accounts have that problem - don't know why... Try the Settings > Support link from the mobile app?
  12. Hi. I'm confused - were you a free user who now subscribes, or a 'grandfathered' Plus or Premium user on a discounted subscription? We're not Evernote by the way - mainly users here. These changes were announced a year ago and you would have received an email a month before your renewal date about your personal subscription. If your account email address was out of date, or the email went to your spam folder that may explain some of the surprise. You also seem to have been a Legacy user now on v10, and the end of that service was announced three years ago, and supported recently by red banners on old applications. If you wish to complain to the company try feedback@Evernote.com or https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new It's obviously our choice whether you decide to continue with the service, but if you do, and you're finding the new layout confusing, posting specific questions here will usually get some help.
  13. Hi. That's a 'talk to Evernote' kind of issue - mainly other customers here. I do know my backups get interrupted every so often for a reset, so clearly it's a thing - but with millions of users 24/7 I guess they heed to protect the level of traffic any one account draws.
  14. You are correct. Line and character spacing is... variable... when pasting between windows. If you wish to retain a specific format it's always best to attach an file that preserves it to a note, and copy paste the content of that file to feed the search index. Don't know how many users requires that sort of accuracy, so it may not be a high-priority issue for Evernote.
  15. Hi. Basically what you see is all there is - if you need a more flexible layout then there are variations on using a word processor file and attaching it to to a note... in some cases copy/ pasting from a WP into the note will retain the original (i.e. WP based) formatting but YMMV.
  16. Hmmn. Not sure what's happening here - didn't want to use an existing note just in case, so I set up a new test note and added it to shortcuts. Clicked the 'x' and got a blue pop-up which said "shortcut removed" or words to that effect. The note sat quietly in my all notes display at all times. So: Back to my usual questions: Device? OS? Evernote version?
  17. Hmmn. Browser environments are usually curtailed so that internet-based applications have only limited access to the host device's software for obvious reasons. Don't know if that's relevant, just sayin'
  18. If you close all other windows down, do you finally come to the Evernote window? Or is it opening on a 'virtual' screen somewhere off to the side? WIN key + left or right arrows should summon it in that case, and if you then close and reopen the window on the primary display it should stick... maybe...
  19. Hi. We're mainly other users here, with no access to lists - but you can send suggestions to feedback@Evernote.com. (Developers do read posts here too, but you can't guarantee when r if that will happen...) If you're using the web version I assume you're aware that Ctrl & + will zoom the page...
  20. Hi. I'm sorry if the final closure of the obsolete Legacy software has caused you any issues. While Support has been overwhelmed in the past few months, it is still worth feeding back any v10 issues that you find - if they don't know something doesn't work, they can't fix it. And the number of submissions in each case will indicate which issues are most urgent. If you can explain some of the things you experience here, perhaps we can suggest some work-arounds. While I understand your need to get back to the previous experience, closure was announced 3 years ago and the recent server changes have only disconnected the last remaining few users. There is no going back.
  21. Hi. I'm not sure what you are describing - is it possible to see a screenshot? There's general help here for the new version - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  22. Hi. Sadly, we're not Evernote. We are mainly other users here and if you need that sort of information, you (or the developer) really need to talk to Evernote direct. AFAIK Evernote notes aren't 'normal' html, though it's possible to copy and paste into them.
  23. Hi. Usual query - device? Which version of Windows, Evernote? And are these new notes, or older ones being opened for editing?
  24. Sorry, we're mostly other users here - you need Evernote Support
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