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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Do you actually an 'integration'? According to the Remarkable website (I'm not a user) it's easily possible to export notes as PDF files (amongst other types) - https://support.remarkable.com/s/article/Exporting-files - so you could use Evernote as a library of readable files. Just attach the exported file(s) to note(s). The exported PDFs are not editable from within Evernote if you wish to retain compatibility, but it's possible to drag and drop an attached file from a note back into a desktop or mobile app and use Remarkable from there. I tend to do lots of sketching for 3D printing and suddenly I'm tempted to look into this more... No large company is likely to announce new features unless they're ready to launch so we'll (probably) never know in advance what Evernote are planning, but if you need more than the ability to attach a file to a note and edit it again later in Remarkable, I'd suggest you outline exactly what you would like to see from an integration and get in touch with them direct. (We're mainly just other users here.)
  2. - Just to add that Evernote have recently updated their help pages... they don't deal with deletions, maybe because that's up to the individual; but there's some general information here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500003792161-Create-a-task
  3. Fair point. It would mean an employee reading through posts and just creating internal tickets for other employees to work on... which is essentially the same operation as users having issues and creating their own tickets. Hopefully Evernote will even out soon and we won't need reassurances.
  4. That was an answer when the number of notes was "several". Just so we're on the same page here, what's your Device / OS and Evernote version? If you're having issues, your local data may be corrupted and a clean reinstall may be indicated. If you recently updated from Legacy your local data may still be being created (it takes days for large files) so patience may be all that is needed...
  5. Not sure - what you see are the highest profile hits. Hit return on the search - without selecting one of the listed items - and you'll get a results list of all the notes with your keywords or tags.
  6. Federico already has an account here and reads some of the content - he wisely stays out of the ranty bits.
  7. Not even going to say it. You just sent a word-salad response to a post of mine imputing emotions and intentions which I do not have. I'm trying to have an intelligent conversation; unfortunately all the background noise just gets in the way. -And you didn't answer the question.
  8. Somebody say my name? (Sorry about the green smoke) I flagged the ticket - don't know if it will help, but that's all we got for the moment I'm afraid... 👍
  9. Maybe it depends what you search for. Going for "Asimov" on my system got me a few different views and would up with this - - which lists both notes and notebooks which may be of interest. If I choose one from the list I can go straight to that item, or if I'm not sure which one I need I can just hit 'return' and get that list (and maybe more) as a search result. Then I can scroll through all of them. It's working for me...
  10. So you're opting for the 'move on' choice then?
  11. Without wishing to further upset the young'uns around here, I can have the installed and web apps on my desktop, and the Android app open on my tablet, and if they're all on the same note, any changes ripple across all three screens within seconds no matter which one I change. I'm NOT claiming that's normal and the rest of the world is lying, just commenting that's how it works for me. Maybe when (if) Support gets their act back together, they'll be able to look into individual cases. Meantime all anyone can do - as you obviously have - is to fix up their local connection as best possible and wait it out, or find a better provider and move on. I did see today that the 'help' pages are being worked on - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us - so clearly something is happening in the background...
  12. No, sorry. If you have a ticket number we can tag it for a Forum Admin to have a look at, but the Support team have been underwater for weeks - you'll need to be patient for a reply!
  13. Hi. There aren't many Teams users in the Forums here - we're mostly just individual users. No clue personally as to how to refresh a Teams search index - the usual one is to sign out of the app and delete the local database, then uninstall with Revo Uninstaller (win) or Appcleaner (Mac) to clear data that the OS doesn't remove, then download and install a new version from Evernote.com. No clue whether that's possible or safe in Teams. The other option is to have a look through the help pages and see whether you can find something that helps - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006117-Evernote-Teams-Toolkit (This is new today!) There's a link to Support in there which you could follow - please come back here and post any ticket number you get; we can flag it with the Forum Admins which might get you some priority...
  14. So I deleted two comments here because I'm now fed up with schoolyard arguments. If you dislike remarks made here, please use 'ignore' or just move on. Sniping back just continues the aggravation. Venting, requests for help, and grown-up responses welcomed. Anything else, please keep it to yourself.
  15. Given that this thread is 2 years old I doubt the same problems still exist. Please give us full details of your device / OS / Evernote version and what you're experiencing, and let's start over...
  16. Hi. If you want to try some email options, there's a 'forgot password' link at Evernote.com (but you need access to the email address to use it). Otherwise you can only contact Support. They're a little overwhelmed, but here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new please be patient for a response.
  17. Hi. We're mainly other users here, so no great insight into payment issues - however I suggest you contact Itunes to see if they can help. If you can't change payment methods there, then stop paying and allow your subscription to lapse. Your account will become 'Basic' with limited access - but you can then immediately upgrade again via iTunes or direct with Evernote with whatever payment method you wish.
  18. Because there are millions of users (still) and a simultaneous download - even over 24 hours - would crash the site. Updates are released to groups of users over weeks. Anyone can go to Evernote.com and individually download the latest version if they wish.
  19. Hi. Since v10 has to set up a new local management system on your device and download your entire database it can seem slow at first. Plus in the past year v10 has a new data structure to optimize automatic syncing. Notes originally created in Legacy take a few seconds to update to the new structure when they're loaded for the first time. If you leave Evernote active for some while (possibly some hours) after updating it will catch up. If it's still slow after that, there's probably something wrong with the installation. Mine works effectively on a 10-year-old laptop. It's not advisable to downgrade your app, but there is already a newer version - maybe download 10.83 from Evernote.com and try again?
  20. Hi. Device / OS / Evernote version? And what exactly did you do to cause this?
  21. Hi. Are you able to change the contrast on your monitor(s)? There are no options -yet- in Evernote. We're mainly other users here, and Support is overwhelmed, but you could raise it with them at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new please be very patient for a response.
  22. Sadly I'm one of the ones with the 'right' hardware and processes to think that Evernote is outstanding. Everything opens instantaneously - with occasional exceptions of course; but the usual experience is speed. It is getting better...
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