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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Try Settings in a mobile client - there's a link to support there...
  2. The post above yours says not, and I just tested out Chrome and logged in fine. Firefox security may be getting in the way here...
  3. Also confirming that hitting '/' doesn't affect paste, provided that's the next action chosen, and Ctrl+Z converts a task back to plain text if required.
  4. I did a quick search for "sqlite viewer" and found 2M hits - like https://sqlitebrowser.org/ which may or may not be useful. Note that only Evernote Windows legacy installations will have EXB files (Macs use a different system) and if you do decide to view your file always work on a copy of the original because the act of viewing the content may change the file structure so it won't work with Evernote. - Not that that's necessarily a problem in this context, but as a general "do no harm" thing. Different software may react in different ways, and I don't have time to experiment at present - but it should be possible to get some content back from EXB files that have been 'orphaned' by the loss of server contact.
  5. The point about Evernote is that you can implement almost any system you want using its features. I'd use a Table of Contents system - create your tasks as notes, and use a ToC to list links to those notes under suitable headings like 'urgent', 'pending ' etc. Within the task notes, either use the task feature to ***** up important subtask milestones, or again use a ToC layout and have subtask notes arranged in priority order. You could also use the collapsing paragraphs feature to keep subtasks in one place but 'hide' everything that is not a current priority.
  6. If there's an EXB file lying around somewhere it might be interesting to use a SQLite database reader on the content - it's a total Hail Mary but presumably unsynced notes are entries there that have not been sent to the server? (It's also possible that unsynced notes are kept in some kind of temporary storage and don't get into the database until they're synced... I don't know whether anyone would know at this stage...)
  7. Hi. Not sure about doubling the price - it depends on whether you were already on some sort of discounted deal beforehand - but there's certainly a substantial increase. That's after a few years of no increase at all, so part of the increase is down to inflation; plus Evernote has now ended the many and various 'grandfathered' discount schemes that were inherited from previous product changes. We're several months into the increases now, so I don't see any chance that Evernote will change their tune - although if you go to cancel your subscription you may find that they're willing to offer a discount in this first year of higher charges to retain your payment. Up to you whether the discounted price seems acceptable - the only other option is to find an alternative supplier.
  8. Best I can offer is that is you recently updated to v10, operations are slow for a while because it needs to set up a new infrastructure in your local storage and convert all previous notes (including some created in early v10 apps) into the current format. There's a lot of set-up work which can make things extra slow for days or weeks after conversion (depending on how often and how long you have the app active for). If after that time things are still slow, then a reinstall may help - it's possible some data was corrupted somehow; but you simply should not have an unworkably slow app. Contact Support too via https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  9. Hi. Sorry - not a Teams user: does any of this help? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006117-Evernote-Teams-Toolkit
  10. BS also do -or have done- (Italian) government work so I'd guess they have some reasonably high standards.
  11. Did you pay through iTunes for the upgrade? If so, I'm surprised Evernote was willing/ able to refund you. If you did pay that way I'd suggest you contact iTunes to see whether they can help.
  12. It may be elementary, but Evernote doesn't currently include that option. You can write your note on paper and photograph or scan it into Evernote, but the app has no internal direct handwriting inputs. There are various third-party devices that will output to PDF files that can be attached to Evernote notes.
  13. Hi. Did you accidentally create a new empty account when trying to log in? Sign out and back in...
  14. Hi. You need Android 9 or above on your phone to support the Evernote app. Even without the app it is possible to send information to Evernote and even create new notes by email. "Share" emails or web pages to your Evernote email address or create a new email note to your account - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347-Save-emails-into-Evernote
  15. Hi. What's your device and what number versions are your OS and Evernote app? What kinds of slowness are you experiencing?
  16. Hi. Are you not able to select the line and delete it? (Backspace may also be required to remove the checkbox)
  17. Hmmn. Can only suggest you contact Support - please be patient; I'm not sure how quick the new support process is yet... (You should be able to contact them via Settings in the mobile app.)
  18. Oops - sorry; misunderstood... what's your device, plus Android and Evernote version numbers? My experience is that the app waits quietly in the background for me to get done with another task, then pops up quite normally when I switch back. The only real way to 'tech' a mobile app is simply to uninstall / power the device off and on / and reinstall.
  19. OK - I removed another user who seemed to believe that rules did not apply to them. While we're pretty relaxed about the topics that get tossed around here please can the normal rules of polite grown-up conversation apply?
  20. Just for information - I've got two or three apps where I seem to have purchased a 'lifetime licence' more than once. In each case it's been a major upgrade to the original app, but I think the software market tends to look at 'lifetime' in a different way than the rest of us...
  21. Hi. You can't. Mobile devices default to not holding local copies of your data (except for working offline) so they have to download details of the account when you log in. If you switch accounts, they have to clear the temporary storage and download another account. You could consider sharing notes or notebooks from one account to the other so you can work in that account but copy some information across when you have more flexible access...
  22. Not yet tried - I only just discovered I have one too! More later...
  23. I deleted an unhelpful post here. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, sometimes it's better not to put them online.
  24. Weird. Sorry - I'm now fresh out of ideas; only suggestion is - contact Support. It may take a while but they'll get back to you. Meantime the web and mobile versions should still be available to you... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
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