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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I don't use Firefox, but Chrome has been working for me daily. You need to look elsewhere for the issue.
  2. Because it's the first time the topic has been raised here (as far as I can tell) and you quoted no background. So do your files still exist but are shown as 'untitled attachment', or are the actual files completely gone from your note?
  3. Not saying it's great, but I've used both methods. Double clicking a single note is a quick way to generate a new note from a template. Importing several hundred notes? I'd rather not have them dumped unidentifiably into one of my existing notebooks. Having an Imported notebook means I can sort through them and deal with them as appropriate. Having just taken a new project on board I have 25 Imported notebooks which are conveniently separate from my own notes. This, by the way, has been a standard behaviour since v10 was introduced, so maybe not so much 'inconsistent' as 'unfamiliar'.
  4. Hi. Have you checked the Trash notebook? If the note was deleted by accident it should still be in there. I see that you're using the Free account - there are strict limits there as to what can and cannot be saved - if you have more than 50 notes or more than one notebook it may not have been possible to save the last version.
  5. Hi. Check Evernote Settings on the Android - you should have a Support link there.
  6. As far as I'm aware no one has yet shown that data synced to an Evernote account has been 'lost' through no fault of the user. Given the in house backups and the common sense option to keep local backups, it should not be an issue either way. Please don't make unsupported derisory comments.
  7. The screen shot refers to v6 not being updated, and v10 having ongoing updates. It does not link the two. Plus the history is that Legacy apps were coded (and updated) separately for each OS. Something like 7 years ago a team was given a brief to combine all the frequently-used features of each individual app into one package and re-code that into Elektron to be able to run on any supported OS. It began and has been developed with a completely different premise. Legacy and v10 are like unicorns and horses - both have a similar shape and both can be ridden. One however is (now) unavailable so comparisons are pointless. In the case of v10, if a case can be made for the addition of a feature that adds value to the package, I'd imagine that the new Evernote would be pleased to consider developing it. If you can find that feature at lower cost in another app, then of course you must consider using the alternative.
  8. Love the philosophical approach and the conviction (without apparent evidence) that this could not possibly have been related to anything except an Evernote issue. However with great superhero power comes great responsibility - you should be contacting Evernote support to find out what, if anything, happened to your content; if it was synced to your account in the first place, there will be a record. And though undoubtedly super-slow at the moment, Support should be able to help you find it. If you'd like to give us some more details - like device & Windows / Evernote versions and how many notes are missing we can maybe help.
  9. If you have issues, please contact Support - it may take a while for them to respond, but at least they're aware that search has an issue.
  10. Hi. Best way to find one or more faulty notes is to export individual notes (if practical). Select 100 notes - export, and apply tag 'keyword'. Search for another 100 notes -tag:keyword and export / add tag. Repeat as necessary. If you find that one or more batches fail, export a smaller number of files to try and find the problem(s) For individual cases try creating a new note and copy the content from the old note across.
  11. You have been using a free app to build up a library of (apparently) thousands of notes. You still have access to those notes, you just can't add more because the company has decided it can't afford the cost of maintaining a free service. Do you work for free? No hostages here - you're free to find another free note-taking app to use in future and to export your existing notes if you wish.
  12. It's true in many cases more than one keystroke is required - the pop-up looks for keystrokes that match the commands in that list and shortens the options as you type it does run out pretty quickly though. Depending on what version of Evernote you have, try the three dots menu in any note (at the top right). There's a Slash Commands option that will stop the pop-up entirely.
  13. Hi. What device, OS and Evernote version do you have? My 'latest' Windows 11 Desktop version 10.83.5 doesn't automatically create a numbered list when I type '1.' I do remember that whatever OS you use this automatic formatting could be removed by using 'undo' (in my case Ctrl+Z) whenever it intruded...
  14. Hi. Just keep typing. One more keystroke will remove the pop-up. V6 client is no longer available.
  15. Hi. v10 is a completely re-written and re-coded Evernote app. Nothing was 'removed' from the obsolete and unsupported older app - those features which the previous owners of Evernote considered to be unused by most subscribers were simply not included in the specifications for the new app. As a matter of interest, what ticket number(s) were you assigned for your previous contacts with Evernote? From your description, you were looking for notes that had one specific tag to ensure that all notes with that tag had the same set of multiple tags. On my desktop app I can filter for a single tag, but the headline of my search hits will include other tags which have been applied to some of the notes. It's fairly easy to select up to 100 notes and to add or remove tags to this common list or to find or create new ones. It appears your process has been included in the new app - just not in the way that you're used to using it.
  16. I deleted a user here who seemed to be making AI based, unhelpful and (in this case) comments several months late.
  17. It's not an 'upgrade', it's a completely re-coded application with different features. All your existing notes should transition to the new database, and if you have a lot of notes it can take time for that new database to be fully populated. Meantime large PDF files will take time to download depending on how fast and how busy your network connection might be. Rather than holding a pity party here, it would be better to Sign in to Evernote.com to see whether your 'missing' file is present there. If so, what you have is a simply a download issue. If the note is still not found, check Note History to see whether a previous version of your note includes the PDF Create a new Forum thread detailing the issue in full, including your device(s), plus OS and Evernote version numbers and the size and name of this PDF. Contact Support* now, because they may be able to help - but have been taking a long time to react * This is a mainly user-supported Forum and individual responses from Evernote are extremely rare. Support will (eventually) deal with you directly.
  18. Hi @Leonardos - welcome to the forums. At first glance your posts so far have been rather generic and AI-like. Are you an actual human being?
  19. Evernote gave 3 years' warning that v6 was no longer supported, and it was never promoted as in any way being a coding tool. A number of users found similar 'edge' case uses in other areas like geotagging and food, but from the feedback received by the previous owners were never a significant enough part of the user base to justify developing a similar feature in v10. Legacy users themselves are (we're told) less than 1% of the existing users base. I sympathise if you lost data, but it wasn't 'intentional' - just a consequence of Evernote following user instructions to have a common font for all OS's: presumably what you have lost is the colours, not the actual content.
  20. Hi. If you are allowed access to the internet you should find that the browser based version of Evernote will give you access to most of the latest features, but I'm afraid the the installed version doesn't have any way to block update reminders.
  21. I'd have to leave that one to Support to look into when they get around to it - the wait is long, but enough people are saying their issues has been resolved that there clearly us action going on somewhere...
  22. Hmmn. Only suggestion would be to try a 'clean' reinstall on Desktop - Sign out of Evernote / don't save your data locally / use Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac) to uninstall the app. Power off and back on, then re-download and reinstall and leave Evernote running to rebuild the local data files and indexes. It's usable but initially a little slow - things get better after a few days.
  23. Hmmn. Working for me... Maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling the mobile client?
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