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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. We're mainly other users here, and Support is overwhelmed, but you could raise it with them at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new please be very patient for a response.
  2. If the account is completely empty now, is it possible that whoever logged into it may have user slightly different details? An incorrect email address or password? It's a 'feature' of the login process that sometimes a mistake will generate a brand new account rather than take you to the existing content. Logging in again (very carefully) could take you back to the missing information. Evernote are very clear that no accounts are deleted,. no content is changed - if something has been saved online it should still be there...
  3. Hi. We're mainly other users here, and Support is overwhelmed, but you could raise it with them at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new please be very patient for a response.
  4. Hi. What requests, and where did you send them? Was there a published process? Were these Evernote forms? See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313518-How-does-Evernote-use-my-personal-information-and-data for general information...
  5. Hi. When you create an event you also have the option to create a note for that event. That note can have tasks, reminders...
  6. If you contacted Support please be patient - they will get back to you; make sure you reply to any 'have you tried...?' suggestions they send. You might want to contact your phone supplier too - do other zphone users have the same issue?
  7. Hi. We don't know (mostly other users here) whether that's a design choice or a bug in the latest version. Please feed it back to Evernote via feedback@evernote.com or https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  8. Hi. We're mainly other users here - please raise this with Support via https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  9. OK - so everyone who's replied (so far) has been following due process. I just got fed up with the generic - and very unspecific - "it's unusable" comments coming from some quarters. In general I have to agree with all the points raised - they clearly are issues that need attention - but they don't seem to be affecting everyone*; so I wonder what priority Evernote are giving them, alongside their breakneck development of other features. * I don't think I've seen many issues reported that could be down to the tickets quoted here. From their track record so far I don't believe that Evernote 'ignore' users' wishes - I'm sure these issues are working their way through the system. The devs will have their own timescales for revisiting different processes and -hopefully- these items are in there somewhere. Time will tell...
  10. Thanks - so they're aware of the issues and you're waiting for a fix. Since we don't know what priorities Evernote have and we're all users here, there's not much anyone can do except sympathise...
  11. ...and how many of those got reported in detail to Support?
  12. Sorry but you're on the slow boat to Support then. The web version works for me and for many others - if you have an issue it's something to do with your local systems. Support may be able to help you work out what that is - but it's going to take a while...
  13. The support team seem to close tickets on matters that have been sent on to the developers. If you want to find out what's happening and remind them you're waiting for a response, you might try emailing support again with the ticket number and asking?
  14. Sorry to hear that - have you tried uninstalling your current installed app with Revo Uninstaller Free, powering the device off and on again and then downloading and installing the current version from Evernote.com? We're up to 10.84 these days - things may have changed.
  15. I didn't recall any link that would automatically create a connection from a reminder to RTM - but I see there's a feature here which seems to be wholly RTM: https://www.rememberthemilk.com/services/evernote/ Various other services have had issues because Evernote have made server changes to speed up syncing and allow collaboration, maybe its the same with RTM. I'd suggest you raise the same query with them, and also contact Evernote Support via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new to see if they can help...
  16. Hi. I don't believe it's possible to avoid updates at all, although mine are every few weeks, not every time the app opens. It may be that there's a fault on your system which you could fix by uninstalling and reinstalling - if you like to do so we can supply full instructions for that...
  17. Hi. Device and OS / Evernote version numbers please? And please describe exactly what sort of process you feel should be speeded up? I just filtered my notes for those containing PDF files and got a list of 10,000+ in less than one second. I opened a random note and saw the PDF content in less than one second. I switched to another note with the same experience. Everything seems to be work well for me...
  18. @Lowdown - double posting is against the Forum Code of Conduct (that's 2)...
  19. So if you're against price rises. don't want to lose customers and require that the company gives away free services despite the very real cost to itself, you're basically in favour of the company going bust with all hands? Losing customers is what happens if you raise prices. The layoffs in the US were on very generous terms and largely because it takes a full day to travel from Milan (where Bending Spoons is now based) to the US. Rather than have senior staff wasting days in transit the whole thing got transferred to the existing HQ in Milan. The Freemium model was in place for a good 15 years with Evernote - they had enough time to evaluate whether it was working or not. It did not, because a number of users milked the system for all it was worth, building up thousands of notes for their own commercial purposes without paying a penny towards processing or storage. It was unviable and abused, so it got dropped. There's no 'reasonably priced lower tier' because creating that would be a logistical and economic nightmare. There are plenty of lower tier alternatives. Evernote is happy for anyone who doesn't want to subscriber to their full-featured service, to find a suitable alternate. Evernote historical spasms are irrelevant since it's now into it's new owners are only just into their second year. All of which boils down to this thread so far being another philosophical swipe at Evernote 'doing it wrong'. The new owners have fixed many if the issues that plagued older versions, have added many user-requested features, and are in progress of developing new long-requested features like in-note links. Please don't nit-pick through my comments to show where I'm wrong. That's just trolling. If there's a feature suggestions or a technical problem behind all this, then please let's hear it. Otherwise there's no point to continue this discussion further.
  20. Respond to that automated reply to confirm that you have carried out all the tests and that there's still an issue. Support will get back to you - after a meltdown earlier this year they're slowly getting back to normal but it still takes a little time. They will want to know what version of Android OS you have - are you on 9, 10 or 11? Likewise it's good to know where you got your reinstall from, and what version of Evernote that was. I'm running Evernote 10.84.2 quite happily on an Android tablet, though it does use a lot of resources after an install. If you're up for it, try again - uninstall the app; power your device off and on again, then download and install the latest version from the Google play store.
  21. Please can everyone stop with the cheap shots? It'll be a pain to start deleting posts, but I'm willing to have a go... The subject of this thread is v10 has problems. Please list 'em here (and yes I know someone was compiling a list, but it's not here) and let's see what everyone is complaining about.
  22. As I said originally; if we can have some actual facts to work from - without the usual emotional wrapper - maybe we can suggest some options, or maybe even agree that it would be good to add that feature.
  23. I was trying to encourage you to face reality, but clearly you prefer to wait for the Return of Legacy. Which is not going to happen.
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