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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Can we have an example of the text you want to protect from the emoji please? Is this something covered by the Tools > Options > Note dialogue?
  2. Hi. If you're having issues I'd suggest raising a support request sooner rather than later... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  3. Hi. I'm sure you'll get their attention, but not sure what they will be able to do - I can clip that page too in Vivaldi (a Chrome based browser) Have you tried other browsers like Brave or Vivaldi?
  4. Hi. Have you tried restarting Outlook (if it is the installed version) or removing / re-adding the plug-in?
  5. Hi. Highly unlikely - I believe there have been some posts about crashes possibly related to 2FA. As you're a subscriber I recommend you report this to Support and see what they say.
  6. Hi. Also reported in several other threads - are you using the new Web version? Try reverting back to the older version in Settings. Alternatively use a local word processor if you can and just attach the document file to a note. Leaving a web page open while you type ongoing notes is a hazardous process... there's even a browser add-in to help - https://turbofuture.com/internet/Text-Data-Recovery-Software-for-Blog-Writing EDIT: After a bit of research I couldn't find an up to date version of the Lazarus app that's featured here, but there's a recently updated version of something called Typio Form Recovery which looks as useful... https://typiorecovery.github.io/
  7. Hi. If all you're looking for is a 'third' level of hierarchy, then (unless I misunderstood the conversation so far - which is about a 50/50 possibility with me...) it should be fairly easy to set up with Stacks, Notebooks and Tags. Use the tags for either the first, or the last step in your hierarchy. Got stacks that split Work vs Personal? Use tags instead. Got a prospective 3rd level that adds Quotes and Invoices for each project under the Work stack? Use tags for them instead. I'll assume you have the 1st and 2nd layers in place already though, so I'll assume the last layer in the hierarchy is the one you need set up. If you want to see all the outstanding quotes for a given project, go to its notebook and search tag:quotes. Your 'virtual' Quotes notebook will be listed there on your screen. Actually, there's a way to have this third (virtual) notebook list updated automatically and have it instantly available - use Filterize to create a Table of Contents listing for all 'quotes' notes. As you add the tag to a note, it will be added to the list. If you change the tag to 'invoice' it can be added to a different list.
  8. Just starting Evernote per your request from last night - we're mostly volunteer helpers around here, so bumping isn't going to do any good and will just annoy the Admins (it's against Forum rules.) Due respect - if it's not working, then you need to find another way, like the local-saves to third party software that I mentioned. It may not be efficient or convenient but at least it works! Just typing / pasting / DnD-ing into a note window in the web client - up to 15MB in PDF and PNG files plus text, and it hasn't twitched on me yet... Edit: Now it's 15 minutes later, and the app seems steady as a rock...
  9. If anyone feels that optionally disabling the auto-recognition of clickable links is a worthwhile feature, please click the up arrow at the very top left of this page. So far we have 3 votes in favour, which is not impressive. Meantime the only viable work-around seems to be to use a word processing / coding app with the correct behaviour, and to save the output file from that action as a note attachment. It's then editable from any device with the necessary software installed.
  10. Hi. No similar experience but I don't use the web client to any great extent. Do you have any chance to copy the content of your note to a local word-processor and edit offline?
  11. I understand the frustration but Evernote has thousands of user feature requests for many different aspects of its operation - including the ones that still don't work properly. They're presumably working through them as quickly as possible, but they'll prioritise bug-fixing and the features in highest demand first. Maybe RTL hasn't got to the top of the list yet. Usual advice probably already in this thread: if you can't live without a feature - find an app the delivers and stick with that. If you can live with work-arounds, then stick around for a while and see what happens. Users' choice.
  12. I'd guess Evernote are working on table features anyway, since (I also guess) they're a component of the global editor which supports all devices on all OS's . So we should see more improvements this year - whether or not that includes row height will depend on where that comes in the general priorities. If you're in favour of the idea please click the up-arrow at the top left of this thread to increase the counter. The more votes, the more likely you are to see this sooner rather than later.
  13. Good to see the votes here are going up (now 43). Just for the record, my earlier comment was more along the lines of a response to the 'request' to get this done in 2019, and the likelihood that Evernote will have a few other higher priorities than this particular issue - unless they're also getting flack from other channels on the subject. Although I'm not an iOS user, I do have dozens of major and minor niggles about how Evernote works on the platforms I do use, that I'm (still) waiting for the company to fix. I'm aware though that they have a huge range of platforms and OS's to address (and a lot of active users). Almost any change is going to take time.
  14. Evernote have known about thousands of improved features that different users would like to have implemented, from text styles and colours to better tables and lists, reminders and note-linking. They're probably working their way through a list of the ones that seem most important to them. No way to tell whether or where your 'long notes' processes are on the list... The way to make sure they're listed and move them up the priority chain is to get other users behind you.
  15. I understand your preference, but the fact is that Evernote isn't set up as you wish it could be, and even if they did decide to introduce some changes to suit your way of working (which will cost them a considerable amount of development cash), the changes won't be implemented overnight. Evernote might agree with you that this is a worthwhile change - but they will have other priorities to deal with. If you need your process to work efficiently now, you'll either need to change your workflow to adapt to what's currently possible, or find another app from the many great offerings that you mention that does the job the way you want it to be done. I would suggest you put a coherent summary of your use case into the Feature Request forum here so you can get an accurate view of how many other users would support it - the better your support, the more likely that the company will implement some changes.
  16. Hi - look for another app that offers "import Evernote notes"? I agree Evernote doesn't support jumping between long notes very well, but that has never seemed like a major problem to me. I just avoid long notes and jumping around. If I'm taking lots of notes about a particular event I tend to take a new note for each 'milestone' - the next speaker, the next action point - whatever; and tie multiple notes together with a tag or a common title. At one event the notes are all pretty much linked by their creation date and times anyway, but sometimes I want action points or some other topic separate from my own contemporaneous notes. After the event I can sort in ascending or descending order by Created Date and, optionally, tag or title and merge those notes together into one timeline if I wish.
  17. Hi. AFAIK, no. Check out https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.what3words.photos.android - and - https://what3words.com/partner/photomapp/ too...
  18. Hi. You're posting in the Web client forum, and AFAIK this doesn't happen in the installed app - certainly hasn't happened to me in 8+ years of subscribing...
  19. Good question. On the face of it you're no better and no worse off using this site - where you log in to a web page and get shown a random note from your account - than Evernote Web which shows you all your notes. It wasn't developed here though, so you'd need to ask on GitHub or talk to Forte Labs for the security aspects.
  20. Actually I add new text to the TOP of a note if I'm recording progress in some activity or other*. And I specialise in short notes, because Evernote doesn't seem to play that well with long ones. This isn't some sort of defence for Evernote - I'm just pointing out that I use a tool for what it does best, and avoid any operations that stress things too much. Evernote might be able to change the app to satisfy this sort of operation, but it's going to cost tens of thousands in development and testing (at least) and there's no obvious payback if its to satisfy non-paying users that 'might' then subscribe... and it's going to take a year or two minimum from the time they start - so anyone interested might well have moved on to other software by then anyway. * And for the longer 'story' notes, I add a new note with the same title or tag, rather than try to append another paragraph to a long text. I can find all my segments anytime I need them all as one document, and if I create a Table of Contents note I can then move the order around as necessary before merging them all into one document...
  21. ...the only option would be to use a 2nd account and a shared notebook set to 'read only'...
  22. If an app doesn't do what you need, the logical step would be to find one that does... I've seen other developers here quoting different preferred software for syntax highlighting. In a different context, and since Evernote doesn't do mindmaps or photograph edits I use Freeplane and Lightroom for some of my processing... With a LOT of users spanning several operating systems and dozens of devices I'd imagine Evernote needs a powerful incentive to invest in changes to the editor - and there are a lot of users with different priorities who want their <insert preferred function here> implemented first, not to mention getting all existing bugs and slowdowns fixed.
  23. Hi. Depending on which client you are using it should be easy to merge the notes into one - but to be clear: are you highlighting a block of text and "appending" highlighted sections of the same text, or are you highlighting various portions of a long block and 1) creating a main note and 2) appending additional text?
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