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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. If by nested notes you mean a 'tree' structure for notebooks, then change is possible. Not soon, and possibly not what you want; but Evernote is rewriting some of its structure to be more scalable, and that might give them some more options. But if you read the other threads on this topic, there's a confirmation somewhere from an Evernote staffer that the app's current basic architecture does not allow them to offer 'nested' notes. Fundamental changes aren't easy or quick, so if you truly 'need' nested notes now, you'll need to look elsewhere...
  2. Hi. I'm not a Mac user but my clips aren't showing anything similar in Chrome - as a subscriber, have to you tried contacting Support? We're a (mainly) user-supported forum. Support can maybe look into this a little deeper.
  3. Hi. Have you tried logging out of Evernote and logging back in? Or a good old fashioned switch it all off, then switch it all back on again? No reason your notes would have been 'lost', though clearly they're not showing up in that window for the moment.
  4. You need to sign up with InfraNodus and in that process you'll give it access to a subset of your notes. It'll do its magic and show you any linkages it finds. It might be unwise to use this for anything serious as yet though - you're new to Evernote and just getting to use this third-party add-in. Get some notes together and see what sort of analysis results. If it seems useful you may be able to try it out on a real world task in a few weeks...
  5. I doubt this specific issue is a priority - Evernote is currently working to provide a common UI across all platforms, and they may well be looking to improve various matters at the same time. Other feature requests with many more votes are still unresolved though - if you truly need this option, you should probably look around for other options. Evernote will probably introduce it at some time, but it's unlikely to be soon...
  6. Hi. I also have a Note, and I use the Samsung option when I make handwritten notes, because that is a better interface. Colleagues here with iPhones tend to use other third party apps for 'serious' note-taking. Evernote's option - like many of its other editor functions - works well enough for brief note taking, but isn't best suited to anything more intensive.
  7. Attachments might be a different issue - someone reported an something a while ago where they were unable to save a changed file back to a note (only the dates had changed, the name had not) - the 'new' file always reverted back to the original and the most recent changes were lost. Evernote seemed to have some intelligence built in that would only accept one copy of a file with a specific name. Don't think anyone tested that to see whether files attached to separate notes are the 'same' file though. Anyhoo: any internal or third party developers watching might like to give a comparison app a little love - it would be an ideal item for the toolkit to turn up potentially redundant content or attachments and -apparently- a small number of users some peace of mind... Meantime I'd repeat that once you've uploaded content, duplicated or not, it does you no good whatsoever to spend time finding it and removing it unless and until you actually need the content for something practical. When you search and find duplicated notes, you can purge them from the system as part of your search process. Unless you have lots of spare time you need to fill (I don't) anything else is just wheel spinning.
  8. That seems like a security hole if notes aren't being deleted, but again that seems more a process issue, not a fault with the app.
  9. Hi. I wasn't actually aware that Samsung's Note Finder could search Evernote contents. And I use Samsung devices too. If it did work, I'd bet it wasn't Evernote's intention that it should do so; and if it's stopped I'd think it unlikely they'll do much about it. You could raise this as a support request and get an answer from the company - we're a mainly user-supported forum.
  10. You might want to check out this 2017 thread...
  11. I may have mentioned a couple of times before: Evernote don't generally give any indication of what's being worked on or release dates - even very general ones - because that's just building up expectations which might have to be dashed if other circumstances intervene. Better to say nothing and let each release speak for itself...
  12. See my post in April last year in this thread and Evernote Business for more...
  13. Hi. Not sure what you're asking here. If the user of an account deletes a notebook - whether that user is authorised to see it or not - the notes wind up in Trash as a safety measure against random/ accidental deletion. They'll stay there until the Trash is emptied, and yes - in case they were deleted in error - notes in Trash can be restored to the parent account. As the admin of multiple accounts you have access at a 'higher' level than an individual user, hence you were able to see and delete them. Your user would have been able to see the deleted notes that you accidentally copied to the account and then deleted, had they been logged in while the notes were in Trash. Since you emptied the Trash they are now totally gone. Although: it would be a different story on a Mac because there's something in MacOS called Purgatory that you might need to investigate further... You might want to remind your users to empty their Trash regularly as general housekeeping, and if anyone adds notes or notebooks to an account that the user is not authorised to see, they need to delete the notes and clear out the Trash for security. Otherwise this seems like business as usual to me...
  14. Hi. This is the forum for Evernote's web client, and if you're using a browser your location tends to be fairly fixed. I'm not sure Evernote considered offering a location option with the browser version. The mobile client does have an option to record, or not, the location at which a note is created - see - and of course you can enter locations into notes, though Evernote doesn't have a mapping function to display note locations when geotagged or included in notes.
  15. Hmmn. I'd suggest raising this as a support query - there are probably differences in the way that Evernote searches between various devices, but the basic index should be the same. Don't know how you'd refresh the index for online searches - you'd think that would be the most effective search since the full database is stored on a server online... There are tools to rebuild Evernote's search index, but I assume they're referring to the downloaded index on a desktop computer.
  16. Thanks for the additional detail - I understand why you'd want a reminder at 4pm someone else's time. Now that you mention it I also find the need from time to time to 'translate' a different time zone into my GMT - in my case it's usually webinars. There are already web resources that will do the job - again in my case most webinar promoters seem to have a 'what time zone are you in?' so I can get the correct UK time easily. Since cross-border connections continue to grow, maybe this is something that Evernote can consider - though there will have to be a lot more votes at the top left corner to make it happen...
  17. Just out of curiosity, why the need for multiple timezones? Presumably you are based in one zone and will need your reminders to reflect your location unless and until you move...??
  18. Hi. I use a two-cell table with text in the wide column to the left and comments in the narrow one to the right.
  19. Hi. How foes your link start? Is it "https://www.evernote.com/l/..." or "https://www.evernote.com/shard/s2/client/snv" ? How are you sourcing that link? By right-clicking the note, or using 'share' in the note header?
  20. Hi. Sorry but it's unlikely you'll be able to get the note back if it wasn't available to sync to the online server when you cancelled airplane mode. Mobile devices have limited memory and notes aren't saved there long-term. The content would have been in temporary memory ready to be synced to the server, but if you tried to share before syncing, this may have cleared the memory rather than saving it. If you edited an existing note there's a possibility that the changes were overwritten when the network reconnected - if you upgrade to Premium for a month you may be able to find the content in Note History. We're a mainly user-supported forum, so can't offer any network level help.
  21. Hi. In Android I tap on the green dot as a page is being saved. That gives me various additional options, including a 'text note' which is basically a bookmark.
  22. Hi. Did you not use that old password to get into the account this time? If it is your account password, you can change it here - https://www.evernote.com/secure/SecuritySettings.action If you're trying to delete a notebook, there's a requirement that there must be at least one active notebook in the account. If the one you're deleting is the only notebook, create another one first.
  23. Hi. This is a -mainly- user-supported forum. The people to ask are https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  24. Hi. Just for the avoidance of doubt - what's a 'your notebooks' search?
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