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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. No disrespect, but if you're using Evernote for such a critical issue it should be worth subscribing so you can get chat support from Evernote when it becomes necessary. I'm not a Mac user, and you've already done the reinstall that is more or less the limit of my tech skill here - maybe my more knowledgeable colleagues will be able to help you. Meantime: have you tried checking the web client via Evernote.com for an OS-independent view of these notes?
  2. Hi. AFAIK the only way to make those stamps appear smaller would be to increase the size of the original image, so the stamps are smaller in proportion. There's no way to zoom the icon up or down - it seems to be a fixed size. It should be possible to edit a picture in an external app if you know of one which gives more flexibility on icon sizes, but I'm it looks like this is as detailed as Evernote gets.
  3. As @DTLow - PDF files are not available to third-party apps until downloaded separately from Evernote; so you're editing a new version of the attached file. To put 'back' in the note, you need to save the edited content, then move it back into the note. You may find it quicker to rename the edited version as <filename>(1).PDF or some such and just add it to the existing note (ie don;t bother deleting the last version), Older versions can be cleared out later if necessary...
  4. Hi. Why not click it and see for yourself? The plugin won't create a new blank note, but you can edit the details it shows and add a lengthy comment to add a note to your database. Not sure about 'view my notes here' - when I click the 'view in Evernote' link (which comes up after you save a clip) I get the note I just saved, not a general view of notes overall....
  5. Hi. I'd guess that this will not happen in the short to medium term; coding a web client to work in a variety of different browsers on different OS's has to be a fairly involved task, and the 'look and feel' of the web page - including possible tool tips seems like the sort of thing you'd establish early on. I've no idea how easy or otherwise it would be to add tooltips for those tags that are longer than displayed on screen, but I'd think Evernote will want to confirm that everything else is up and running reliably before going back to add extra bells and whistles, No clue how many users will support your idea, but as you correctly anticipated, the advice normally dispensed here would be "use separate words for tags to avoid long strings". In this case (and without knowing the background to your filing and tagging) I wonder whether you could split these notes up with notebooks rather than tags. If you get a lot of votes (top left of this page) Evernote might consider this as an option, but don't hold your breath...
  6. Hmmn. Evernote does insert blank rows around tables, because there additional 'handles' sometimes pop up to deal with rows and columns and the space is needed for management. This applies to new tables, though my notes also contain lots of older tables set up before this new format applied. I would imagine they are still as originally created. It is ...odd but sadly this is a "feature" of Evernote's layout for tables. It doesn't signify that there's any danger to information contained in the tables, or in the rest of the note; it's just the way that tables are displayed. You could check the company's view on this by tweeting to @EvernoteHelps for assistance
  7. Hi. We're a (mainly) user-to-user forum, and I'm not sure that many here use the Business client. Your best hope for help with this is to contact support at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new I wouldn't have though that SSO could be an option for your users if they spend time away from your main site, but I'm quite possibly very wrong - ask Evernote: we're mainly users here.
  8. Some image files don't seem to have the right orientation data for Evernote. It is only possible to flip the file in an external editor. Right click the image and select Open. If the app that you use isn't able to rotate, there are lots of free add-ins out there that will.
  9. If you're working on Evernote desktop, selecting multiple notes should allow you to drag and drop them to a new notebook, or you can use an additional menu that pops up to Move the notes.
  10. Hi. Don't see 1) that there's any sign of 'randomly inserted' spaces, or 2) that even if there were, it could indicate a risk of lost data... If you change the size of a window, text reflows - as far as possible- to adjust; and it may be that what you're looking at is simply in a different size window than you used previously. Evernote does sometimes insert spaces (actually, new lines) between paragraphs in pasted text, but I've never seen more lines in a note than I saw last time it was opened... Can you try a couple of experiments with new notes containing tables and text that you can copy? Set a note up and take a screen shot. Then check back later and see if it changed. If so, take another screenshot, and post the before and after ones back here so we can take a more in depth look...
  11. Hi. Short answer - I don't think so. There may be a way to use Scripting to extract the data from your notes, but there's no Evernote option to do so. You could sit down and go through each category/ notebook and list out the amounts manually, or you could create a Table of Contents note listing the notes in that notebook - with links to each note - and add the numbers to that ToC note, or you could just share the notebooks with your accountant and let them do all the work... How to create a table of contents with links to other notes Share notebooks
  12. Hi. Did you try the fixes already suggested? Do you have the Evernote app installed? Does the Evernote camera option work?
  13. Hi. Evernote has the 'original' copy of your account on its servers, including all your tags - so if you're accessing the Clipper online, it should be aware of the existing list. No disrespect, but are you sure Clipper is logged into the correct account? Are your clips landing where they should?
  14. My first introduction to computing - "type your name onto this card... ". That was a while ago....
  15. Ironically (I think) the voting forums were set up by Evernote at the request of users, so both the company and the individuals advocating a specific change could see how much support an idea got. Some of those 300/400 vote features that I mentioned still haven't happened, but then you run up against another issue: Evernote don't (usually) comment on whether or when they'll make any given feature available. (That 'usually' is in there to allow for the time a few years ago when I said "Evernote would never do that" and Evernote then immediately posted confirmation that yup, they were gonna... Go figure.) I'm sure that Evernote do take notice of the votes and comments, but yes, you're right; being sneaky hobbitses they also have lots of other channels through which they get feedback, and it's the net effect of all of them that counts. And if you dislike shaking your phone vote at the top left of the page - +1 in a post doesn't cut it...
  16. There is exactly 1 (one) vote for this feature in this thread so far. That's not exactly an indication of widespread discontent... There are requests with 300 and 400 votes that are still unfulfilled, so I wouldn't hold your breath for this one.
  17. A great light dawns... 😃 (And OK sorry I should have read your initial post better!) But: I agree - paste a bunch of text into a new untitled note and only the first 80 characters get auto-sampled into the title. Vaguely odd - but that flags another question: why do you need that many words? I'd imagine Evernote assumed that the first line of a note would be some sort of heading - typically not as long as 250 words - and therefore only copied that length. Unless there are a lot of people out there looking for longer autotitles, you're in a pretty small group here, and not one I can see Evernote rushing to help... Apps do exist to automatically process text, so it is possible that you might be able to create some sort of script to copy the first 250 characters of your text and paste them into the title field of a note - I'm thinking of AutoHotkey and Phrase Express here. I did a quick search for "automate PC tasks windows 10" and got several other candidates which might help you, but you'd have to invest the time to work out how. The other option would be to use shorter titles - maybe after typing several hundred lines of text you could just add "2019 Q1 meeting summary" or some such. If the first 250 characters are in the text, they'll still be searchable. There is no extra benefit (AFAICS) to having them in the title too...
  18. Hi. I thought the thread you mention said the limit was 250 characters? The number visible will vary depending on which Evernote client you're using - web, desktop or mobile - and what definition / how big a screen you have. I just tried in Windows 10 Desktop and got about 140 chars visible, 250 in total; so if something's limiting you to 80 characters, it doesn't look like it's Evernote. Can you give us more detail about what you're trying to do and whether you're using Desktop or Web?
  19. I don't think Evernote gets value from 'free' users. Offering a free level of account access is a sensible thing for any online service, because it means potential users can try out a service to see if it's a good fit. The only other 'free trial' option is where users give credit card details but "won't be charged for the first x days". Cancel (allegedly) before the deadline and you don't get charged - forget (as most of us would) and you pay - at least until you see a charge you don't recognise and then cancel. The freemium option is a more open way to allow new users to try something out - and it doesn't require the company to collect and store thousands of credit card details securely, only to have to delete them later. (There's even a service now that will give you an unchargeable credit card to register for free trial periods...) Your free users are however occupying server space and using network capacity to sync and store their stuff while they 'try out' the system, so they're a drain on resources. A sneaky part of me thinks that 1) you therefore need to 'remind' such users that they could pay to get better features and 2) if such reminders get too annoying for an individual, it's no great loss because either that user pays or goes. Win either way. From a users' point of view I would never think to use a free service for anything remotely important. You really do get what you pay for. Subscribing gets you benefits like you have more credibility for suggestions, complaints and can expect some assistance when you need it the company is (slightly) more likely to stay in business for longer with paying users you'll get updates - news as well as technical stuff - so you'll know what's coming up (Item 2 is the main requirement - I don't want to lose features, or even the whole app because they can no longer afford to support things I need. Looking after yourself and your family is a universal driver. A certain level of income is required to allow companies to stay in business...)
  20. Hi. If you have a note forwarding rule set up somewhere, and can specify the email title, you can specify which notebook the email goes into, and which tags and reminders are attached... How to save email into Evernote
  21. There are any number of surveys out there that (still) show Evernote as the most popular note-taking app by far, and they claim somewhere north of 225M users - more people than the entire population of Japan. Every time I have a RL tech conversation about notes there's usually a 'you too' moment from one or more of those present... But you need to go with whatever works for you personally, your particular use case and budget. No arguments there - good luck with the project...
  22. Hi. Welcome to the wonderful world of nagware. Most free apps are either so dumbed down you have to buy in to use them for anything at all, or - like Evernote - they pretty much give you a the same experience as a paying user, but they will keep reminding you that you're actually getting a free ride, and might want to pay for the experience. And the web storage. And the bandwidth you're using. AFAIK there's no way to avoid some reminders, though if they're so frequent as to be annoying you might want to completely uninstall and reinstall your app to see whether it helps. If you do go back to paying, you'll be able to get some online support - for the moment you can try Twitter and @EvernoteHelps We're a mainly user-supported Forum, so no control over nags of any kind. It's nice not to be desperate though...
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