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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Merged with the existing l-o-n-g discussion on this... please see comments above.
  2. Thanks for the further description - I guess that could be useful, but I tend to work with 3 monitors. Anything I need to stay 'on top' gets pegged to one of the side screens where I can see and use it. Also Windows has a 'paging' system where a keypress will cycle through all open apps, with a default to jump back to the window you were just looking at. It's easy to swop between apps, even if I'm doing it when copying different sections from one to the other. (Not trying to start an OS argument, just pointing out the floating option is a nice to have feature for many users, rather than an essential...). However; if this gets some more votes...
  3. Similar experience here. Initial impression is that things are better for me - freezes don't last so long, the app loads faster...things just seem more efficient. But, every so often, Evernote still has the need to go off and smell the flowers. Plus I have a new query - I just recreated my 50K+ notes database from the server. The server thinks I have 48K+ notes. ??? - Local Notebooks have not been re-created at this point; this is just the server database in the cloud -vs- the same database on my HD. Odd.
  4. Evernote are (they say) in process of completely re-coding all of their apps for all operating systems (See the Evernote Blog), so they may have already included some upgrades. But they don't preview details, so we'll probably have to wait until the new versions hit the streets to see what new features exist. (Strikes me that few users seem to be aware of this, so I'll boiler-plate this paragraph for inclusion with more answers...)
  5. Hi. What exactly is it that the note is "floating on top" of? Evernote has the ability to open a note in its own window, which can be floated anywhere you want...
  6. I'm using the web client and I don't get duplications. Are these exact copies, or do you see slight differences in the parts being edited - extra words or lines in one or other version?
  7. Hi. If that information had been saved to Evernote's server - i.e. if you had closed the note or synced it prior to losing part of the content - you might be able to get the missing part back from Evernote's 'Note History' option for subscribers; provided the information had been on line for Evernote's backup systems to run. This only happens a certain number of times each day, so something that saved 10 minutes ago would not be captured in History. The best thing to do if something like this happens, is to hammer the 'undo' function of whatever device you're using. Ctrl-Z in this case. If done as soon as you realise something went wrong, that might have recovered the data. By now I'm afraid it's too late and whatever you typed is gone.
  8. Hi. Has your app been able to sync with the server and download your full database of notes? If you have synced and still do not see all your notes go to the Databases folder (Tools Options General in Evernote) then File > Exit Evernote and rename your .EXB database to .OLD then log into Evernote again. Your database will be recreated from the server. (NB if you have any Local -non-synced- notebooks, export those notes to ENEX first!!)
  9. Hi. Always good to know what device and OS you're using...
  10. Hi. Have you contacted Epson support too? The scanner might need a software update, or they may have had other enquiries....
  11. The OP wanted some way to copy formatting other than by a feature that doesn't exist (yet) and there were several suggestions for options. If none of these are right for you, then it would be an idea to set up a Feature Request to attract votes and support from other users to indicate whether this would be a viable feature to add - i.e. would Evernote get their development costs back by attracting new members or converting new Basic users because of it. Evernote are (they say) in process of completely re-coding all of their apps for all operating systems (See the Evernote Blog), so they may have already included this feature. But they don't preview details, so we'll probably have to wait until the new versions hit the streets to see what new features exist. (Strikes me that few users seem to be aware of this, so I'll boiler-plate this paragraph for inclusion with more answers...)
  12. Hmmn. Postachio basically copies your note content into a slightly different format and publishes that online; so if your note has the attached ZIP file, readers of the blog would be able to see the link and download the file if required. Statistics are few and far between though. You won't (AFAIK) have any idea how popular that page or that download might be. That's not something I've looked into on the platform though, so there might be features I haven't seen. Despite my dire warnings above, up to 3 images doesn't sound so bad - a two or three column table would allow you to mix text and images. You might have to experiment with the table width to ensure it didn't get truncated by the blog page layout. You'd be reasonably well served (I would have thought) by any of the popular blog sites - the benefit of Evernote being a one-stop shop for drafts, published notes and subsequent editing of either.
  13. Sorry: I'm probably being slow here, but how did you take the picture? Was this a screenshot? A share? I couldn't see what happened between the images and the black screen note. I should stress I'm not an iOS user.
  14. Not all in one note anyways - it is actually possible to write quite long documents; I just have a separate notebook and (a bit like a mind-map) make a short note for each topic. If you create a Table of Contents note for the whole notebook, it's then possible to move the links around in the ToC note to get them into a logical order, and number the titles so they sort that way in the notebook, or copy the individual notes into a separate word processor and attach that completed file to a new note. Depends on your comfort levels and needs. "Proper" word processors are also available! 🙂 (Some with Markdown!!)
  15. Ah. A great light dawns... Thank you for the extra description! (And apologies for my lack of comprehension) I agree - let's leave it to the devs to work out how to deal with this. 🙂
  16. Hi - have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling Evernote? If Firefox has been installed or updated recently, maybe the link to Evernote was broken. As you're a subscriber, you also have the option to send a page by email if reinstalling doesn't help, and (obviously) to raise this with Evernote Support (this is a mainly user-supported forum) if we can't help.
  17. Although this is well supported, I don't know whether it is possible to provide a 'secure' access to notes without making it more difficult to add and edit existing notes, which is really the main purpose of Evernote. Mobile clients already require that users choose to edit, and desktop versions generally aren't subject to random user actions.
  18. Hi. You're having issues with your Business Account administration, but we're a (mainly) user-supported Forum and I doubt many people here have the knowledge you need. I'd suggest you check with Support or maybe try to find an Evernote Certified Consultant who can give you some hands-on help... https://evernote.com/certified-consultants
  19. Hi. Formulas are often displayed using 'special' graphics which Evernote may not be able to handle straight off the page. Check out the page(s) you're clipping - are there other options to print the page / export content? Using different display modes may help get a true copy. If all else fails - take a screenshot!
  20. Hi. Are you logging out of Evernote each time, or just closing a window?
  21. Hi. That seems to be something rather different from linking notes together, or linking to different sections of a note. You're referring (presumably) to seeing a telephone number as a link, which can then be dialled from within the note. This may be an issue of iOS updates rather than a change to Evernote - if your boss is a subscriber to Evernote I'd suggest he contacts Support direct so that they can look at the log files from his tablet and find out exactly what's happening here...
  22. Hi. I understood all those words, but not necessarily the order in which they were written... Clipper is meant to be available on all websites, to copy some or all of the content in various formats. When you say "runs all the time on all sites" what exactly are you seeing???
  23. Hi. Any chance of a text description to go with the video?
  24. Hi. Evernote are (they say) in process of completely re-coding all of their apps for all operating systems (See the Evernote Blog), so they may have already dealt with your issue. But they don't preview details, so we'll probably have to wait until the new versions hit the streets to see what new features exist. If you can explain in more detail how and why you need simplified text we might be able to suggest some workarounds, but I'd recommend that you stick with the current version of the app - it will be replaced and updated sometime (hopefully) soon. You may know that pasting content into a text only app (like Notepad) before adding it to a note will strip out any additional coding and ensure a standard layout.
  25. Hi. If you main interest is publishing photos, I'd suggest you look elsewhere. While Postachio offers different styles and it's possible to do some layouts using tables, the results will be... variable, depending on the size of the screen being used to view the notes, and the number and size of images being shown. Postachio would be fine for single images with notes or captions, but anything more complicated really needs a dedicated photography style. -There are plenty around.
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