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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Far as I know you're the first person to raise it as an issue, so the team's attention may have been elsewhere... Just for the avoidance of doubt - this is a -mainly- user-supported Forum. We offer information and suggestions from our collective experience, though Evernote staffers do read the posts here. Evernote tend not to comment on when or whether any given bug might be cleared or when features will be added. That said, they're in process of revising the UX completely (we understand) so the next iteration, due out this year, may suit your needs more closely. If not, and this feature request gets enough votes, you might find it happening in due course!
  2. OK - now all we have to do is figure out Windows / iOS / MacOS...
  3. Hi. Awesome Notes support might have some ideas, but Evernote imports from HTML or ENEX or its own internal file types. AN must have engineered a sync with Evernote via their own code.
  4. Hi. Have you checked the note in both the installed Mac client and the Web version? Tried a different browser? Changed which web client you're using? (check in Settings). I don't see any way that Evernote could 'lose' the colors in your note. Either those changes weren't synced to the server in the first place - in which case there's no way to recover the information - or the note you see isn't displaying the colors because of some version or display glitch.
  5. Hi. Looks like you're using the 'classic' web client. You should be able to change up to the latest version (in Settings), which does have a highlighter in various colours...
  6. Hi. Which bit of Evernote do you want to be fullscreen? It's possible to open the note in its own window, which - apart from the editing tools - is about as full screen as you can get. The app itself has a full window size option and most of the panels can be switched on or off by the View menu, or by various key combinations...
  7. OK I'll ask the obvious question - do you have a solid network connection? Are you able to pull up web pages in a browser? If you do have a good connection and provided you have no unsynced notes in the account, it's probably best just to uninstall / restart the device / reinstall the app.
  8. Betas are prone to have things added and taken away. If you absolutely need that feature, go back to the public release or find a work-around. If not, thanks for the heads up!
  9. ? How many notes do you have? My (much) smaller Basic accounts seem to get the new versions, while my HUGE main account does not. I can wait until the roll-out gets this far...
  10. Just as a random contribution - I'm currently allowing Filterize to tag and sort my notes into the appropriate notebook based on keywords or titles. I just clip, drop or scan a new note and let the software sort it out. There's (obviously) a learning period where you need to check each day's new notes to see if they've all been assigned, and are set up correctly, but it seems to be working pretty well for me now. The trick is to set up a "Parameterisation" control note containing a table with Content (or Title), Tag and Notebook columns. When filterize 'sees' the content/ title keywords it will apply the tag(s) in that relative column and move the note to the specified notebook. Bit of a pig to get that working right the first time, but when it is, all you need to do is add another line to the table to handle new requirements.
  11. The notes aren't stored on your 'phone, they're downloaded afresh from the server each time you 'open' them in the app; so if the slow connection issue affects them, leaving the note open for several minutes might see the image appear.
  12. Hi. You should post this issue in a separate new thread in the appropriate OS Forum - (Windows / Mac / iOS / Android).
  13. Hi. I don't remember Evernote failing to create a text or full page clip recently. If it does happen though, is there a problem with simply repeating the request as though it were the first time?
  14. Hi. Can you explain in more detail how IFTTT save your template note and what happens onscreen when you try to sync?
  15. Hi. Not usual or expected behaviour. Was the PDF you had been annotating an existing note attachment? What software were you using for the annotation? At what stage did you receive the error - while annotating, when saving...? When this process was working, did the annotated PDF save back to its parent note or did you save to desktop and drag/drop into the note?
  16. Aww now. I still seem to be stuck on 5.33 on this account, though I just switched over to a Basic account I use for testing and that gets me web 6.17. Is this still a phased roll-out with only certain areas (or alphabetic user ranges) getting the latest latest version??? I'm beginning to feel version-scriminated against!
  17. Hi. Are these large images? While thumbnails are small and easily downloaded, a big image might take a while to download properly even on a wifi connection.
  18. Hi. I've never had that email from Evernote, but I guess it could be a new procedure - have you checked your own account? Your access history is here: https://www.evernote.com/AccessHistory.action Best way to check if the email is genuine is to see whether it asks you to click on a link to confirm you're OK with the login. No one legitimate would EVER send that sort of email. If the email says "if the login was you, then ignore this email" then just delete it. Make sure you follow the usual password rules - use a different password for Evernote than anything else; make it complicated; use 2-factor ID - and you can ensure that you are the only person using the account. If you see access at the link above that you can't explain, then get in touch with Evernote via Twitter @EvernoteHelps.
  19. It is possible to set defaults for installed software in Windows - don't know if that affects dialler choices; otherwise some text expander software like Phrase Express could (I think - never done it!) be set up to take a highlighted number and automatically dial that number in Skype with a "Ctrl+<key>" keyboard shortcut.
  20. Hi. Try uninstalling and reinstalling Skype?
  21. Hi. Sadly the latest versions of Evernote require Android 5 or higher. That's been the case for a couple of years. You were apparently able to keep using the installation on your original OS but after a factory reset you've run into the limitation...
  22. Evernote are in progress of upgrading - and replacing - their existing products with new offerings. They've already indicated the new versions will have a different sharing mechanism which -hopefully- will get around glitches like this. Meantime I think the rules for accepting shares are the same as for malware or spam. Don't accept something unless you're expecting it. If you did accept something by mistake and can't wait for the new releases, you could simply create a new account and migrate over your existing notes (if there are only a few), or create another account and share the notebooks you want to see across.
  23. Hi. We can probably suggest some checks if you can explain why you "can't edit" your existing notes - are you using the web interface? Can you see the note content? What happens when you try to edit? What errors / messages do you see? As a subscriber you could also reach out to Support - this is a (mainly) user-supported forum. We can't check under the hood for account issues.
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