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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Did you already try the other suggestions in this thread? Given the last post was 3 years ago I hope they're not still waiting...
  2. Hi. This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum. As users, we can offer information and suggestions from our collective experience, but we have no control over the app itself. Evernote staffers do read the posts here, and there are Admins to keep everyone in line, there's no guarantee how soon your post will be seen. If you're seeing the upgrade nags more often than is reasonable, then as a subscriber you can reach out to Support to register a protest and -maybe- get some assistance. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us for the link.
  3. Hi. No clue why your 'changes' notebook might no longer appear - have you checked that they're really gone by signing in to your account via Evernote.com? If you're using the installed Evernote client on a PC you should be able to backup the entire contents of your database, which I (being completely paranoid) do regularly. I do it on a notebook-by-notebook basis though. Even if you're restoring all your notes to just one import notebook Evernote search should be able to find keywords from your missing notes. If the notes are really vital you could consider subscribing - even for a month or two - to get access to Evernote Support and their Note History backups. Although if the notes are genuinely deleted, that wouldn't necessarily help...
  4. Nope - I didn't understand that we were talking about different notes. I'm not an iPad user, so can't really comment on your note disappearing - it sounds like a sync issue, but I don't know how things should normally work in that situation. I'll leave it to one of my Apple-using colleagues to comment!
  5. Hi. If you open My List on your Pocket account, it comes up as a web page. You can use Pocket's 'Tag' feature to see a list of specific links, and your browser's Clipper can save that list for you. From the three dots menu on any individual link you can use Share and Copy Link to save that elsewhere, or you can just click the link and go to the page, then use clipper to collect the original page. What else did you want to do that's not possible by just using the features of both apps?
  6. Hi. Every note in Evernote Windows is flagged with the name of its notebook.
  7. Hi. All spam reports are reviewed by someone before any action is taken, and I'm sure you are not the first to press that link by accident. I have done it myself.
  8. Hi. Try reinstalling 6.24 to 'refresh' the structure, then update to 6.25?
  9. You're allowed (I think) up to 100 saved shortcuts which would immediately jump you to those notes; any note can be set as a shortcut on the home screen - also the Android widgets include a large icon which can list notes with various optional settings.
  10. Hi. Thanks for providing a unique way to look at the structure and content of notes. Network analysis is something I can employ without really understanding whether I'm using it to the best of my (and it's) ability, and I did find that your not-quite-10 minute video here was a constant stream of "you could do this, you could do that..." examples of different aspects of a notebook analysis - which are probably going to take me another month to try out on my own notes. I've dipped into and out of Infranodus irregularly over the past few years, and I do find it useful in specific cases. I keep notes forinstance of projects and processes with detailed explanations of how things link together. It's always difficult to get the description right first time, because some basic concepts get forgotten - like making tea, everyone knows how to boil water so why mention things that don't need explanation? Except sometimes they do. Some professional and technical 'basic ideas' are just jargon to outsiders without some level of detail. This sort of analysis helps me check that I have dotted all the necessary i's. Like some of the comments above I always feel that your presentations could do with more real world examples of use cases - writing a review of a new car? Reporting on an Actor's career? Deciding which holiday package to choose? Documenting a new process? Reviewing social media reactions to a product or situation? I don't know how else your users are employing the app, but it might be good to have a video or a post on that general topic to give the rest of us some inspiration! And - unless I misunderstood - you did say toward the end of your Evernote video that if viewers found the content a bit difficult, you'd post a link to a more in-depth explanation in the comments. I'll look forward to seeing that - it might help me understand better!
  11. Sounds pretty much what would be expected. Your Android note would be synced to your account on the server. Your older, iPad note would be synced to the same account, which compares time stamps to see which note version it should prioritise. The offline note is older, so would have been overwritten by the Android version. It's possible, if your offline note was actually synced to the server, that it still exists in Note History, which is a subscriber-only feature. If the content is important it may be worth upgrading your account for a month or two to gain access. Subscribers also have access to email support, which might help you to recover the data. Before you do that however, your account may have registered two different versions of the note and saved one as a 'conflicting change'. It's worth checking by signing in to the server account via Evernote.com. It is always best to work on only one device at a time, syncing the device both before you start and after you finish.
  12. Hi. That's an indication that your note has not yet synced with the server. Sync the account and it should disappear. How does sync work within Evernote?
  13. Hi. So add the CSV file to a note and all the data will be searchable in Evernote. You must be aware that TickTick includes features that Evernote doesn't - like a calendar for one thing - so how do you want to deal with this data? How many items for you have?
  14. Hi. What were you writing an article with - device / OS / EN version - and what did you use to search - device / OS / EN version? And when you say 'you never had a problem of losing work' do you mean on Evernote? Or ever?
  15. Hi. Depends on the note. Text notes - just make your note in one cell of a two-column table. Comments in the other cell. Clipped pages - get a screenshot, then annotate the image.
  16. Hi. On any desktop device you should be able to export the whole account, one or more notebooks, or selected individual notes as you prefer.
  17. Hi. Web access does not count as a 'device' so use it as much as you like on any machine.
  18. Hi. Your notes aren't stored on the phone, they're saved on Evernote's servers; so if you sign out of the new account on your new device and use the old user details to log in, you should find all your notes waiting for you. If necessary, just uninstall Evernote from the new phone, restart the device and reinstall to get a clean sheet.
  19. I'm not an Apple user so can't comment - you might have more informed help along later. Meantime I'd suggest you raise this with Support (which is not us) to see if they can help...
  20. Hi. You - clearly - don't need two versions of the same app on the same device, so I'd suggest you decide which you prefer and delete one. That should take care of the 'more than two devices' issue. You're only allowed to unsync so many times a month, so choose wisely! I've no clue why Google might have allowed you to duplicate the installation, or why it doesn't allow you to select Evernote as the note option. Evernote should be easily accessible through home page widgets or the app launcher, and that may be all that's available to you - you'd need to talk to your device provider for more on preferences.
  21. Hi. I think your headline says it all... Firefox was v79 a couple of days ago, so yes, it has updated, and Evernote hasn't caught up yet. I'm sure it will shortly...
  22. Hi. Have you populated the other fields in this table yet? IME the cells with more content will expand, and those with less will contract - probably giving you a good impression of a centralised box even if it's not actually formatted that way. If adding items doesn't fix the issue - what's your OS and which Evernote client are you using?
  23. Hi. I have an Android tablet and a 'phone, and on both, pressing on the screen gives me some markers that it's reasonably easy to move back and forth... my phone has a stylus, and I use a third party version on the tablet - or if you could save each URL in a separate note it might be easier to share the notes rather than the individual lines of text. Don't know how this translates to iOS, but 'fixing' Android inherently means bringing this behaviour in all OS's into line the logistics might be agin it...
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