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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I already have to log back into my laptop if I step away from my desk for any length of time (Windows 10 Lock Screen password). It would be annoying to have to log back into Evernote if I didn't use it for a while, whether or not I step away...
  2. Hi. Desktops and Android can take a step back, but sadly iOS cannot... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  3. Hi. Please don't shout - we're (mainly) all users here If you're complaining about something other than the 'send to' option, you need to do it coherently in a separate thread There are dozens of issues - I'm sure Evernote is working on them, but they're setting the priority. You may get more direct feedback if you raise a support request - which will take a while to get looked at, but adds to their stats.
  4. Hi. We're mainly a user-supported forum here - developers tend to hang out elsewhere... https://dev.evernote.com/
  5. Hi. You're currently allowed a maximum of 2 devices on Basic. This help page may be useful - it should explain how to check and de-authorise devices.
  6. Hi. I'm still using the original old version, but this - according to lots of other posts in the forums - still works... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  7. It's not a secret... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  8. Hi. This is a 'legacy' Evernote thread, so if you're using 10.x you're in the wrong place. It's also not a voting thread (though they're for feature requests not bugs) and if you are on Evernote legacy, Support would inevitably suggest you upgrade to v10. Either way this seems like an issue with two possible work-arounds: Download which ever version of Evernote you're not yet using and try that. If that doesn't work - copy your note into a 'proper' word-processor and save to PDF from there. -And if this is still an issue in v10 (and you're a subscriber) - contact Support. It'll take a while, but may will be able to help identify the issue and get it fixed.
  9. Another work-around (kinda) but even if Evernote do find a way to bring this feature back - and even with their new improved development cycle - it's gonna take some considerable time. (If it were easy I assume they would have done it already!) I've said before - I work on the basis that "my software ate my homework" is not a valid excuse for failure, so if Option A doesn't work.. there's always another way. Take a look at Filterize. They offer some basic functionality for free, though I subscribe. The service can examine any new notes as they are synced for keywords or email addresses, and add tags, edit titles and/ or assign to specific notebooks as necessary. Lots more is possible with the paid version. https://filterize.net/blog/
  10. I think that's called marketing... I'm still here, though I have an exit plan. I've adopted the Starship Trooper attitude to applications - "you're my preference - until you stop working or I find a better one." (Also known as Rasczak's Rule) Ya think??? Just did a quick search for 'best note-taking app' - guess which one got a mention every single time... The new app (won't dignify it with a version) is probably good for most users who've not experienced Evernote before, and don't need most of the advanced features. Students and general-purpose note-takers should do fine. Those with workflows geared towards clipping and importing data, not so much. 😒
  11. Not defending the situation, but just to point out; it's still possible (for subscribers) to forward email to an Evernote email address and in my Outlook (2013) I have an option to set up 'quick step' buttons which automate repetitive actions - like forwarding email to a specific address... I think Microsoft changed the options in more recent versions of Outlook* so they're not called that any more - but there are other automation apps. * sound like anyone you know?
  12. Not sure what issues you're seeing - I can see your page and the links to other material. If you require more control over layout, try the Evernote extension offered by Postach.io https://postach.io/
  13. I'm not sure that there was a v9.x for any device. 6.25 is the correct (legacy) version for Windows desktop - what's your OS?
  14. ?? This is an Evernote 6.25 thread, which is the same version I am still using - right clicking a new notebook name gets me the options to move to stack / create a new stack... The link leads to the Evernote help pages so you can also search for keywords there - though some of it is still being updated to v10
  15. Hi. Standard option if the new app is causing issues - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  16. Given all the above I'd suggest a support ticket - yes, it's going to take a while, but they'll be able to look more closely at the syncing/ not syncing issue. Meantime... other users are reporting issues that might overlap, so - hopefully - things will get better as the iOS app gets more updates.
  17. So do you close the note / click 'done' / close the app on one device before moving to the next? Does the server know you've finished editing the note on one device before you open the app on another?
  18. It's possible to duplicate notes; also to merge them together. Check the options for merging because these might fudge your results by adding in the title text each time. But basically - duplicate the notes you want to get an aggregate count for into a temporary new notebook. Merge the notes into one. Check the total word count. Delete the duplicates...
  19. Cruel, but sadly historically true - though I'm not aware of any current issues with the "legacy" Android App. Other devices are having connection problems though, so maybe there's a network issue. If you can tether off the work phone or use the company laptop can you get your PDF that way? You say you can't access the file via the web client - what sort of issues are you having there?
  20. Hi. Remember that your phone has to send any changes to the server, and your computer has to receive those changes from the server before it has an up to date note. The updates are supposed to be transparent to the user, but if you're making lots of changes and switching between devices quickly, the server will get confused as to which is the most up to date version - your phone may not have finished its update by the time the note gets opened on the computer so the phone has v1.1, your computer has v 1.0 and you're now wanting to save v1.2... so it saves everything just in case. Sticking (mainly) to one device saves dupicate notes! If you need to switch devices, sync first; then edit; then sync again...
  21. Try a Support ticket - there's probably still a delay, but at least you're in a queue and will get individual attention. From your post it sounds like you're connecting from a fairly well locked down device which may be part of the problem...
  22. As long as the size of the note is <25MB (and you haven't run out of upload limit for the month) - try creating a new note and copying the content across? If the new note syncs, delete the old one!
  23. Hi. Insert a table with the desired number of columns. Add images to the rows.
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