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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported Forum, so the product is nothing to do with us directly, other than that we are all users at one level or another... ...and as far as I know any 'introductory' offers are basically for the initial period they cover - subscriptions would revert to whatever was the normal level at the time they fall due. (Although you can always downgrade your membership again if that proves not to be acceptable at the time...)
  2. It's not 'spam' to encourage existing users to upgrade to a better product. It's 'nagware' at it's worst - and although I also use Evernote Basic from time to time I've never been aware of any specially intense nagging. If you have used any other software, you'll know that you either see lots of adverts or the 'occasional' (for varying definitions of the word) upsell message from the host app - sometimes you get both. If you think Evernote Marketing has this turned up to 11 at the moment, use one of the privileges that you're paying for and contact Support. It's possible that there's a bug in the system, and there may be a way to turn it down slightly - you should certainly complain if the frequency of the messages makes the app unusable. In honesty it is possible that Evernote has now decided that its patience is running out on the legacy support it's so far given to Plus users and it'd rather see you upgrade or leave in short order. But we are NOT Evernote here - this is (mainly) a user-supported Forum. So if you have an issue - go talk to them direct! I happen to know that some of the techs there are no fans of nagware either. EDIT: Just for reference - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (if you're a subscriber) https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (anyone) https://www.facebook.com/groups/evernotecommunity (anyone).
  3. Thanks - wasn't anticpating that as an option; what did you change from and to?
  4. Whatever works... Actually, if you Shift+Right-click a file name (Windows) you should get an option "copy as path" which will put the complete link to that file on clipboard. It'll be in quotes, which you then have to delete; but it's a lot fewer keystrokes!
  5. Hi. https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/bring-misplaced-off-screen-windows-back-to-your-desktop-keyboard-trick/ to get your window back. Using it from your preferred screen and then closing the app (File > Exit) should 'fix' the location.
  6. Hi. I know it's probably age attacking my memory, but I've been active on Evernote forums for years too... and I have no recollection of ever seeing this request before... And have you tried highlighting a paragraph and copy/ paste to put it in the right position? (When you're confident that works, you can go on to cut/ paste)
  7. I have an old (and increasingly cranky*) Samsung Note 4 - I mentioned somewhere else that I'm not an early adopter! My next upgrade option will be to a Note 21 I believe... Samsung show no sign of bothering to update older models from Android 6 or 7 and in view of the above mentioned crankiness I'll wait until either I upgrade the phone or there's a backwards compatible Evernote version. I suspect the performance of a shoe-horned cross-load might make both the current phone (and me) even more cranky, as well as creating amusement for several Support teams... I'm quite happy to miss out on the current 'excitement' of Version 10: the first 100 days... * very like its owner...
  8. I've worked with IT for <mumble> years - trust me: it's a general thing. Technology is always the fastest way to get from one problem to the next! Now that it's possible to email notes, would it be feasible to email from the phone to the MBA and set up a new notebook from that end? If there are a lot of notes you may be able to create a table of contents for all the notes in that notebook and mail that single note instead. This is all top-of-my-head stuff since I don't have experience with any of the hardware or software directly - I'm leaving you to sort out the details. (Think of it as a learning experience - and try not to throw any tech out of the window 😏)
  9. What he said - which will probably take a while, but you have a place in the queue... Plus: Is the MBA syncing at all? Does it show updates to the existing notebooks and notes? If you update a note on it, does that show up on the iPhone? If the MBA isn't syncing - How to troubleshoot syncing issues
  10. I understand your frustration, but what version of Android does your device run? Evernote for Android v10 requires Android 10 for the moment - they're working on making it backwards compatible with earlier OS versions, but I'd reckon that at least 50% of Android users are in the same position as you (including me!). No upgrade available at present...
  11. That's Google Play quite properly warning you against loading apps from third party sites. Play checks to see whether there are any problems with downloads, but can't check 'unofficial' suppliers. Your choice whether you proceed... this link may help? https://www.greenbot.com/article/2452614/how-to-sideload-an-app-onto-your-android-phone-or-tablet.html
  12. I'm on PC and Android (and Linux!) too - using (Win and Android) the old Legacy apps - actually they're my last updated public apps from last year*. I didn't even bother to update after the first few unhappy reports started to drift in. I volunteered (so far unsuccessfully) to test the new Linux client - which apparently is in Beta now - because I can still operate as normal in the other apps, and I'd be interested to see how the new thing is shaping up. I don't intend to move all my daily tasks onto v10 though until I absolutely have to. I totally agree with your attitude (apart from the Joplin bit) - there's absolutely no benefit here in being an early adopter! * because I have a LOT of notes, I'm also limited (apparently) to the 'old' Web UI which is a pain.
  13. Sorry - can't advise you on that; one benefit you have as a subscriber - you can always ask Support what you can do about it ... eventually ...
  14. iTunes is not part of Evernote, and communications between the two are not instant. Try restarting your phone and logging in again. If you wish a refund, please contact iTunes. You're showing up here still as a Basic user. If you still have issues, please see https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/67-billingpaymentsubscriptionadministrative-issues/
  15. Hi. What device, OS and Evernote version are you using?
  16. Hi. Thousands of comments in the forums about this already. Please search before posting. It will be on Evernote's to-do list for correction soon. Meantime there's teh Legacy version.
  17. Nope. You could find a word-processor that will give you this feature and attach the DOCX (or whatever) files to Evernote notes, adding a JPG screenshot of the text so the content is visible (and searchable) anywhere.
  18. No comment... I agree with you though on dashboards generally. It's pretty to have a bunch of notes / reminders / recent searches etc all presented neatly in one interface. But there are already requests to have more space for one or the other. I use dashboards as a convenient way to replace searches; Filterize (forinstance) will show me a list of all notes with outstanding tasks due up to today. There's another list of task due in the next 10 days, and a mega list of everything else. I have a 'home' dashboard with links to all of them (it doesn't show any note details) but if I want to make sure I'm up to date I can easily check my 'due today' dashboard, and if that's clear I can check what's coming up. I could do the same with saved searches, but that takes time for each search to complete. The dashboards are pre-filled pages, so available immediately on any device. It's a menu system - any I don't want to see all the content all the time: especially not on a phone screen.
  19. Hi. Alexa, Google Assistant or Cortana on your various devices should be able to read a screen to you. I don't think any of them will be able to read a notebook full of notes though. The term you're looking for (I think) is "text to speech" as in: https://www.techradar.com/uk/news/the-best-free-text-to-speech-software
  20. Wasn't bitching. Also wasn't talking to you... (My emphasis) To you, I said... Nagware isn't spam, but it can be annoying.
  21. What new features would you like to see for Plus users? You may be right that the continuing Plus account is probably a pain in the neck for Evernote - not only do they need to maintain an app across dozens of operating systems and devices, it comes in three 'speeds' with different limitations. Simplification is always cheaper for the company, and they haven't shown any inclination to add another middle-range product to their armoury. Given the cost of maintaining different levels, the other possibility is just to expire the option - be careful what you wish for!
  22. I somehow doubt it - everyone who wanted a different feature would have complained that tag hierarchies got fixed first... plus my furor was about Import Folders and backups/ the lack of a local database. Dashboards were all the rage a while back - Googling "how do i create a dashboard in Evernote" generates nearly 700,000 hits so I guess they may have thought it was a popular idea. I use Filterize to build all sorts of dashboards, so I pretty much don't care - but new users seem to think it's wonderful.
  23. Importing means translating the OneNote layout into Evernote-speak and until they have the new app code absolutely nailed down I'd think this would be low priority for the team. I don't know, and they (probably) won't confirm one way or the other - but at least there's still Legacy!
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