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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. We're a mainly user-supported Forum, so have no idea. As a subscriber you'd be best off asking Evernote Support.
  2. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported Forum with few (if any) developers present - the best place to get some feedback on API questions is here - https://dev.evernote.com/
  3. Hi. OS? Evernote version? If you're on v10 the app's working database is stored on a local drive - there aren't any options as to where. Don't know if there will be. You could try the Legacy version and which may have more options...
  4. In Chrome, once you get logged in, try the three dots menu in Chrome* > More Tools > Create Shortcut and tick the 'open in own window' box. You'll get a bespoke window that doesn't have the clutter of a standard browser window and seems to load faster. * Also Brave / Vivaldi / Sidekick
  5. No harm in using more than one app - I have Typora for markdown / html / text editing and Marxico which 'should' (their dev tells me) sync to the new Evernote. I also use a range of word processors and page layout apps depending on what sort of document I'm creating. Evernote is for basic notes, everything else gets a source file attached to a note in case I need to change it.
  6. In the installed version, isn't that just for wiping data that has been held in a temporary cache during use when the app is closed? Better I think to use the web version now that there are fewer differences between that and the installed app - although if you look at a personal note from work something will still be saved in the browser cache. You could also look at using two apps - set up a new basic account at work and keep your personal stuff at home - just share any work related notebooks to your work-self.
  7. Hi. I was under the impression that the new app updates itself automatically - what version are you now on? It could be that when you check, you have been silently updated - and when you see the new version on the website, it does take a little while to get uploaded to the millions of Evernote users out there. If you wish you could download the new version direct and upgrade - or just wait a little and have it done for you. Your choice...
  8. Hi. What format are your images being saved in? Evernote may not be able to show the pictures. What device(s) are you using to create the images?
  9. If you were able to do that from your previous version of the app, I'd suggest installing the Legacy version and trying there. The new apps are still lacking a lot of functionality.
  10. Hmmn. The difference in this case appears to be in seeing the content of an attachment in the note. I'm still exclusively using Legacy apps (bit old-fashioned, me) and all I see from a linked file in an external drive is the URL. AFAIK even if that is an image or a supported file type like DOCX or PDF it will show as a link and be unsearchable*. I've previously been apathetic about the Google integration because I didn't see the point of having a fancier link, but if you can see the content as well, that would be a bit of a game-changer. My assumption would be that with Google you're seeing the content of the file that you changed in the note, but the actual file is still stored on Google Drive. But if you can also see the content of a file you link to in icloud in the note... I'm just confused. Seems to me it should update just like Gdrive. Not an iPad or a v10 user, so I will retire hurt on this one - maybe one of my iPad user colleagues on here like @PinkElephant can help! *To be clear: that's the content is unsearchable in Evernote. The file name, plus any exec summary notes I add to the note will be searchable.
  11. In fairness to Evernote, they put out a notice on their server status page (https://status.evernote.com/) posted a warning on all Forum posts and announced the search outage on social media. And still there were hundreds, possibly thousands of users posting and presumably calling to query the situation. I'm not surprised support would 1) get overloaded, and 2) try to weed out as many search-related calls as possible automatically, so agents could help users who had other issues. I've used support many times as a subscriber, and they've always been efficient and helpful - you get a ticket number by return of mail, and a person will respond within a few days, especially if you can explain your issue clearly and attach any necessary logs, screen shots to the ticket. Not trying to unreasonably defend the company here, but I have run a phone and chat support unit - and the bodies there are only human: they'll do the best they can, but a world-wide outage affecting millions of users is always going to be a little bit of a challenge...
  12. Hi. We're a mainly user-supported forum here. When someone works out how to help, they'll comment. You can also raise this with Evernote support... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  13. Hi. Try uninstall / restart device / reinstall. If that doesn't work, repeat with Revo Uninstaller or CCleaner for the uninstall to remove all settings / other traces. (You may want to backup any EXB database files you have on your system just in case...) Your other option would be to try Support - Basic users don't get email support, but if you check your upgrade options it may be possible to activate monthly subscriptions and downgrade again once the issue is resolved. For reference - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (if you're a subscriber) https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (anyone) https://www.facebook.com/groups/evernotecommunity (anyone)
  14. Wow - sorry to hear that. If you can still use the desktop app even though it's not syncing, can you identify the notes that haven't been sent to the server? If you can export those notes to an ENEX file you could protect them while you uninstall and reinstall Evernote, then re-import them when you have sorted any other problems.
  15. Hi. Have you tried Magnet support? Evernote is not responsible for making sure third party interfaces can still work with their app after changes - if the recent updates have caused an issue Magnet would be the ones to fix it...
  16. If someone logs into your account using your credentials stolen from a password used on other sites and leaked onto the web (See https://www.techradar.com/uk/news/more-than-three-billion-emails-and-passwords-were-just-leaked-online) Evernote has no way to tell whether this is you and you're travelling around, or someone else trying to hack your account. They do operate other checks on access which from time to time get lucky and realise that an access might be unauthorised, which is when they write to you. But if you don't use a secure unique password for your Evernote access, plus 2FA access so at least you know when someone tries - and change your passwords frequently - there's not much more they can do to protect you.
  17. Anyone tried searches in Legacy? Ah. https://status.evernote.com/
  18. I'm not a Mac user, so this is just an observation - but it might be more efficient anyway to export all attachments to a note to the desktop and then duplicate as many times as necessary, attaching files as required. I also use an exported ENEX file as a template - double-clicking the file generates a new note in my account. Might be worth exporting the note to be duplicated and then repeatedly clicking the ENEX file to generate several additional copies. It's also possible that a developer used the logic that in duplicating a note, users would require the text but not any duplicated file attachments and coded the process to avoid wasting space...
  19. Like most things in life, caution and moderation is required. But my priority is not to complain that someone else should do something, but to get things done as expeditiously as possible. If installing a third-party APK does the job, it's a valid option. And the default in Android is to download only from the Play store. It's only a setting - which gives Google a monopoly on installations. From recent evidence it doesn't offer that much protection against malware...
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