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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Sorry to disappoint you, but this is a (mainly) user-supported forum. To contact Support try https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new You could also run through this process to try updating your details again - How to change your account login email address
  2. Hi. By 'local file links' do you mean the ability to open other types of file - documents, spreadsheets etc - from Evernote? And are your 'local notes that stopped syncing' in a Local Notebook? Because Local Notebooks are meant not to sync - ie to be available only on the device on which they're stored... and this feature is not supported in v10 which would be why you lost sight of them...
  3. You have 3 options on mobile: Create a template for your note(s), and include the tags in the template as a comma-delimited string - tag1,tag2,tag3 etc. When you activate the template copy/paste that string into the tag field, and it should split into separate tags. The in-note tags are searchable regardless. Create a 'template' note with standard tags which you can duplicate each time a new entry is required. Tags will be duplicated too. Use a text-expander app like Phrase Express Mobile to insert standard groups of keywords as tags.
  4. ...That was for v10! Something they'd been working on for years, and were about to launch...
  5. Hi. I'd suggest you raise this with Support - either via the website or direct email to customersuccess@evernote.com
  6. The Evernote team have never (AFAIK) in 12 years given advance comment on whether or not a feature is being worked on. There's no reason why they wouldn't add this feature, but we'll only find out that it's available when it's in Beta somewhere...
  7. Hi. You're posting in the Web client forum - aren't all web pages visible in Chrome? In the Chrome web browser it's possible to 'cheat' with Evernote too - open the web page, choose Settings > More Tools > Create a shortcut, and tick the "open as window" option to have a separate web page and a shortcut on the desktop. Apologies if that is no help - maybe a screenshot to show what space you have?
  8. Hi. There's no export option from the web account. You could generate an ENEX file from a desktop using Evernote Legacy, or download one or more notebooks in v10 - but that's not necessarily helpful unless you're using an app that can recognise and import Evernote files. It may be easier just to copy and paste any content you need from Evernote.
  9. Hi. It sounds very much like a free account was accidentally created as you were going through the process of accessing your personal premium account. If you've already emailed Support, you should have some contact details there - just go back and ask them what's going on. There's no code to activate the account - at least, not one that anyone around here can access... Evernote Business account admin overview
  10. Hi. Export your ideal 'template' setup as an ENEX file on your desktop. Then double-click the file to generate a new note with exactly that layout.
  11. Hi. Does this help? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500003792141-Tasks-Overview
  12. Hi. You have notes, notebooks, stacks and tags. What else would you like to "categorize" your 'posts'?
  13. Hi. 'Import Folders' is (still) on the "coming soon" list and if/when they appear they should -hopefully- work as they do in Legacy Windows; any file dropped into that folder will be automatically imported. Not clear yet whether text or rich text will become notes or attachments.
  14. AFAICS those are the options. I have some rules set up in Gmail to forward emails based on sender or title keywords which seem to work pretty well. Also it should be possible to use automation apps (Zapier, IFTTT etc) and AHK to automate forwarding individual emails... My (rather old) installed Outlook app has a feature that allows me to forward and delete an email with one click.
  15. Just a suggestion - anyone tried using the camera app to add pictures to the phone, then shared them with Evernote later? Also useful to know: are we talking about Evernote v10 or Legacy Android?
  16. Just for the record, web pages 11 years ago were coded differently from those available now. HTML5 came out in 2014 forinstance... and changing one word isn't quite what I meant; "snapshot" wasn't meant to imply an actual image of the page, just a block of code which ensured that the layout and format of the content was preserved. Adding some random edited improvements on top of that will break things. Good luck in finding something which fits your needs.
  17. Hi. That could be a bug in v10 if you're using the new version - try contacting Support for their comment. I'm not an Outlook web user - mine is the installed Office version. My email process involves attaching an ongoing thread email .MSG file to my note. Opening the file from Evernote causes the Outlook app to open and display the content. Don't know if any of that would work with your version... Evernote Help >> https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  18. Here's a good place to start... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  19. Hi. You show here as a Basic user - has your upgrade happened yet? How do you want to "add your notes to the home screen"? There are widgets that will display notes, or you could add a shortcut - both of those should be available to you whether or not you subscribe...
  20. Must've missed those posts. I have seen plenty of complaints about the lack of custom fonts, and it's possible when Evernote get v10 back up to speed with the Legacy features it's missing, that there will be some expansion of the options available. In the meantime if you prefer the options in Legacy, just use Legacy... Edit: -And please don't double-post...
  21. Understood, but I still don't see why the several other methods of 'flagging' a note aren't enough. Any important or urgent notes could be dragged into a !Priority notebook (a special character gets the notebook to the top of that list) tagged 'priority'* titled 'priority'* - and the 'dragged into a notebook' option allows you to set up different notebooks for different priorities... Still, you've suggested the option and if enough votes support it, it may still happen! * -and found by saved search
  22. Hi again - my daily export is courtesy of Backupery, which deals with all the boring business of creating a series of backup files in a single folder. In Windows it's also possible to build a batch file which will do the same job with one click whenever you wish...
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