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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. You are completely wrong. Evernote have not, at any stage, 'refused' to do anything. No one here knows what they're working on or plan to release tomorrow. You're simply making assumptions that fit your negative view of the situation. More export options will be available for v10 but there are already perfectly valid alternatives with PDF and HTML and third-party providers.
  2. As @PinkElephant - I'm an 'old school' scanner - my ScanSnap saves scans to a folder where I can retitle the file, catch any issues, occasionally split or merge pages, OCR locally in bulk, then copy / paste the content to an Import folder which will convert 40-50 files into individual notes within Evernote. Filterize then takes over, and based on keywords will allocate those notes into their correct notebooks. I have my current folder set to delete files after they're imported to avoid duplicate records, but I can see situations where having a growing list of saved files in that folder would be a welcome backup. As with lots of other requests - it's fine if you don't see an immediate need for this feature; it is easy to set up - or you can just ignore it and continue with your current processes,
  3. Hi. I'd suggest contacting Support to check what characters are allowed in the tag field - it seems strange they'd omit all special characters - have you considered / tried any others? (Like ! or #) CustomerSuccess@evernote.com or https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  4. Your last several posts have been on the general theme of "Evernote are bad" and we do get that this is your opinion. However a number of competitors have "import from Evernote" utilities, and exporting to HTML, PDF files and via a third-party service like CloudHQ is still freely available. Evernote have not made any changes to the Legacy apps in some years, and certainly have no 'master plan' to retain customers through bad export routines. A fair number of former users have happily migrated to other services - and a percentage of them have come smartly back per @Jon/t above...
  5. If this is an important issue, it may be worth subscribing for a month or two while you get it resolved through email support; otherwise you can contact Support here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  6. Undoubtedly true, but software version numbers (and coders) don't quite follow normal decimal rules. In coding, 10.4 is the fourth iteration of version 10. There will be a series of 10.4.1, 10.4.2 versions - and then when they're all growed up, there will be a version 10.5. When they get to be very very grown up, they'll get to 10.16 - which is where we are now - and no doubt by now there's a bouncing baby 10.16.1... If you disbelieve me, please go download the latest version from Evernote.com and check the version there....
  7. Hi - I'd encourage you to talk to Support to see what they might recommend - and then please share it back here! Other than an SSD - which you already have - there are no tweaks that I'm aware of... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  8. Hi. AFAIK it should be possible to restore multiple notes. Since they are assigned to a Trash notebook on deletion it's unlikely to be possible to retain the previous parent notebook information. If you make such a mistake again, try using the 'undo' option in your OS (Ctrl+Z in windows forinstance) to fix the issue, or maybe consider a regular backup of your account so that errors can be resolved by importing a backup copy.
  9. Hi. No clue as to the error log - this is a mainly user forum; it's interesting that Edge actually runs on Chrome though and should load all the same extensions. If your local version of (original) Chrome doesn't get on with Clipper, maybe consider using Edge? I'm currently using another Chrome-based browser (Sidekick) and Clipper works fine for me too.
  10. Er, yes? Try downloading the latest version as suggested.
  11. That's (apparently) correct. You might want to go to Evernote.com and download the most recent version? 10.4 isn't going to cut it.
  12. ...But the server that will eventually offer you the update hasn't yet been told that one is available - that's what 'scheduled update' means; the notifications will go out sequentially... and your update server will be the first to know when it's your turn, but not before. Anything else requires Evernote to revise its update process, which I doubt will happen anytime soon...
  13. Hi. Is Evernote open? If you simply open the app window and choose the notebook directly from the left panel does that work?
  14. Like I said - I get that you're not a happy bunny. But I don't think that Evernote has it in for customers in general, or you in particular. You may have found a problem for which you have my sympathies. Your problem almost certainly has solutions - but they aren't here. Good luck in your search.
  15. Hi. I agree with @PinkElephant - I'd strongly advise against both merging and keeping separate files, otherwise you either have to apply any edits or updates twice to keep two copies of the same information current. A Table of Contents is a 'virtual' parent note containing links to the notes you're managing.
  16. Hi. Either find the original tag and edit it, or add a new tag with the correct spelling and delete the old one?
  17. ? Isn't there an option on the Notebooks screen to right-click a notebook and export all* to ENEX (or, presumably, HTML) ? EDIT: *the contents of one notebook
  18. Hi. The obvious fix would be to uninstall your current app, then restart your system, download the update from Evernote.com and re-install from there. It's been a while since 10.1 and I don't know why you'd be stuck at that stage. Alternatively, as a subscriber, you have access to Support - try contacting them. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  19. I'm happy to continue with 6.25 for the moment. Import Folders just came back in v10, which is nice; but I still use local notebooks (they're not coming back) and I'm running my whole setup on two laptops - a 'mature' Dell with Windows 10, and a more modern Asus with Linux. The browser version runs a bit erratically and rather slowly on both machines which does not encourage me to try the full install yet. It's kind've a 'devil you know' thing...
  20. Sorry, I was imprecise. I've had a couple of occasions when I had to import backups for some notes back into Evernote - which is mainly what the export process is all about. My main points here though are that 1) even if there's an issue with Legacy exports Evernote are not going to roll back and resolve them; 2) as you're importing to Onenote I think their forums are likely to generate more actual help than we can provide, and 3) I'm hopeful that Evernote - along with presenting us with a viable product soon - will also come up with some more practical options for full backups. I get that you're seriously underwhelmed by Evernote in general, but if you want to move on quickly you have to find a practical way around this issue: Evernote isn't going to change fast enough to help you in the short term.
  21. I'll freely admit that I haven't imported many notes or notebooks, but the ones I have dealt with don't seem to have an issue with titles. I (currently) have 55,000-ish notes in 300-ish notebooks which I'm backing up to ENEX (via Backupery) on a daily basis, and I have every confidence that should I have to restore some notes, or even some notebooks from that count, I won't have any major issues on completion. It's possible to do all this in Legacy because it retains a local copy of the database - but in v10 that doesn't happen - backups have to be downloaded from the server. I hope Evernote will work with other providers to give us a more practical way to generate backups - at the moment CloudHQ are (I think) the only source of a backup from the online database, and they may be an option you could explore. But given that Evernote is busily working to get v10 fully up and running - and they've already said that Legacy versions are no longer supported - I think it's academic to discuss how and where things are going wrong in these forums. Presumably the users who've already jumped ship in Onenote will be active in those forums - I'd say they can be far more helpful than anyone here...
  22. Hi. This is a -mainly- user-supported (public) site and Evernote don't deal with individual queries here. Please report the issue to Support, and if you can, we'd be grateful for a note of what they say to you posted back here in case anyone else has the same issue. Pretty obvious this shouldn't happen, but you can avoid the risk by encrypting individual PDF (or other document) files before attaching them to the note. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  23. Evernote do list exporting to ENEX or HTML as their 'official' export process. I'd be interested to see where Evernote recommends importing from there into OneNote. The trick with exporting notes is to check the preferences / options - tags can be included or excluded from exports. Also: notes are exported as a single units - there's no indication within the export file which notebook they belong to. So exporting several notebooks means creating several individual files, one for each notebook.
  24. Multi-select has been available in installed desktop apps since forever, the mobile apps for a while, and the web version has also fairly recently (?) added that function.
  25. Evernote don't - usually - respond to posts here anyway. This is a mostly user-supported Forum. If your suggestion attracts a lot of interest (and votes) Evernote will consider adding the option.
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