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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I'm just another user, so the answer there is 'no'. You really need to contact Support for assistance. Try https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (there's a 'guest' option you can use) and also https://twitter.com/evernotehelps. If you can log in with the new password you generated, sign into that account via Evernote.com and look for your notes there, and for any items in the Trash notebook.
  2. The jury's still out for me on the viability of the shiny new version. I'm not even going to let myself consider whether or not to update until I really have no other choice. At that point it's Evernote vs the Rest Of The Market; it'll hurt to jump ship, but I'm not going to waste time trying to 'make do' with something that doesn't work for me...
  3. Hi. This is what I see in a new note. If your experience is different, maybe a screenshot would help us understand? (By the way, we're mainly users here, not Evernote staff.)
  4. Not sure I did much - but you're welcome: this is now above my head too!
  5. Hi. I've not heard of tagging being tied to shortcuts in any way - best advice here I think is to report the whole thing to Support who can maybe interpret your system logs to see what went wrong.
  6. Just nervously checked my DNS but I'm apparently safe... Glad to see you resolved it anyway - you could report the whole saga (or send a link to this thread) to Support so they can look into it. Other than reinstating the server to see whether you go offline again, I can't think of any other tests you could run...
  7. @Don0819 - yep, despite my many other fine features, I'm afraid I'm a solid Windows user. Do not despair - there are more civilized users around the Forums too... 😏
  8. I don't think so, otherwise the internet (and the forums) would be awash with complaints. I'd suggest a retry after switching off (powering down) your system and rebooting, and if this issue is still there, contact Support!
  9. Hi. Everything seems OK with me - have you tried a different browser?
  10. Hi. All notes are synced to the server - check by signing into Evernote.com in a browser - so you would be able to uninstall / restart / reinstall to clear memory, but beware that when you come to reinstall, the version you download from the Play store may be v10. While Evernote does store information on internal memory, it does not keep a permanent copy of your notes there. Anything on your device is either application information or temporary stored copies of notes you have viewed recently. If that memory is required by another app Evernote will release it. That said, you can release some cache memory - use Android App Manager and see 'manage storage' to clear the cache. The 'clip in progress' notes mean that clipping has been blocked by a firewall or by a password entry. If not complete after 24 hours, it will never get there. Clipping should have captured the page address though in the note header information. Check the three-dots menu (mobile) or the 'i' menu (desktop) for more on that. When you find the note, just re-clip from that address. (The 'in progress' notes should have synced with the web server in that state.) It is possible to find all Android clipped notes - see https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php
  11. Don't know how big your database is, but that would be one complete download from the server. (In my case 30GB!) If several users tried that at the same time (and with 200M+ users, that's probably a racing certainty) it would rapidly build up to the equivalent of a denial-of-service attack on Evernote's servers - and stop everyone else from syncing. I can see why they'd want to delay adding that option... but as @DTLow pointed out the Legacy version does allow you to do that if you wish. Be warned that exporting all notes will do exactly that: give you all individual notes, plus their tags if you set that option. Notebook information is not - and has never been - part of the export, so there will be no way to assign notes back to the same structure they came from.
  12. If that used to work and no longer does - I'd suggest you report it as a bug - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  13. The old "switch it all off, and then back on again" - works... mostly... 😏
  14. Hi. Which is quite valid. Evernote staffers - mainly we think the development team - read these posts from time to time to pick up ideas for future work. This is not an area where you can post an instruction to "fix it" and get an immediate reaction. Feature requests attract votes from other users, and over time the best supported will get a follow up. In the meantime other users - such as the replies you've already had - will weigh in with any useful suggestions we think might help. You're in no way obligated to follow the advice you receive. The best way to get personal and direct feedback is to complete a support request. Unless you have been living a long way off the grid, you'll be aware that the majority of the 'new features' are restoring services that were available under Legacy. I'm still using a pre-v10 version and don't plan to move to v10 until a couple of the services I use have been restored. We're still in the middle of a 're-launch' phase and I'd imagine that smaller issues will not be a major priority for a little while. The app is stable - it's just that the range of services is not quite yet fully complete. Others may yet weigh in on this - that's just my experienced opinion.
  15. I second @agsteele - fixing smaller issues won't be on anyone's priority list until we have a stable application; just tell support about it and find another way. Co-incidentally I've been having startup issues in the recent past - a couple of support apps that I have in the Windows startup folder just don't seem to take any notice of that prompt anymore and stay firmly asleep until I click their icons in the Start window. Since there's more than one such app I created a short batch file and kept that on my desktop so one click will start both.
  16. In Windows, my normal triage is log out of app and back in again close system down, then power back on unsinstall / restart / reinstall support!!
  17. Hi - I'd suggest you reach out to Support and see what they can do for you...https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  18. I'm not a fan of v10 (I've only used the web version so far) but in fairness, Evernote came under a ton of pressure from users who wanted their notes "to look the same on every platform - mobile or desktop". They also had the slight problem that every Evernote version had about several different (and expensive) teams working different OS versions of the same thing.. on iterations for Windows/ Mac/ Android/ iOS/ web. Which also meant that Windows had 'import folders' where Mac did not; and Mac notes showed inline views of some documents where Windows did not... and all OS users wanted the same perks that their opposite numbers got. So Evernote decided to listen to their customers, become more efficient - and save themselves considerable extra costs - by adopting Electron. So everyone gets exactly the same. Evernote users have accept some blame themselves for this situation...
  19. I don't get on with guidebooks - something about the disparity of learning 1,000 new facts but eventually only being able to use about 10 - they're kinda inefficient. Plus Evernote v10 hasn't been out long and it's been adding new features at a fearsome rate. Youtube has a selection of various individuals (and Evernote) showing off new features and how to use them, and Steve Dotto has a free Evernote introduction here - https://dottotech.com/evernote-quick-start/ I found it's best to start small - pick a project; indexing your CD collection, collecting paintings, selling on eBay - and start keeping your notes and paperwork in Evernote. If you hit snags, someone here will be able to suggest ways around. Once you have one subject working to your satisfaction, start adopting another... You gain experience with each roadblock you deal with - though you might change direction once or twice along the way - and eventually you should be able to deal with pretty much anything. But be patient with yourself; it takes a while!
  20. OK: your original question has been answered, and I don't have the patience to go back and forth on grammatical definitions that are irrelevant to any technical query. I have nothing more to contribute here.
  21. Hi. If your notes were not present when you installed the legacy app, then you are logging in with the wrong credentials. Try logging in via Evernote.com but use the 'lost password' process to reset your user ID.
  22. Hi. Do you switch between the two devices when editing? Are both left connected to the network when you use one? The 'hidden' drawback of Evernote's sync methods may be that both your device are syncing with the main database on the server. If both accounts are active, the system sees you editing a note that mysteriously changes content - you change one version, but then a previous version is synced by the other device. The server has no way to tell which is the 'real' current version of that note, so saves both...
  23. Evernote stopped accepting new Plus subscriptions some while ago but - as a courtesy to existing users - agreed to continue current plans. AFAIK there has always been a regular pressure to upgrade - I have a couple of Basic accounts for testing which get the offers - but I don't think there's been any recent overt increase. Some new restrictions were introduced - the two-device limit for Basic forinstance - which suggests that Evernote is aiming to weed out any 'non-serious' users, but are you saying that the pressures you see have gone up? Or are you frustrated because the new features don't add anything to your individual experience?
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