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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. From the several hundred similar posts in these forums, I'd say you're probably right to have reservations...
  2. I use NordVPN and I do find on occasion that my web access is just suddenly blocked - I need to disconnect the VPN server and reload a page that was fine a minute ago, but now shows "no network connection" and refuses to load. Don't yet know if this is down to my network, or to Nord. Investigation and complaints are ongoing...
  3. IMHO there isn't a way to do this "within one view / process". My background is in managing big databases (long story - that's the very short version) and in all my experiences, managing the database was an ongoing process - variously called "curating", "gardening" or "tinkering" depending on your preference. After more than a dozen years with Evernote I have 55K notes and a 30GB database and I too have finally -in the last two years- found my 'ideal' structure. All my new notes are going into that structure, but my existing ones are initially staying where they are, because Evernote's search feature is more than sufficient to find them if I need the history. As an example I've had several bank accounts over the years, and for reasons of basic security have -mostly- kept correspondence in Local Notebooks - the offline ones that Evernote no longer support. I still use Evernote Legacy (Windows and Android) so that's not an immediate issue; but new statements and correspondence are going into specific individual (still offline) notebooks so that I can extract them in case of need. Searching my account for the appropriate individual account numbers showed me that I had saved some items into the wrong notebooks by error or omission. So I've searched all my account numbers and moved all the notes into their new correct(ed) notebooks. As I deal with my general day-to-day mail and contacts, I'll do s similar tidy up job on individual connections. I've been doing that for a year now, and of my 55K notes, just 21K are still unsorted and in the default notebook. The rest are distributed between about 300 notebooks - one for each contact, contract and project that I have - with an average of 100 or so notes in each, the low numbers being my aim. It's far less mind-blowing to see a list of 100 notes than 55,000 notes in one huge pile, and if I want to see the latest emails on my Acme project, I just need to open that notebook and sort the notes into created date order. I'm not expecting to finish my curation tasks anytime soon - that's just a part of business as usual. But with my curated notes, plus the occasional search it's much easier to find things now. Succession planning is my secondary aim - while I know how all my stuff is 'organised', family, or anyone else I might get to help me, would need some clearer guidelines to help maintain and use my stuff in future.
  4. Hi. They did.. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  5. I admire your confidence, but don't plan to update anything anytime soon. "Fortunately" my 5-year old laptop is apparently not supported for Win 11 so I won't have a choice to make but my experience of WIndows over the years from 3.1 to now has not usually always been a happy one....
  6. I believe the technical response to that would be "not gonna happen". Restyling a note requires actual user judgement at all stages. If you want to change the layout it's better to start a new template and use that in future - just leave the old data in the old layout and use it as a look-up resource.
  7. I merged your two posts together since they seem to be two sides of the same problem... Evernote's PDF conversion seems a little.. erratic.. at best. Better to create content in a word processor and save the output file as an attachment, then use the WP features to 'print' to PDF when required.
  8. Thanks for the additional explanation - and as I said; it's entirely up to you how you structure your data. NB: I would suggest you zap your email addresses from your post - this is a public forum and you might start getting a lot more emails if that information gets harvested from the page... Evernote famously doesn't 'do' subfolders (sub-notebooks?) but I find that grouping notes by 'primary focus' and then tagging for sub-categories is granular enough. Forinstance I have a notebook for one project, and everything to do with that 'event calendar' goes there. I prefix all my note titles with the relevant date(s) of the content, so it can be sorted into a timeline. And if I have an email about my project from a company for whom I have a separate 'focus' notebook, I'll use their notebook name as a tag instead. For an update to the current state of the project - check that notebook. For the state of all Acme Industries activities - search the name. Their involvement with different projects shows up by the name of the notebook(s) containing their notes... sounds a bit weird as I explain it, but it's working for me!
  9. Ouch. Sorry - missed the version info. @PinkElephant is (of course) right - Evernote have decreed no support for older versions, so that's stock advice. What you do need Support to confirm is: what's your account status? Is it possible your payment method has expired and you've reverted to Free? As above, you can also check this yourself from Evernote.com.
  10. Whilst it's entirely your choice and preference, why do you need separate accounts for all this? I have 55K notes in one account, which covers several projects, business and personal, plus hobbies and other stuff. I have a different notebook for each, so around 300 notesbooks and a few Stacks. It works for me. I do have a couple of extra accounts, but they're for testing out anything I don't want to try on my main database.
  11. It may be that Support already know that this bug exists, and has been fixed in the latest version; so their reply may have been exactly the answer you need. If you're unable to update via the app, you could simply uninstall the current version from your system and download / reinstall the latest one from Evernote.com.
  12. Hi. Styles - and various other features - are (allegedly temporarily) unavailable while the new version 10 platform is being developed. All missing elements are still available in the Legacy versions of Evernote which can be run in tandem with v10. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote for more.
  13. The Evernote team aren't stupid, so perhaps we should assume that there are some important facts we're unaware of - maybe technical or scheduling - that prevent this happening. They'll get it done as soon as they can... although other sites do this to me; I assume it's part of some web protocol or other. Good job it's so simple to get around, eh?
  14. Which may or may not be correct, and may or may not be compatible with getting that code to work in an Electron wrapper alongside other major rewrites. I don't see the point in debating 'might have beens' - the facts are: stuff doesn't work. Either there's a work around while it gets developed or fixed, or there's not. If you can use a work-around or ignore the (possibly temporary) lack of a working feature, lets all get on with our lives. If you can't - there are other apps you could try. Good luck in your search...
  15. Sorry, my crystal ball must have been switched off... I'd suggest you reach out to Support (mainly users here) pending any other comments. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  16. ...and you have a fair point. The main takeaway (for any new viewers) of which seems to be: don't switch payment channels mid-term.
  17. - You can check (and change) your account status at any time via Evernote.com. While in a perfect world it shouldn't matter how your payments get to Evernote, their accounting system is not connected to Apple. If you upgrade via Evernote, having initially renewed through Apple, it will take some time (!) for things to get worked out. Better to stick with the delivery channel you came in by, or change your status back to 'Free' and wait for the next renewal date to upgrade. This being (mainly) a user 2 user forum we don't know anything substantive about burger/chicken exchange rates - any further queries are best addressed to whomever you last paid.
  18. What @Mike P said. Templates are to create new notes, not to edit existing ones. There is an external Evernote add-in app Filterize which has 'templates' which - from my brief scan - seem to be intended to apply to existing notes. I have no idea whether they might assist you, but your options seem to be a purely manual conversion exercise or (maybe) a Filterize process.
  19. Hi. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
  20. Hi. Have you tried different browsers for the web version? If you already have an Evernote installation on your desktop, try uninstalling that, restarting and then reinstalling from Evernote.com. Are you a Free user? Have you disconnected any other devices?
  21. Hi. Please post new queries in new threads. I split this one off into a new query - you should be able to change the headline if it isn't correct. When you cleaned your computer, did you use something like Appcleaner to remove all traces of the previous installation? If not, I'd suggest you try again. Plus we're a (mainly) user2user forum, so if you're a subscriber, please reach out to Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  22. Hi. I'm confused by the headline since the calendar widget is most certainly visible in the image you posted. As I understand it (I'm not a Teams user) each Teams account includes a personal account as well as the group Teams display. Is it possible that you're looking at the 'wrong' calendar? You're certainly entitled to email Support (which is not us - mainly other users here) so I'd suggest you contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for more. But please come back and post the answer when you find it!
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