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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. That previous link seems not to work for some reason - try this one: this is workflowy
  2. You do realise you can step back to the previous web version in Settings?
  3. By my estimation that's 3 working days in a situation when the Support team probably have a couple of other reports to look at too... give it a few more days!
  4. More clarifying - the web client has to download an up to date search index plus the rest of the coding behind a browser-based note application, plus (probably) some recently changed notes in hopes of saving download times later. Your mobile app will do pretty much the same thing. The full database of notes will remain on the server, and a working copy gets downloaded to any desktop devices when they are activated. However: Support will be able to read your logs and work out what's happening with your connection. Please let us know if there's anything interesting!
  5. Not surprisingly, a 3-year old issue has been solved since all this was posted. Copy / paste works fine in both Legacy and v10
  6. I'd think every Windows app that updates has - on occasion - had that one case where a glitch in the connection, or a corrupted file has stopped the update from working. This is a standard risk of using a computer and is fixed by 10 minutes maintenance, not a sign that Evernote is a lost cause. However; your choice.
  7. Hi. First, we're not 'Evernote Team', we're mainly other users - if you want to raise a support ticket, subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps The Web client is downloaded in real time to your browser, hence the rapid updating; but a slow internet connection or local traffic might mean that getting the list of notes fully up to date might take a while - maybe worth leaving Evernote active in a browser window as soon as you boot up your device. The local clients save notes on your hard drive in case you need to work offline, so don't have the connection issue - or at least can minimise the effects. Legacy option: If this is an issue for you, you could install the Legacy version, which will work alongside the new v10 and save to the same database. That maintains a full database copy on your hard drive. To switch Evernote web versions, see the Settings options online. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  8. There's a reason that was part of the suggested process. Revo Uninstaller Free will remove everything from your device to allow a completely clean install.
  9. Hi. Do you use Evernote on a laptop at all? It's far easier to do cleanup on a larger screen... Must confess I can't remember whether Android 8.13 allows multi-select, but it may be much faster for you to assign a <deleteme> tag, or create a 'delete' notebook and apply the tag or move the note to that notebook, then when you're done, just select those tagged notes or the notebook and delete.
  10. Hi. It's really up to you to do some basic research about what you're buying into before actually paying money for a service. Evernote is different from OneNote. It doesn't have the same features, but that doesn't make it in any way inferior; it's just different. You're welcome to ask any questions you like here, or it may help to check in YouTube where there are hundreds of Evernote 'how to' videos, or take a look around their help site here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  11. Hi. If there's a specific note you need, it should be possible to save a link directly to it on your home screen. If there are a number, you could create a table of contents note and link to that from your home screen. If there are hundreds, you could create a 'subject' table of contents that links to other table of contents screens on specific topics, and be at your note in three taps... Not saying that's a reason not to consider your suggestion, but at least it may be a work-around until your way becomes possible.
  12. Just to be clear - 95% of the time I have no issues. Very occasionally I find I can't connect for anything - web pages / Gmail / Google. That's when quitting the VPN connection usually lets me reconnect. That's also usually on my Linux laptop - the Windows laptop very very occasionally does the same (same VPN). If it was more of a problem I'd be working out the reasons, but it's so infrequent I've not bothered yet...
  13. Using Brave - based on Chromium to 93.0.4577.58; Evernote works fine.
  14. It's not Evernote 'deciding' for you - it's your VPN 'protecting' you by not allowing some traffic through your connection which is apparently preventing Evernote from working correctly. I'd suggest you contact your VPN support to explain the issue and work out how to change the settings so you can use Evernote whilst still protected. I don't know how many different VPN providers there are, but Evernote can't possibly check that their software works with every possible variation at all available settings. It's nothing that they can fix for you.
  15. I'm sure you'll get a call from the Evernote development team soon so you can help them work out how to do it properly...
  16. I'm very sorry to hear about JMichaelTX. RIP JM.
  17. Hi. Evernote isn't designed to work on Boox, and the incompatibility isn't new - see this comment 8 months ago:
  18. ? Legacy does what you need it to do, and will work alongside your v10 app - it doesn't replace it. Changes in Legacy will appear in your v10 database and vice-versa. There's no tech support apart from anything you can glean here in the Forums, and true - in a few months Legacy may be no more. But by then v10 may be a lot faster and deal with bigger selections. Lots of us here are still happily using it with no problems (yet). It really isn't an issue to use it.
  19. Apparently quite hard, because the root cause is two versions of you - on two different devices - saving two slightly different versions of the same note. Evernote can't decide which is the 'correct' version, so saves both. The cure is not to have Evernote open on two devices at the same time, or to use a third party word processor to ensure that syncing from other devices can't affect your current activity. Why is it down to Evernote to build a whole new document comparison feature just to deal with those cases which - with 200M users and frequent syncs - must be a vanishingly small percentage of the overall experience?
  20. You're spending a lot more time on being disappointed than it would take to just download and install legacy on a desktop and get on with processing your notes. Evernote have issued 20 updates to the desktop apps since the new product was released, so clearly they're not just sitting on their hands. But their priorities - apparently - happen not to be the same as yours. This is where work-arounds - and Legacy apps - come in.
  21. I'm still using Legacy, which seems quite speedy now... and doesn't have a note limit...
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