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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Leave the note open until you finish your task Use a third-party word-processor to draft your notes, then attach the document file to a note or copy/ paste the content across on completion. Tell us what device and Evernote version you're using for (maybe) more suggestions...
  2. There's a separate thread around here explaining how browsers work with caches to reload data quickly - just clear the cache in your browser so it refreshes the information.
  3. I was going by this bit... ..but apologies if I got it wrong.
  4. You mention your phone being switched off - do you power the thing down, or just close the display? Either way I agree that sometimes changes made on the phone take a while to get to a desktop - especially since the phone has to sync up, and the desktop sync down all the latest information. I have never expected to be able to move between the phone and a keyboard seamlessly - I use one for remote work and the other for local activity. If I notice that something I remember adding or changing on the mobile is not yet available, I open the mobile app and allow it to catch up. It hasn't caused me any issues in the past several years... -And of course 'phone syncing depends on your local network connection; if changes aren't synced, they're saved until a sync is possible.
  5. Odd. There's NBD about uninstalling/ reinstalling Legacy - just find out where your Databases folder is and save a zipped copy to your desktop just in case. Then go ahead and uninstall/ restart/ reinstall (Legacy is freely available still) and let your database get rebuilt from the server. I literally just did this with a 56K-note account a couple of days ago and while I'm still getting back up to my full note count (currently at 48K and counting...) I got most of it back within a day. YMMV. Up to you when or whether you then reinstall v10!
  6. As a matter of interest, and with true irony - because of an issue with Google Drive my Windows 10 system locked up completely today and had to be killed with the power button. Evernote 6.25 was running, and in fact I'd just resized an image and was in progress of saving it back to a note when the system froze. I gave it a couple of hours and encouragement with several Words of Power but nothing was happening, so I reluctantly killed it. And not surprisingly Evernote gave me a Fatal Error window on restart and won't now load. Since Evernote have already said that they no longer support 6.25 I'm not even going to bother them with this. I'll backup my current database folder, uninstall with Revo and reinstall from a 6.25 installer that I happen to have saved. My synced notebooks should be rebuilt from the server. If not I have backup ENEX files. My offline notebooks are also fully backed up (thanks Backupery!!) so things should be back to normal tomorrow after an hour or so. If not, I guess this may be the point at which I rejoin the main bulk of users in v10 and Legacy. But the moral of this story is mainly - if you have problems with 6.25, you are pretty much on your own. Support (as I now understand it) is v10 only.
  7. I get this problem with lots of software. I have to open my email client and view all my emails before being able to send the one email I need to send. I have to open my word processing software with all its options and links to previous documents before being able to create that one new document I wanted to create. I don't need all the extra options in either case. Why oh why do we have to keep on opening software to do things that we want to accomplish?
  8. <Sigh> So your phone and PC both have a note, content A1. On the desktop you change that content to A2 and then, because you like to live an interesting life you then pick up the phone and change it's copy of A1 to A3. Evernote's server, which duly receives TWO SEPARATE AND DIFFERENT changes to A1, both with your apparently valid sign-in, thinks "Hmmn. User made some sort of mistake. I save both so User can sort it out." You'll like Google Docs.
  9. If your accountant is familiar with Evernote then the answers above should cover it. My only reservation is that we're talking money here (well, invoices, anyway) and you need to be concentrating on getting things paid and into your accounts, not (as it maybe for your accountant) another unfamiliar piece of software. In this case I'd go for the Google options. Save everything in folders in Google Drive and share them out. There's simplicity, familiarity and security all in one package. My favourite 'itties'
  10. Try File > Sign Out? -Evernote stays active in case you wish to clip web pages or have the inspiration to create a note. If you had to restart the app and log in each time that happened, you'd spend a lot of time waiting for things to happen. If you don't want to use Evernote that way, just quit out of it.
  11. Hi. And goodbye. We're mainly users here, so we don't generally care, but for the record there are no 'bullying' techniques buried in the software. You may have had a hard time, but you don't seem to have asked for any help here, so apparently couldn't figure it all out. Regardless, saving "important notes, ideas, and many other stuff dear to us." in new free software is not a good idea. At least if you become a subscriber, you get access to the Support team and your data is protected.
  12. Your browser should have an option to force reload the page which should help. As I understand it, browsers tend to have their own local caches so that if you want to load a page you have visited before in one session, the browser will grab the version of that page it cached last time you were there to avoid the need to re-download every last pixel again. With Evernote that could mean that the browser will want to show you slightly old data rather than the detail that has changed since your previous view. 'Force' reloading the page (which by me is Shift+reload) should get that done... at the cost of a few seconds while things refresh.
  13. Hi. 6.25.2 is the Legacy version. 6.25.1 is the last public release prior to v10
  14. The application is perfectly functional. The fact that it doesn't perform as you expect is unfortunate, but this is not a bug or some coding error. It's a factor of the many coding languages and styles applied to web pages, and the increasingly paranoid security applied to online content, that Clipper will absolutely NOT give you a perfect copy of every web page. It works 95% of the time, which is borderline miraculous in itself. (There are no others out there with quite the same features...) When Clipper doesn't work on a specific page, you can certainly report the issue (and the URL) to Support for possible future action. But if it doesn't currently work, there's no magic wand that will make it do so in the near future. To get a viable result - try a different method. I've had to use other options from time to time, and I'm sure I'll do so again. They include but aren't limited to: take a screenshot / look for a simpler page layout / print to PDF / copy and paste / use one of the many other online resources that will provide an image of a web page. If you don't want to do any of that - there's nothing more that anyone here can do to help you.
  15. OK that's weird. Thanks for your confidence, but all I have is 55K notes in Windows and Android Legacy accounts plus v10 in the Web and Linux versions that haven't caused me any issues (that I'm aware of) yet... and several other frequent flyers around here are (I believe) also running Legacy + 10 accounts, so you'd think we would have some early warnings if that was an issue. Evernote, of course, could have decided to give Legacy users some incentive to cross over in 10 - in which event things could get very messy very quickly!
  16. The great thing about GTD is that you can use as much, or as little, of the overall process as you wish. I mainly took away the "get it down on paper" principle and put everything into Evernote lists and notes. Then I use Eisenhower to tell me which are the most urgent and important, and pick a task from there. I'll concentrate on that task until it's completed - or has reached a logical stop - and then go back to tasks. If I ever run out of the U&I tasks I'll step down a level...
  17. Hmmn. We're talking about sync for the installed Evernote app here, right? While using Clipper will prompt a sync so you can see what you just clipped, the browser extension and the app are not linked. Try troubleshooting the sync issues with some help from here - Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  18. Hi. You don't have to "move" from or to - there's a Legacy product that works on desktop devices and runs alongside the new version. Just upgrade to the new and add back the option of going back to Legacy whenever you need to for an operation that's no longer possible in the new app. I'm staying firmly on pre-Legacy Windows and Android apps for the time being, but lots of folks seem perfectly happy with the new version. This is the only general resource that I know outside of Evernote's help pages - https://www.harmonenterprises.com/evernote-v10 https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote For "How to" questions - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  19. Hi. What device and OS? And what's Listener?
  20. Hi. It sometimes takes a while for the app to update, so I'd suggest you restart your device and check again. If you don't see any notes, log out of the account and log in again carefully - it's possible to accidentally create a new account instead of opening an existing one; and if you see no notes, that may be what has happened.
  21. No clue - though they use Google commercial servers, so I'd suspect not. We're mainly users here - for specific questions to Evernote, please contact Support.
  22. Hi. Not possible. This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum. If you wish to cancel a payment please contact Support.
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