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  1. Hi! Device is home computer, Windows OS. No idea what Listener could mean? I've tried uninstalling the Web Clipper, clearing my cache of evernote cookies and data, and reinstalling. No dice.
  2. Every time I use Webclipper, the sync fails and returns a SYNC_FAILED unknown error I've tried it on Chrome and Edge but didn't see a difference in the error logs. Clipping the article, simplified article, and screenshot all produce the same results. Here is the error logs - It seems fine with auto syncing but then when I clip at 7:15, it returns the error Listener is already registered. Any idea what's up with this? 2022\1\12 07:15:26 LOG: 153497841: Sync started 2022\1\12 07:15:26 LOG: 153497841: Sync from USN: 3762 2022\1\12 07:15:26 LOG: 153497841: Sync completed USN: 3762 2022\1\12 07:15:27 LOG: 153497841: Sync finished 2022\1\12 07:15:27 LOG: 153497841: Has 1 pending active notes for upload. 2022\1\12 07:15:27 LOG: 153497841: Has 1 pending inactive notes for upload. 2022\1\12 07:15:31 LOG: Capturing content with simplified 2022\1\12 07:15:32 LOG: Captured content, length: 22626 2022\1\12 07:15:32 LOG: 153497841: Has 2 pending active notes for upload. 2022\1\12 07:15:32 ERR: 153497841: Could not create note, error: Error: Listener is already registered. Error: Listener is already registered. at r.addEventListener (chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:2:2608382) at Qe.addEventListener (chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:2:2508581) at Qe._setupSyncListener (chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:2:2519804) at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:2:2520764 2022\1\12 07:15:32 ERR: 153497841: Discarding note 6 due to error CLPERR: UNK/SYNC_FAILED Listener is already registered. Error: Listener is already registered. at r.addEventListener (chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:2:2608382) at Qe.addEventListener (chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:2:2508581) at Qe._setupSyncListener (chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:2:2519804) at chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:2:2520764 2022\1\12 07:15:32 LOG: Note upload abandoned! 2022\1\12 07:15:32 ERR: Channel: Message 'tabClipper.clip' failed with error: UNK/SYNC_FAILED
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