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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. The whole subject of security is too complicated and involved to go into properly as a single post. Broadly, your information is as safe as it reasonably can be with Evernote - something on a par with internet banking; so if you bank online, you could use Evernote for your document storage. If you really REALLY don't ever want anyone to see your content, don't save it online at all - I've confessed several times here that my Secret Plans for World Domination are on paper in my desk drawer (with my lotto numbers...). Having said that I have also worked for government agencies and Evernote would not have been an accepted storage for any work documentation. The only authorised servers were local and work-controlled and access to the internet was highly restricted. Just bear in mind that if you have access to your notes, someone else pretending to be you can also get access. The safer you keep your user details, and the more secure your own access, the more protected your data is.
  2. Hi. Basically - what @agsteele said; but I was in the middle of using a lot more words when he said it - so: Do you need a backup? The online protections provide a couple of layers: Your local Evernote data is already backed up to Evernote's servers in the Cloud. The servers themselves are backed up regularly - so (for subscribers) any existing note can be restored to its former content at any stage. Even free users have some level of protection - the backups are ongoing, so it's possible to subscribe and have access to note history at any time. - But there is a gap - lost / deleted notes will not have backups or history. It's a little more difficult than you might think to create a proper local back up of the data. In Evernote Legacy, copying the Databases folder is better than nothing*; but ideally in both Legacy and v10 you should be exporting your individual notebooks to separate ENEX files. In Legacy that's easy - you have a local copy of your entire database. In v10 it's somewhat less so - your notebooks need to be downloaded as ENEX files from the Desktop client Notebooks page, so connection speed is a factor. It's not a good idea to save a complete account to an ENEX file - while notes can retain their tags, notebook connections are not saved**. ENEX files can be used to import a complete notebook as and when necessary. Imported notebooks initially go into a special 'imported' notebook so one or more specific notes could be restored from the backup to an existing notebook, or the whole thing can be replaced. In v10 the 'local' database is saved in a format that (AFAIK) is NOT useful to anyone other than Evernote. It's a temporary file, used by the app to allow offline working and generally speed up operations. There is an option to discard the contents when exiting Evernote. The file will be rebuilt when the app is opened again. AFAIK there's no point in having a copy - if you reinstalled Evernote and restored this file, it would simply be overwritten with existing content when Evernote connects to the server. Although the idea of exporting every. single. notebook. to an ENEX file may sound daunting, it's possible to automate the process in Legacy with scripting or by using third party software like Backupery (Windows) or CloudHQ. v10 doesn't (yet) allow scripting. CloudHQ works with the server copy of the database so should still work with v10. Both Backupery and CloudHQ are subscription products. For information: Evernote Legacy will run alongside v10 and is automatically synced up to date with all changes. I'm currently running Backupery to automatically (and invisibly to me) export something like 300 notebooks and 57,000 notes to separate ENEX files. * It's possible to replace a new 'empty' Databases folder with an existing copy but when syncing, the server will overwrite any notes for which it has more recent content. ** Tag every note in each notebook with the name of its parent notebook, then save the whole account to a single ENEX file. After importing the contents, the notes can be re-sorted into separate notebooks using the tags.
  3. I've seen advertising for apps that habit-track, but have never felt the need. A quick Google search gave me 255M hits for 'how can I track my habits' so you should be able to find some inspiration out there. I do keep a daily 'diary' note which I'm now using to leave myself reminders for future jobs and record what significant events filled my day - useful for remembering when updates happened, or new software got added forinstance. That's a separate notebook and one note per day. Evernote has (I believe) some suitable diary and date templates if you need them - but I don't think we got recurring tasks yet....
  4. Hi. You might wish to look into secure document storage and password-protected PDF files.
  5. Hmmn. I'd throw yourself on the mercy of Support via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and per @PinkElephant - if you're just a single user - explain that you don't need a Teams account, or any other second subscription.
  6. I don't think anyone can. @PinkElephant is right to suggest you should revoke other devices. Whether you use version 8.x or 10.x, 'free' users only have access to Evernote through a maximum of two devices. If you're using a device new to Evernote it may not work until you specifically exclude previous devices. If - despite that - you continue to get a 'please wait', it may then be because Evernote v8.x no longer works with Android 10. There have been a couple of reports by individual users, but no resolutions that we're aware of. Hopefully someone might publish the answer in due course. Understanding the device limit
  7. Hi. Evernote Business has been renamed to Teams, and Business users always have been provided with their own Premium account for personal use. New 'Personal' and 'Professional' subscription levels still exist, but as far as I know are not required for Teams users. This is a mainly user-supported Forum however - if you have any queries about your account, you should contact your Administrator, or Evernote Support directly...
  8. Updates are roughly every two weeks. Sounds as though something has gone sadly wrong with your installation. Have you tried restarting your system / uninstalling and re-installing the app?
  9. Hi. I've not seen any previous mention of this. Could the bottom of the note be hidden off screen?
  10. Hi. If you're going to use the free version of Evernote it's important to be aware of the limitations that apply to it. The only way "around" the unsync limit is either to upgrade to a subscription version for at least a month, or to wait out the end of the month reset to the limit. Understanding the device limit
  11. Hi. It's not only a question of export / import formats, but also how many notes you have, and how they're currently structured. Evernote's format is Stacks hold one or more Notebooks; Notebooks hold one or more Notes, and Notes can have more or less any form of attachment. If you have a limited number of notes to transfer, you could simply copy and paste from one to the other. If you have more, you can export to HTML and import those files via an 'Import Folder' - though if you export some file structures, the different elements wind up in different folders; you need a browser to see the original full format - so you'd use the Evernote Clipper to capture those pages. In extreme cases you might print your notes to PDF files and use Import Folders to create the notes. Create import folders Evernote Web Clipper Quick Start Guide
  12. Hi. Evernote is a subscription product. If you want to subscribe you provide your card details and a monthly or a yearly payment is taken "on demand". It's up to you to ensure you have funds available to pay. Your bank should be able to set up a regular transfer into your card account a day ahead of the due date if you don't want the hassle of making a manual check; or if you had access to an app that would remember the date and remind you... oh wait...
  13. Hi. It's always helpful to know what page you're talking about since recent updates have been announced in the forums (yup - that one that doesn't exist) and don't have any links that I can see. If you're an official beta-tester you'll have access here - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/754-linux-private-beta/ if not you may need to join the Early Access Program which has a page here - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/536-early-access-program/.
  14. I deal with this sort of thing within Filterize. It maintains and updates Table of Content notes for specific 'task' searches: those with due dates - before today - i.e. overdue within the next 7 days - that are 8+ days away. As tasks are marked 'done' or added, Filterize changes the ToC note automatically.
  15. Given that the naturally written Android, iOS, MacOS and Windows all had 'tweaks' of their own to suit their OS, and used (forinstance) typefaces that in some cases were unique to that platform, unifying everything mainly meant that everyone would have something to complain about. All the special fonts and tweaks went, as did a few things that didn't translate well to the new environment, because they just weren't available on all platforms.
  16. Hi. AFAIK Scannable hasn't been updated in ages and while it's not officially 'deprecated', all of its Evernote related functions are available via the Evernote app itself. Is there a reason you prefer Scannable?
  17. Hi. This Forum is (mainly) supported by other users. If you wish to get any response to your question, please ask Support.
  18. Hi. Every Teams account has one or more users, each one of whom has their own separate personal account. Notes made in the Teams account are company business and -arguably quite properly- should not be permanently deleted by any employee on a whim. Ordinary deletion defaults to the Trash notebook where the note is recoverable in case of need. Notes made in a personal account are the individual's own business and can be deleted as required.
  19. Hi. Simply copying your data between devices doesn't work with mobiles, especially if you are a 'free' user with access limited to 2 devices. Sign out of the app and restart your 'phone, then log back in. You may have to disconnect your old phone to gain access.
  20. I agree - if the PDF has selectable text it is surely searchable, both from any PDF reader and within Evernote. If it's not searchable is should be OCR'd so it can be indexed and searched - although the OCR might depend on your subscription level. The help pages are not the clearest source of information sometimes...
  21. Hi again - I merged your query with the main thread since you're asking for the same feature. As to your question, see my response here -
  22. Hi. Welcome to the Evernote User Forums which are pretty much exclusively supported by (drum roll) Evernote Users. Evernote the company haven't indicated whether this issue is actually on their priority lists, and if it is they're highly unlikely to predict any delivery date, having not done either for any feature in the past 12 years or so. As has been said many times in this thread so far - if this is truly an 'essential' feature for you, you should maybe look to find an app that will provide it. If it's not, carry on with Evernote - we may see something in coming months - or we may not. Personally I use Workflowy for any collapsible listing that I need to do - it operates on different principles to Evernote but links between the two apps are possible, so I can switch from one to the other as necessary.
  23. That spaces can group notes and notebooks plus input from different sources related to a particular department or project? Spaces Overview
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