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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Where are you copying from; how are you copying? (Windows clipboard?) and where are you pasting? Existing note, new note or external document?
  2. Sorry - on a quick read I thought you said you were using Android 10, not Windows 10! If you have an older version of Android, the Play store will only offer you 8.13 - and it's probably not a good idea to try Evernote v10 on an older phone. Could you try Support on Twitter? https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  3. There are several posts elsewhere in the Forums from users with the old version of Evernote for Android on newer phones with Android 10 failing to log in. There seems to be some basic conflict with the new Android. Your only option may be to download v10 from the Play store and try that...
  4. Hi. That email didn't lock your account, it gave you the next 30 minutes to validate a new login - presumably from a new 'phone? You're mentioning workers who are able to create notebooks - who owns the account(s) that contain the notebooks? Do all the workers use the same single account, or does everyone have their own personal account and share notebooks? And is yours a premium/ personal account, or are you all using a Teams (formerly Business) account? Nothing you've said so far suggests why data might be missing from the account... the usual cause of missing data is accidentally creating a new 'blank' account. Have you tried logging out and back in?
  5. Still borked for me - I get payment method drop-downs one after the other. Maybe a different browser could help - but I already pinged Shane D so maybe he can help.
  6. That's pretty standard around here... Item moved: you might want to change the subject/ title a bit to something like "Allow users to choose layout options" or some such...
  7. Hi. When you say "hand this notebook over", I trust you mean "share with" so you still have access to the original. In that case you can just add a dated horizontal line to the current note and add text below it to include new items. Your adjusters will seen the update when they next open the note. To make sure they see the correct and latest data you should also email the adjuster with the individual note link for the note(s) to which you make additions.
  8. I can move this thread to a Feature Request (votable) thread if you'd like - no one here is likely to know whether or not Evernote has any plans for different skins for the app, but I'd think it will be a low priority - there are plenty of other minor issues to clear up before we get to which font they use...
  9. Hi. If you're having issues, try reaching out to Support - meantime maybe consider uninstalling, restarting your device and reinstalling the update?
  10. Hmmn. The Support page seems to have some indigestion at the moment - I'm on 'billing and payment' but can't get past the 'how did you pay' page... I'll report this thread so an Evernote Admin (@Shane D. ) can take a look at both your query and the page, but do try again later, or maybe tomorrow when (hopefully) it will be fixed. If in the meantime you do get to the 21st and the account reverts to Free - you won't lose any access or information; updating from there will get you back to subscription in 5 minutes or less...
  11. Hi. Web is working for me - did you restart your system and retry?
  12. Don't think you have to subscribe to Skitch at all... https://evernote.com/products/skitch
  13. Hi. If you have paid through Google I don't think you can upgrade mid term - the best approach would be to allow your current contract to expire (make sure Google won't auto-renew it) and allow your account to revert to 'free' status. (You won't lose any notes). Then immediately upgrade from free direct with Evernote. As a subscriber you do have access to support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - and access to Chat (subject to time-zones) will be on those pages.
  14. Hi. How and on what device are you accessing the 'add link' function, and what happens when you try to paste into it? "Not Allowed" covers a lot of ground. If you are genuinely a Teams (formerly Business) user, you should have access to an account Admin and the Evernote Support team. Have you raised any queries there?
  15. Hi - this is a pretty vanilla user forum; I'd suggest you contact Support. Don't think there are any devs here...
  16. Hi. As a subscriber you have access to email support (which is not us) so I'd suggest you run your situation by the Evernote support team - they're usually pretty helpful. Not sure what situation you get into with a mobile hotspot - you are presumably effectively using a data-intensive version of Evernote on a high-end laptop via the phone, which (my spider sense says) seems unlikely to end well. However I'll freely admit to total ignorance on the subject - if you do get it sorted, please come back here to confirm the details, because we've (well mainly I've) not thought to ask how people are connecting to the network before - I just assume it's wifi / LAN / or normal mobile...
  17. Hi. Have you tried uninstalling the app / powering the phone off and back on / and reinstalling Evernote? Log in with your usual details.
  18. Yup. Evernote will encrypt plain text only. To add images and other styling, try a word processor or PDF editor - you can encrypt the file and attach that to your note.
  19. This thread is all about v10. Older versions of Evernote seem to be much less prone to random duplications for some reason - it doesn't happen to me at all forinstance. The issue is usually to do with having multiple connections to your account from several devices / intermittent internet connections / bad networks or just working n one note for too long. This is a mainly user-supported forum, so we have no input regarding the upload limits - I can only suggest you contact Support via the feedback link in some apps, or their Twitter account - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps As you're using the old version, you should have access to Local Notebooks which might be a place to hold your notes until the limit gets refreshed - or, of course, you could consider subscribing for a month or two to get access to Evernote email support and higher upload limits.
  20. Hi. You're tagging onto a 2-year old thread for an old version of Evernote. If you're looking for suggestions or assistance, it might be an idea to give us a full description of your device, OS, Evernote version and the changes you're now finding. Also - please contact Support to receive some direct feedback from Evernote; we're mainly users here...
  21. Hi. It doesn't matter much which phone you get, if it's a more modern one with Android 10+ you'll be installing the new v10 version of the Android app rather than the (presumably) 8.13.3 version you're currently using. v10 is the only version that will be available to you from the Play store, though it is possible - with some fiddling - to find the older version online and install it as a 'sideload'. A few users are reporting that 8.13 will no longer work with the latest Android version. and others report that v10 is horribly slow; so you're between a rock and a hard place if you do a lot of scanning. On the other hand there are dozens of separate apps that will scan documents, including one from Adobe called (suprisingly) "Adobe Scan". So I'd say - go buy your phone based on whatever methods you choose. Try Evernote out* and if that's no longer practical, use Adobe Scan - which uses the device camera - for your scans. Evernote need not be active while you scan - you just then share scans back to Evernote. * I hope you realise that to 'transfer' your account, all you need do is install the Evernote app from the Play Store and log in. Evernote will supply your notes from the server.
  22. Just for the record, I think @agsteele and @PinkElephant are talking about different home screens. AGS is correct - any subscriber can save a shortcut to the device home screen. PE also - but here we're talking about the Evernote home screen.
  23. Hi. I moved your suggestion to a votable Feature Request thread so others can indicate their support. Short term I'd think the Home Page widgets offer some options to 'feature' notes and notebooks related to a particular project, and Stacks already offer a way to group notebooks together. Also you could create a Table of Contents note to act as an individual dashboard for other linked notes and notebooks related to one theme. Home Overview :: Create a notebook stack :: Create a table of contents :: Create internal note links
  24. You might be getting this each time you use a service where you're close to the free account limits - uploads, note size, devices - which is maybe fair enough; or, depending on how militant the Marketing Department is getting, maybe if you use the account and get to a certain database size or number of notes. But if it is interfering with the way you work, use the feedback option in the mobile apps, or the Twitter access which is open to everyone https://twitter.com/evernotehelps Have to note (non-pun intended) though, that any app you use on a daily basis and intensively enough to be annoyed by interruptions, probably should be one that you subscribe to... you have much higher app limits, so won't see (m)any reminders, plus you get direct access to the Support team, complaints will carry more weight, and the company can afford to pay their staff. It's pretty much a win-win all around. Just sayin'...
  25. Sorry but you seem to have had considerable value out of the service - if you plan to continue using it, a subscription is not a bad idea: then Evernote can afford to pay the developers to fix issues like this...
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